Rating:  Summary: No one appreciates style anymore... Review: I agree with "A truly good book with a fresh perspective, November 28, 2001 Reviewer: A reader from new york" because this book was badly needed to revitalize the series. Whats more, is that Goodkind accomplished something few authors even dare try - he wrote about characters and events that for the majority of the book, do not deal with the main characters, and yet, the narrative was still a chilling tale of suspense and adventure that is worth re-reading again and again. I have a feeling that once "Naked Empire" comes out, everyone who was negative about "Pillars" will suddenly see that light and go "oh... so thats what was going on." Those who know great writing and style can appreciate "Pillars of Creation."
Rating:  Summary: Goodkind and Jordan are bosom buddies Review: I'm sorry, but as much as I have enjoyed the first six books in this series for the most part (except "Blood of the Fold" and "Soul of the Fire", which were both kinda lame, but necessary to the series plot), this book is pretty bad. I've always thought Goodkind's world building was horrible, but his interesting and clever plots, along with the two characters (Richard and Kahlan) that you truly care about, more than made up for the thin world he haphazardly threw together. However, in this book, the 7th of the series, the dearth of his world without Richard and Kahlan becomes evident.I could really have cared less about Jennsen. She was just so naive and stupid that I couldn't stand it. And since you know she is wrong and being misled, there's no mystery to the story at all. I knew exactly what was going to happen at the end by the time I got to page 100. A complaint I've always had about Goodkind that I've kindly overlooked until now is his character names. He chooses bad names. Period. Richard I can live with. But this is a fantasy. Do you have no imagination that you have use Tom, Friedrich & Sebastian as main character names? Boring. And let's call the evil guy "Darken," as if that isn't cliche enough. About the quality of writing: very bad and poorly executed. I noticed on the copyright page that it states the editor's name: Patrick Nielsen Hayden. I don't think I've ever seen the editor's name printed in a fiction book before. What kind of ego does this guy have? It doesn't make sense, because it didn't seem like he did his job, in my opinion. Of course, Goodkind's other books weren't paragons of style, but this one was much worse. Poor sentence structure, endless repetition of certain phrases, an inordinate amount of passive verbs. And the descriptions were fairly banal. Phrases from this book that I got tired of REAL quick: 1. "Well, wasn't that just something." Oba really liked that one. 2. "He/she was invincible now." Applies to both Oba and Jennsen. 3. "He/she was a hole in the world." 4. Anything in reference to that stupid goat, Betty. Irma (another bad name) should've eaten her. 5. "Tu vash misht. Tu vask misht. Grushdeva du kalt misht." Looks like a mixture of German and Russian. Oooh makes my skin crawl. On the pacing of the book: confusing and frustrating. Goodkind spends 4 chapters on both Jennsen and Oba going through the swamp by Althea's, but crams a huge confrontation at the end into less than two chapters. Too much time spent on traveling at the beginning. I thought Oba Rahl was a completely pointless character. You could've taken him out and nothing would have changed. And finally: very little Richard and Kahlan, the two reasons why I've bothered to keep up with the series. I've enjoyed the ways Richard finds to beat the odds to be with his woman. Each book has addressed that. This one barely touches on it. This is not a Sword of Truth book, but merely a novel set in the same world. Unfortunately, I think Goodkind may have a few more of these up his sleeve before the series ends. Tor probably suggested he talk to Robert Jordan, in order to learn how to extend a series by a couple of books so he can make a bit more money.
Rating:  Summary: Good story (But What Happened to Richard, Kahlan, and Cara) Review: All right. This book was great, had an intresting plot, great new characters, AND an intresting perspective of the Old World's beliefs and the way their camp is run. But what I'm shure drove a lot of diehard fans up the wall was the fact that we didn't know what was happening to Richard and his followers! We only got to read about him in the story through the other characters in the story. I, personally, am greatly intreagued as to what has happened to him in the time between the end of "Faith of The Fallen" and when he saves the guilder from the heart hounds and what he has learned about the Sword of Truth that allowed him to Levitate the Sword to him. I hope that the next book in the series reveals all the details of his adventures
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: I found this to be a truly disappointing end to a pretty interesting series. It seemed as if Goodkind became bored with the whole story line and published something just to get it over with. I read all the other books in the series and was anxiously awaiting a grand finale. What a shame.
Rating:  Summary: If you have to... Review: Now now now...Despite what MANY other people have said, I've enjoyed this series. Well, except for this book. The characters are predictible, annoying, and naive. The characters displayed in this book should be of the age of 13 instead of being in their 20s. Some of it was alright, however. I guess I give it a 1 and a half. However, like Jordan, Terry seems to be making books now as filler between important events. Oh, well. He should just finish it, sheesh.
Rating:  Summary: Terry Goodkind is turning out like Robert Jordan Review: When I first picked up this series, I couldn't put it down. I would ride the train home from work and almost miss my stop. Now I have to force myself to get through it. I keep buying the books hoping that it will pick up, but I am beginning to doubt it will happen. I fear that Goodkind has taken the same path as Jordan and this series will never come to a satisfying conclusion.
Rating:  Summary: good with a twist Review: this was good becaude of the great new plot ad the new prospective but I personally did not enjoy it neerly as much as its predisessors simply because it does not have hace the great chariter value as the others
Rating:  Summary: the worst book in this horrible series Review: basically, i begin to wonder if Goodkind simply wants to make more money. Seriously. This book managed to forward the overall plot of the books not ONE bit. Not only that, but he creates these "null" characters that are WORSE than worthless and are completely unlikable. One is a villain that is dumb and the other whines every other page about losing her mother by USING THE SAME SENTENCE! Of all the books, this one showed me the depths of Goodkind's mind. Unfortunately, I would not be able to drown in a pool of water that deep. I personally think that you could likely skip this book and pick up the next one when it comes out and have very few problems. It is that bad!
Rating:  Summary: Monolog Review: There was no development of the characters beyond a couple of people. I would have liked to have seen and heard from the characters from the first set of stories before page 600. Only a few key characters were mentioned at all. This is one of those stories you can skip 10 or 50 pages at a time and you have not missed much. The author stayed with basically a one-person story line the entire book, which was not entertaining. It was mostly monolog (he thought this, she thought that and so on and so on), not much dialog or real action.