Rating:  Summary: Different analysis Review: Before I received my book, I read the reviews that some readers had already posted. I was amazed they could have read it within a day of publication but who cares. I was thus afraid that the book would be as bad as Soul of fire which I detested. True, Richard and Kahlan are not in it, but it starts completely differently from Soul of Fire. At least, T. Goodkind didn't start off with them getting our mouth wattered beccause they are in trouble and then leave them to their own devices for nearly 300 pages like in Soul of Fire.Here, we have like some reviewers said a side story. True I loved the series because the main characters are lovable, but I also liked it because of the new perspective with the Imperial Order. Like in Faith of the Fallen, we see what the Order is doing, we know Sebastian is a problem but we don't really know what is wrong with him. everything he preaches seemed wrong and I definitely wanted to smack Jenssenn for listining to such lies but at least we saw how people's mind work, how they would refuse what the order offers because it is slavery. We see how Richard affected D'Hara's people by changing it all for them and how they support him while most haven't even seen him. I was a bit disappointed not to read more of the other main characters like Adie or Zedd or the two prelates but I'm sure they'll be back in the next novel, hopefully they will along with the magic that has been missing for the past two books. Richard must definitely start to use it again!!!! and I'd like to see all the magical beings again, the slyph, the dragons and of course we need to see more of nathan and the others. I hope that Jensenn is not just a passing-by character because if she is, then that book would be useless. I hope being who she is, she will be a definite addition to the characters:) If you buy this book and expect to see the same plotline as the past 6 novels, then you're in for a big disappointment but if on the other hand you read it nearly as a side story that still completes the series then you will not be disappointed. I actually liked it because Goodking change the usual plotiline he's been using. Richard and Kahlan reunited, big trouble, then they get separated to be reunited again. That was getting tiresome, afterall. But I wouldn't mind if Goodkind got back to the original storyline with a slight change being these two sticking together for once! IT is a good book and i'm not spoiling it for you but you will be very happy at one point in the book.
Rating:  Summary: We've been sold out... Review: Not only is this book not a good addition to the SOT it is not a good book. From beginning to end the book is centered around two character who are both lame, moronic, and childish in a way that gives new definition to those words. Not just a chapter here or a chapter there... THE WHOLE FRIGGIN BOOK! Now I have proclaimed to the world for the past 3 years that SOT is one of the three best series I have ever read, and now this. Finally not only are the main characters weak, but he has gone and ruined other characters that weren't. In this book Jajang who up until now has been a fearsome genious has proven himself a foolish brute. Then again you can all rest well knowing that yes, Kahlan does get kidnapped (AGAIN!) and yes Richard saves her (AGAIN). Also, yes there are a couple new types of magic that have stupid names like constucted magic vs conjured/ or additive vs subtractive. The Keeper again finds a way to breech the veil, but is stopped by Richard... of course all this happens in the last 10 pages of the book. Someone else wrote that the new characters offer new blood to the book, and I agree thats true, but it could have been done in 3 chapters of a good book as opposed to everything but 3 chapters in this god awful excuse for a book.
Rating:  Summary: Richard and Tom and Betty and...Oba?? Review: Does anyone else wonder what kind of fantasy world has a hero named Richard, and a character named Betty, when others have names like Jagang and Oba? This little example shows a tiny portion of the problem with Terry Goodkind's series and with the latest attempt, PILLARS OF CREATION. There is no cohesive thought in any of these books. Characters like Rachael and Chase are introduced, then disappear. Plots are recycled. Stream of consciousness shallow writing takes the place of any kind of world building or suspense. I had great hopes for this after the first two books, and have watched in dismay as it hit the skids, and now the toilet. The die hards that only tune in for the sex, the cliffhangers and the gore are going to love anything Goodkind puts out, but I think the readers with more than two brain cells to rub together are going to leave, sooner or later. I know I am done.
Rating:  Summary: A nice change of pace... Review: If you're like me, and you got sucked into this never-ending fantasy series, then you should enjoy this book's fresh perspective. While its part of the overall Sword of Truth series, it stays away from the main characters that Goodkind has focused on in the past 6 books. (Richard, Kahlan, Zedd, etc.) He gives us the opportunity to follow the life of a resident of D'Hara, Jennsen, who is not rich, or powerful, or running a large army. It was a refreshing change of pace for a series that I must admit, I was getting pretty bored with.
Rating:  Summary: the pillars of creation Review: He did it again, instead of focusing on the main characters Terry Goodkind, has made me waste 20 dollars on what could and should be a seperate series. This was not a book in the series of the sword of truth, but a side story which could have been handled in a much smaller role.
Rating:  Summary: Where is Richard Review: I have now read over 50% of the book and none of the main characters have shown up. This should not be titled a "Sword of Truth" book. It is the Jennsen Story. Talk about dragging out a story. It seemed as if Mr. Goodkind is paid by the page by his publisher. I loved the first few books. I enjoyed them, because of the characters. One of the other reviews mentioned a lot packed into the final chapters. I hope this is true. I hope it does not seem good because you have to suffer through the majority of the book to find out about the characters we have come to enjoy. I feel cheated by the author. Yet I do acknowledge it is his work and he can write what he feels is important. But it still feels like a bought a Jag, opened the door, sat inside and found it was the interior of a Ford Fiesta.
