Rating:  Summary: Good Series but slowing down Review: When I finished Crown of Swords, I thought it was probably the best book in the series, but now, after I've read a few of the reviews here, I feel inclined to agree with some of you. Action is slowing down, there are barely any powerful, or interesting scenes, and there is little to no progress except in the last chapter. Most of the people who read this novel, read it because of the previous six books and not because of the novel by itself. Jordan should get back on track in the 8th book though, with the Seanchan coming, and Mat having to fufill the prophecy of marring the Daughter of Nine Moons and all.
I'm still looking forward to the next book though, but I hope that Jordan cranks up the action and suspense, and kills off a few more Forsaken
Rating:  Summary: A new light dawns on us, it is called the Wheel of Time Review: This book series does more than capture your attention, it seizes your heart. I have truly gotten
into this series. I feel as if I am going through
these journeys and hardships with the characters.
No author has done that to me since Tolkien. Robert
Jordan has done more than create a book series, he has changed the ways in which I view some aspects of life.
In each book you dig deeper into the plots and
hardships. I have reread the Wheel of Time so many times I can start to quote scenes from the book.
I try to read other books but none match the
cunning and creativity of that which Robert Jordan
spins from his fingers and mind.
I find only a few flaws in this series, for
which I cannot give it a rating of 10. The first is
I rarely see the use of armor and shields. I do see
it sometimes, but it is just a bunch of small characters that hold little sway in the series. The
second is that the lead characters appear to be immortal. I do see some bad guys die sometimes and
rarely a hero, but I would like to see something
more on real life terms where the heroes DO die sometimes. The last problem is, THE BOOKS ARE TOO SHORT! I love how they have grown longer and I have
gotten further into the plot, but the waiting periods
for each new book drives me insane!
Overall, it is a WONDERFUL series. If you haven't
read it yet, get off this foolish computer and get
these good books! All it needs now is for the sequels to
come out quicker and maybe even a well directed movie
version once the series ends. So go ahead, get caught
up in the series. And let your imagination take you
away to the world of The Wheel of Time.
Rating:  Summary: This promising series has turned ugly in a hurry. Review: Crown of Swords is even more boring than Lord of Chaos. The rich characters, complex plot, and imaginative creatures are starting to annoy my sense of adventure. Characters learn nothing from their experiences and keep making the same stereotypical mistakes they have made in the past six books. They also must be somewhat dull to miss the obvious connections and clues planted by the author.
I was RJ's biggest fan for this series. Unfortunately, it has turned into a dull and predictible plot. My only hope is that as he begins to wrap this series up, it will regain its former luster.
My personal plea Mr. Jordan: You have proven you can build a new imaganitive series from your success with the Wheel of Time. Isn't it time to move on and create a new plot and set of characters?
I'm begining to doubt my ability to continue reading the next book in this series, but I'll probably give you one more chance (but this time in paperback!)
Rating:  Summary: Sigh.
Review: All of the Wheel of Time books (in paperback; I'm poor) are sitting on my shelf in a tidy row. So why, when I'm looking for something familiar to read in bed or in the tub, do I reach instead for Tepper, Cherryh, Le Guin, Zelazny, Moorcock?The answer is that this series is getting tired. Jordan has severely lost the focus that made the first three books so good, and I wonder how he's ever going to tie up all these loose ends. Or will he take the sloppy way out and leave them hanging? Certainly that happens in real life, but it makes for sloppy fiction. This book has some funny moments and interesting plot twists, but that's about it. Jordan has also lost his grasp of his female characters, who are in severe danger of being reduced to one-dimensional bitches. Although I did rather enjoy Elayne's triumph in, what was it, chapter 30? These books need more moments like that, and fewer throwaway characters, mysterious plots and petty squabbling
Rating:  Summary: Jordan milks "Wheel of Time" Review: What began as one of the best series i've readhas turned in to a long, drawn out affair. "Crown of Swords" could be left out of the series and nobody would notice.Mat,Perrin,andRand are all very interesting characters as wellas Elaine and the others. Jordan seems to havelost interest and is forcing himself to finisha 10 book series. I will continue to read therest of the series in the hopes he regains interest and finishes in the style of the firstsix
Rating:  Summary: PONDEROUS & PLODDING Review: The reading gets more and more ponderous as the series plods along. Plods along, though, denotes movement forward, and like a sinking ship in calm water, this storyline really hasn't progressed as much as begun to sink. Jordan has way too much time on his hands if he can't condense his 700 pages into a more meaningful, active and concise storyline. I have a feeling he gets paid by the word from his publishers. The Wheel of Time just keeps spinning and spinning and spinning yanking its readers up and down like a yo-yo. I will not go back
Rating:  Summary: Come on, I'm dying of old age... Review: I started this series when I was a young man, and now I find myself in my twilight years waiting for the conclusion. What was once supposed to be an eight book series has expanded into a ten book, and what next - a 15 book series? The first 5 or 6 were great but now it drags on. None of his other books/series must be selling, as he milks this one out forever. As good as this series is, and it is very good, I will NEVER pick up another Jordan series again. His story rates a ten, but its needless length pulls it down to a seven. Jordan seems to have contracted King-itis: use 3 pages of description where 2 paragraphs would be sufficient. Come on RJ, bring it to a close, your fans are dying off!!
Rating:  Summary: Interestingly boring... Review: ...that is if you don't enjoy lengthy descriptions on culture, society, people,..get the idea? The characterisation is superb and he manages to deepen my relationship with the characters each time I "meet" them. However, the way he wanders around in the process of storytelling gets rather irritating for an impatient reader like me
Rating:  Summary: When is the next book coming out? Review: I found this Crown of Swords to be slower paced than the previous ones. However, the subplots and new characters coming out just has me on edge, especially with Morgase and the Whitecloaks. I would like to know when the next book is due - if anyone knows, please e-mail me at troubled@mindspring.com
Rating:  Summary: This book is not up to previous books - but STILL GREAT! Review: Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series encompasses all of the wonderful things I have come to love in SF/Fantasy adventure stories. The Crown of Thorns is the seventh book. While the story seems to be dragging a little, I think it is to be expected. After all this is 3/4 the way through the expected 10 book set. Most any book has a slight lull about 3/4 the way through it. The Crown of Swords is a delightful montage of characters places and events. While truthfully it is difficult to keep track of some events at times, I found the novel to be excellent as expected. Earlier novels of this series are still superior in there focus of intent and there seems to be a great deal more linear direction. This book's non-linear shotgun approach ties up a lot of loose ends that have kept me pondering for several books now. The development of the characters and story line from book one to this current book are accomplished in such a fashion as to force you into a soap opera like addiction to find out what happens next to your favorite character. As another reviewer pointed out, maybe three separate sub series for the main characters is needed, or at least Jordan shouldn't try to keep chronologically current with all the main characters at once, unless he brings them back together. All in all I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in a SF/Fantasy Adventure series. A long serie