Rating:  Summary: OK, lets get back to the plot Review: The SOT series is unlike most others in that Terry Goodkinds' style makes the books difficult to put down once started. They are extremely engaging and are a quick read. The latest book at 557 pages took me little over 7 hours of reading time.That said, this was not the most enjoyable book of the bunch. The addition and development of new characters was welcome, but it would have been nice to see how the main characters reacted to the new ones, from their POV. An example is when Jennsen catches a glimpse of Nathan Rahl and then runs. What is Nathan thinking when a familiar looking woman flees after spotting him? He winds up going after her, but we don't really get why. If you're reading the series, this is a nice addition. But don't fret if you don't read it "right away".
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the paperback edition Review: Faith of the Fallen read like Atlas Shrugged if Ayn Rand had been a romance author with little writing ability. Unfortunately Pillars of Creation is no better. Perhaps I could see past the bland writing if the story and characters were compeling. However the character development is superficial as the characters tend to be bland and predictable. I've read nutrition panels on cereal boxes with a more intriguing plot than this book! If you must read the Sword of Truth series, then I definitely suggest you wait for the paper copy. I wish I could get my 27 dollars back.
Rating:  Summary: MY DAD LOVED IT Review: My dad is the best their ever was so we got him this book he loved it so did I!!!!
Rating:  Summary: What happened Terry? Review: What happened Terry? After waiting for this book to come out for a year, anticipating more action from Richard and Kahlan, we get some story about a person we know nothing about. I was expecting richard and kahlan to have a kid, nathan to play a major role, and Zedd to begin teaching Richard how to be a wizard. I was extremely disappointed, and hope that this book some how plays a key role in the future books in the series, otherwise it was a total waste!
Rating:  Summary: Goodkind continues his degredation of the series Review: Wizards First Rule was one of the best books in the fantasy genre I have read and the subsequent books have done at best, kept my interest (2 and 3 were really good). God, I mean the main character seems to have become a more special and powerful person with every book. I did not mind the war wizard thing a while back, but the statue that made the entire city cry and revolt in the last book? Come on. This entire series just appears somewhat to cliche. This has just become a never ending tale of Richard vs. the big bad world (whomever the great evil at time seems to be). Goodkind's writing really seems to have come down to extending the series and not doing high quality work. Don't get me wrong, The Pillars of Creation isn't a bad book and I think it is worth reading if you have read all the others, but it leaves alot to be desired.
Rating:  Summary: a little understanding Review: I've been a fan of this series... as have almost all the reviewers... HOWEVER, i feel that justice has not been dealt to this book. The purpose of Terry's writings and the books that do not follow the standard fantasy book : following the hero/heroine : is to make an actual WORLD. Let me clear this up here... RICHARD IS NOT THE ONLY PERSON ON THE PLANET... Goodkind is simply showing this to the reader. The people in the wars, in the trials, in the problems throughout the nations that Richard is instigating/protecting/destroying are REAL people. They have emotions... they are not stupid... and they have a purpose. If the majority of the fans of this series can't live without Richard... than i doubt you will stick around beyond the life span of Richard. If you don't think the book will go that far... than why are there all the foreshadowings that give clues as to the type of person richard's son will be? The main point that has been made through all the lessons Goodkind is giving us is that ONE PERSON MAKES A DIFFERANCE... but no person is imortal. I believe these breakoffs from storyline give added plot, added character, and added foreshoadowing that we will all find in later writings and suddenly have that "oh my gosh!" revelation that we so love as readers. I just thank Goodkind for making such a masterful story... and encourage any and all fantasy readers looking for a real experiance that stays with you for life to forget what the naysayers speak... and see this series for what it is: one large, multi-viewed, fantastic book. How can i not give this book a 5 rating when this book is not just a sequal... but a partner to every other sword of truth book? cheers to the greatest fantasy series ever created.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT Review: I was really looking forward to the next in the Wizards First Rule series. I am 3/4 of the way through this and don't think I can finish. There are new characters who are not worth reading about. Still no Richard some casual mention but none of main characters are in the book. Who are these nasty people?Wwhere is the story line we all enjoyed? The violence is so unpleasent I find my self skipping pages to avoid it. W
Rating:  Summary: A nice change of pace... Review: I began this book wondering "Ok, how are Kahlan and Richard going to get seperated this time? YAWN". I was pleasantly surprised. This book took a fresh look at the goings ons in the SOT world.
Rating:  Summary: Remember book 5? This is worse! Review: Ouch! If you feel like contributing to The Terry Goodkind Fund buy this book and have the clerk put it back on the shelf. Terry, finish the series and then release side stories..please!
Rating:  Summary: What happened? Review: Terry Goodkind is one of my favorite authors. As so many other fans, I eagerly awaited his new book. But after reading 300 pages, I couldn't believe the main characters hadn't been indoctrinated into the story! What happened? Those characters have been the focus and magic of the whole series. To leave them out of the book until the last 75 or so pages, was a disgrace! This is a definite "wait for paperback" novel.