Rating:  Summary: The one true power Review: I am down to the last 60 pages of this book and NOTHING has happened! Rand had one confrontation in some alley. That's it! There is a lot of women bickering with one another, we get to hear everyone's deepest thoughts and view the most mundane of actions in grueling detail. In my opinion, Jordan is drinking deeply of the one true power (MONEY). At this rate he is going to write 20 more books in this series and be only halfway to the end, but Blood and Bloody Ashes! I am probably going to buy them all! I'm hooked. Oh well the wheel weaves as the wheel wills....
Rating:  Summary: Look, I'll level with you Review: Well, First off i'd like to say that I *liked* this book. Compared to Book 8, which I just think went absolutely nowhere, this book does - go somehere that is. The book definately starts off slow, but begins to crank up the plot development - and, thank the Light! One or two plot resolutions! By the time Far Madding enter's the picture, I couldn't put it down... The contrived plot's of Jordan's work are not everyones' cup of tea, if you liked the simplicity and single-minded direction of the first few books, you _won't_ like this. But if, like me, you thought book 6 & 7 were two of the best, this book will reaffirm your faith in the Bearded one.Pick it up regardless, for it makes an excellent paperweight. Oh, and there is a scene that is included, that to me has been over three books in the waiting...
Rating:  Summary: We see the Light at the end of the tunnel Review: Life is short so you die. Finally we are getting to the end of the story. I love this saga, and will keep on reading until either the story ends or Rober Jordan will die. I am seriously afraid he is so obsessed with the Wheel series that he will not live long enough to complete it. I first read the six first volumes in one, and wish I could have done the same with all the books. If you read one after the other, no problem, you can follow the story. But by the time you understand what's going on, after two years of forgetting the story line, the present volume is already over. My recommendation is for anyone that has not read a single volume of the series: start from the beginnning and you'll have the best of time. For others, do read the previous book at least partially, so that you can enjoy the new book from the start. I guess we shall have three more volumes until the end, at around a book per every two years. Expect grand finale in 2006
Rating:  Summary: I wait in anticipation for something to happen... Review: Book one of the Wheel of Time series was one of my favorites--I met lots of lovable characters (Moiraine, Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, Elayne) who I wanted to learn more about. Book two was enjoyable, I felt like I was staying in the swing of things and learning more about each character. Book three was great, things happened, and I had fun. But somewhere around the fourth or fifth book, something went wrong. Jordan's enjoyable fantasy series lost any forward momentum that it had gained. It became boring, repetitive, and circular. I call myself a Jordan fan, but I must emphatically state that I will not be buying the next book in hardcover; it's simply not worth it. This book, number NINE, actually went somewhere, but not until the last pages. Finally the One Power is going to be cleansed (sorry if you didn't know, but it's not like it wasn't going to happen at some point, right?), so maybe Jordan can actually have a plot that moves forward now. All in all, I found this series a disappointment, and sort of wish I'd never started with it; afer all, a good beginning with a bad--or never occurring--ending is worse than no series at all, isn't it?
Rating:  Summary: I like this one better than the last 3 books Review: There are finally some movement this book!!! I understand the author may want to set up his plot lines and so on. However, I was so bored with the last 3 books that I groaned every time when the author introduce yet another side plot or clue. I think this book is the start of the ending. Although I hope the author to hurry up, I don't wish him to just cut the threads and let us hanging and unsatisfied. I agree with a previous customer reviewer that the author probably will need to write 2-3 books in order to complete all the threads and end this series well. I will be more disappointed if the author hurry through the ending and not doing a good job after he has dragged us through the last 3 books.
Rating:  Summary: Never-ending Story... Review: This is the second time I've reviewed this book: the first time I gave it 3 stars, and declared it an average read(worse than some, but better than most). Since then, I've read George R.R. Martin's 'Song of Ice and Fire' series. Martin deals with huge numbers of characters and multiple plot threads, and manages to move the story on at a blistering pace, all the while incorporating an impressive back-story, deep characterization, and rich description. The reason I'm mentioning this is that it really highlights the defficiencies of Jordan's writing (books 6,7,8, and 9 in particular). While WoT started off at a brisk pace, Jordan has become horribly bogged down in his multiple plot strands: there is simply so much going in so many places, involving so many characters, that the overall storyline has ground to a halt. Add to this Jordan's tendancy to describe every person and item in minute detail, and to describe absolutely everything that occurs between two points in time and/or space, and we have a recipe for a 15-20 book series. I relly don't think I have the strength to go on!
Rating:  Summary: I have a vision... Review: ...of Robert Jordan in his writing study working on the next WoT book. The walls are covered in thousands of Post-itâ„¢ notes for every character name, plot, place, and thread in the weaving of a decade of writing, over 7,000 pages. Every once in a while a note coated in dust falls to the floor, only to be forgotten under a desk or stuck to RJ's shoe. Another character lost. No matter, there are plenty more where that one came from. New notes are created and pasted over others - insuring that pages on pages will be filled with detailed descriptions, names, and quirks of characters who have very little to do with what plot is hidden on the walls behind them. Stubs from publisher's advance checks litter the desk and floor as well. Characters stuck to the live ones get top billing in the next 1,000 pages.
Rating:  Summary: I give up Review: That's it! I can't stands it no more. I used to think that this was one of the best fantasy series in a long time, it sure started that way. Length may be the problem now. It's taking a long, long time between books and I get the feeling he's dragging the story out to milk more money out of us for his retirement. Bob, you're already rich, get on with the series. This could have easily been wrapped up in a dekology if he had desired to do so a few books ago. I love the world and characters, but have gotten so tired of the random injects of side characters and sub-plots. Every scene and action seems drawn out, and I guess padded is the right word. I can't keep it all straight anymore and don't really care to. Never thought I'd say this around book 5, but I'm done.
Rating:  Summary: Cue Stan Freberg... Review: Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh, I am reading Robert Jordan. I wish I wasn't. It's stultifying. But my fanboy friends would all think I was lying. The books get longer With each installment. The plot's not moving. It's just insolvent. Why I started, I couldn't tell you. But if you like this one I've got nine other books to sell you.
Rating:  Summary: Is the end in sight? Review: I am a big fan of this series, and really love the characters and storylines. I also have been disappointed with the series lately. They had lots of pages, but didn't really accomplish much, or push forward to an ending. After Lord of Chaos and a Crown of Swords, it looked like Jordan was building towards a great ending, and was setting a fast pace. Path of Daggers and Winter's Heart slow the pace down way too much. As much as I love these characters, I'm getting tired of hearing them say the same things over and over again. We're all aware of each characters quirks by now. It's time to let them move to a conclusion. I will say this much in the book's favor: the ending was truly great. Rand did something that will profoundly affect the world in which he lives. I can only hope it sets the stage for an action-packed finale.