Rating:  Summary: EVEN BETER!!!!!!!!!! Review: THe level of quality just increases with the numbers. (until 7)
Rating:  Summary: Horn of Valere Must Be Found Review: The Great Hunt is a fasinating tale which many people do not believe in. Tis true though the horn is real and can awake the heroes of the age of legends. Rand Al'Thor found the horn hidden under the eye of the world. Though shortly after it is stolen and this story begins. Riding through the land in search of the horn the characters in this book experiance great gains and losses. There are many great events happening that will change the world and the Dragon will ride again soon. I shant spoil this book for you so go out and read it and experiance the joy of it to.
Rating:  Summary: You can learn a little about yourself everywhere you go... Review: and I find myself to be weak, very weak.I recently picked up The Eye of the World for the second time, and swore to myself I would read it slowly and thoroughly. I lied. Two days (school days, mind) later I had finished it and picked up The Great Hunt, also for the second time. It was much better than I remember it, and I infact, finished it only seconds ago. Chills are still going through me, and even though I know what will happen, I ask myself over and over again, what DID Rand decide? I feel a deep Longing, and though I do not have a stedding tocall home, I feel my Longings will not be quenched until I can find The Dragon Reborn again. Peace favor your sword, may the Light shine on you, and my you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand.
Rating:  Summary: Greeeeaaattttt Book! Review: Loved this book. Love this whole series. God I hope I never get disappointed with any of these books. Awesome battle scenes! Great Character Development. This book really grabbed a hold of me and sucked me in tight. Can't wait to read The Dragon Reborn! Thanks for another great book RJ! Eric
Rating:  Summary: An amazing novel Review: The Great Hunt is a sequel to the Eye of the World. If you have not read the first book you will probably be lost, but it will still be a good read because the plot has not developed far by the end of the first book. This book is better than the first because the plot is developing. There is more action and we learn more about the characters lives. Jordan continues to create bonds between characters and readers. I have read this book twice, and each time I have been unable to stop thinking about. Once I finished it, I had to start the Dragon Reborn the same day. If you are thinking about buying this book, my recomendation is to buy The Great Hunt and The Dragon Reborn.
Rating:  Summary: The Great Hunt Review: "The Grave is no bar to my call." The Horn of Valere had been lost for centuries, hidden away in the Green Man's garden with the Eye of the World, a well of saidin, the male half of the One Power, untainted by the Dark One's counterstroke. It is told of in Gleeman's tales, Valere's Horn, that it would resurrect the ancient dead heroes of legend for the Last Battle, Tarmon Gaidon. Now, after all this time, it has finally been discovered. Soon after, though, and very soon, it is stolen and now, all of existance depends upon its recovery. In The Great Hunt, Rand Al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn battles against his own destiny and Matrim Cauthon, who will blow the Horn in the last battle has discovered his. In this momentous epic, Jordan actually manages to surpass The Eye of the World, the first book of the series. With four dimensional characters, a vivid vision and the most complicated plot of any story, Jordan transcends the fantastic, discovering a trale truer than any text book, a story for all stories, a legend for all time.
Rating:  Summary: Just read it already! Review: If you are looking at this review, you are probably at least somewhat interested in reading this book (or the entire series). I say to you, "Just read it, already!" This book is one of the best in the series, and is worth your reading time.
Rating:  Summary: WoT Rulez! Review: I finished this book at 2:00 AM on a school night, after reading it for five or six hours straight. It was definitely the best book I had ever read, until I read The Dragon Reborn, that is.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: I eagerly anticipated getting to this book, especially after having spent so long trying to wrap up the first in the series. It is really more the first book than "Eye....", which seemed more of a introduction into the world of Jordan. You don't even necessairily have to read the first book: the characters and their back-stories are all explained, not too great length, but enough to get a good idea. I'd suggest reading EOTW anyhow, it's a good piece of literature. This is the continuation of th WOT series, and is basically the platform on which to set up Rand al'Thor and his future. In fact, a more appropriate title would be "The Book of Rand", since the other characters generally sit around, watching and waiting for the next move. Perrin, my favorite character, doesn't really make the kind of advancements that I would have liked, and Mat is still basically as he was at first, not quite realized, just a stock character of sorts, although he is one of the main reasons for the story to go on, and he has a good role in the ending. Nynaeve becomes a bit more likable, a bit more tolerable, and Egwene is more fully realized. Moiraine and Lan don't have much of a role here, although you do find out more about them. Also, a character comes back from the dead.... As with the first book, I have a serious bone to pick with Rand. His stubborness and his refusal to accept the truth are very irritating and somewhat nerve-wrecking. I found myself wanting to slap him on numerous occasions. He does somewhat become more enjoyable towards the end, and he has noble enough reasons for doing a lot of the things he does. A main element of the series so far seems to be the beauty of friendship, loyalty, love. Another is the conflict between good and evil. This novel doesn't seem quite as long as the first, and I was able to complete it in a few weeks. Keep in mind, I have a LOT of free time. If you had 6-8 hours of steady reading time every day, you too could finish it in about that much time, but otherwise it could be a matter of months. The finale alone is worth sticking along with the tale for. As would be expected, the book ends, when you would like it to keep going. Fortuately, there are many more to be read, and I am going to be starting "The Dragon Reborn" very soon. All in all, it's fantastic read, and I recommend it highly.
Rating:  Summary: First Test of Heroes Review: This is the first book were Mat, Perrin, and Rand are faced with the fact that they must be who they are, and that there is not much point in trying to run from it. Mat ran the longest from it, and both Perrin and Rand were running from it for at least one more book, but it they did face it in this one. And they worked together to a degree that they have not since, as in the next book Rand is by himself for most of it, and in the fourth Perrin goes off on a mission of importance, and the three heroes have not been united since. But also we find more about the origins of Rand and how he came to be. Plus, and to my mind most interesting, we find out how Moiraine and the Amyrlin Seat tie into the story and when they tied in to it. The way Mr. Jordan did that was just captivating to my mind.