Rating:  Summary: A real letdown for real Sword of Truth fans Review: After anxiously awaiting the release of this book for so long, I was really disappointed when I finally read it. When compared to the rest of the fantasy books out there, this book is good, but when compared to the rest of the SOT books this one has to rate dead last. Like so many others, I was extremely disappointed with the absence of the main SOT characters from the storyline until the very end. This appears to be a case where the author didn't really have a storyline that fit well into the series, but was still good enough to almost make it work. I hope it gets back up to the normaly high standards with the next book, but I won't be as eargerly awaiting the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the paper back, or skip it (no spoilers) Review: I will start out by saying, that I am sure this would have been a good book, had the series been complete or if this was a side story in one of the books that actually mattered. Unless your desperate there is no reason to buy this book. You can wait for the paperback or skip it and wait for the next book if there is a next book. I am very dissappointed in Terry Goodkind, I had enjoyed the series up until this book, and I had looked forward to this book being available for almost a month. I honestly believe this is the first book that he wrote that was only released based on money .. in attempt to stretch out the series as to maintain the readership. When will authors learn that this is not the way to maintain readership. There are so many side books that could be published after this series is complete, that he will be able to write for a very long time. I would love to read about kolo and the war, but now I may never by another Goodkind book, oh well there are always other authors.
Rating:  Summary: Can all these Naysayers do better ?? Review: I think not!! An excerpt from The Pillars of Creation "She knew she couldn`t stay and search for Betty, but that didn`t make it any easier to know they were leaving her for good. It broke her heart. Jennsen looked back over her shoulder in the darkness. 'Did they hurt you? I was so worried that they would hurt you.' 'That Mord-Sith would have. You came just in time.' 'What did it feel like when she touched you with the Agiel?' Sebastian thought a moment. 'Like being hit by lightning, I suppose.' Jennsen laid her head back down on the pack. She wondered why she had felt nothing from the power of the Mord-Sith`s weapon. He had to be wondering the same thing, but if he was, he didn`t ask. She would have had no answer for him, anyway. Nyda had been astonished, too, and said that her Agiel worked on everyone. Nyda was wrong. For some reason, Jennsen found that strangely worrisome." Sorry, but I just loved the ramifications this brought forth in the book, and possibly future books. :o) I was originally worried this book was not to live up to the others in this EXCELLENT series. This false thought process was brought on by reading reviews here while awaiting my delivery. I, like many others was hoping Pillars of Creation would pick up right where Faith of the Fallen had left off, with Richard and Kahlan in the Old World. This isnt so, however it does not detract from the story or the series at all, if anything this book, P.o.C., gives us a more in depth look at life in D`Hara, introduces us to some new characters, we learn that some old enemies are never truly vanquished, and P.o.C. sets things up for books to come (IMHO). We see new majiks, learn a new Wizards Rule, and witness Jajang`s reaction to the Richard`s 'gift' he left him, also the invasion and defense of Aydindril before we catch up to our heroes, Richard and Kahlan. Though this book didnt make my hands sweat as much as prior books, "OMG!!! How will they ever overcome this!!", it was still a very satisfying reading. I credit Goodkind with fleshing out his world thouroghly, and always keeping us second guessing. I have never come across another Author who can get my heart rate to increase so much just from words in a book. Like P.o.C., I eagerly await the next book in this, the ultimate book series. :o) Keep up the good work Mr. Goodkind. You yourself have the overall vision of your world and characters, and I and many others are enjoying this Journey we have been on. Forget the naysayers, for if they knew what they were talking about, they would be writing novels of their own, and not reviewing others impressive works. GHOST®
Rating:  Summary: Gimme More !!! :oD Review: Excerpt from The Pillars of Creation "She knew she couldn`t stay and search for Betty, but that didn`t make it any easier to know they were leaving her for good. It broke her heart. Jennsen looked back over her shoulder in the darkness. 'Did they hurt you? I was so worried that they would hurt you.' 'That Mord-Sith would have. You came just in time.' 'What did it feel like when she touched you with the Agiel?' Sebastian thought a moment. 'Like being hit by lightning, I suppose.' Jennsen laid her head back down on the pack. She wondered why she had felt nothing from the power of the Mord-Sith`s weapon. He had to be wondering the same thing, but if he was, he didn`t ask. She would have had no answer for him, anyway. Nyda had been astonished, too, and said that her Agiel worked on everyone. Nyda was wrong. For some reason, Jennsen found that strangely worrisome." Sorry, but I just loved the ramifications this brought forth in the book, and possibly future books. :o) I was originally worried this book was not to live up to the others in this EXCELLENT series. This false thought process was brought on by reading the few reviews that were here at the time, while awaiting my delivery. I, like many others was hoping Pillars of Creation would pick up right where Faith of the Fallen had left off, with Richard and Kahlan in the Old World. This isnt so, however it does not detract from the story or the series at all, if anything this book, P.o.C., gives us a more in depth look at life in D`Hara, introduces us to some new characters, we learn that some old enemies are never truly vanquished, and P.o.C. sets things up for books to come (IMHO). We see new majiks, learn a new Wizards Rule, and witness Jajang`s reaction to the Richard`s 'gift' he left him, also the invasion and defense of Aydindril before we catch up to our heroes, Richard and Kahlan. Though this book didnt make my hands sweat as much as prior books, "OMG!!! How will they ever overcome this!!", it was still a very satisfying reading. I credit Goodkind with fleshing out his world thouroghly, and always keeping us second guessing. I have never come across another Author who can get my heart rate to increase so much just from words in a book. Like P.o.C., I eagerly await the next book in this, the ultimate book series. :o) GHOST®