Rating:  Summary: The wheel weaves as the wheel wills... Review: At the beginning of The Wheel of Time series, the pace moved really well and wasn't draggy at all. During books 4-6, I found it to be really slow and so wasn't looking forward too much to this one, but I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed this. The only two things I really didn't like, but I think this is a driticism of Jordan's style rather than this book in particular, were first, the amount of characters. There are so many names and people that I found I began to lose track of them all and had to look them up in the index at the back (which is a plus about this series -- the index). The second is that Jordan only focuses on one part of the story for a mere one or two chapters. Just as soon as you really get into a particular plot, you are changed to another and have to get up the urge to continue reading instead of quitting or skipping ahead. I realize that it is important to develop all of the plotlines at the same speed so that they can all tie together properly at the end, but the transition
Rating:  Summary: Robert Jordan reminds me of Pt. Barnum Review: Pt'Barnum said that there was a sucker born every minute and now after reading the third book i feel like a sucker. But I am comforted in the fact that i am among friends there are 6b million sucker's with me. This book made it to the new york times best seller list. how???? I have read all 7 books and i feel several points should be made to all readers both the haters of the series and the lovers. Everybody could more or less agree that the first three books were very good, and that we all each awaited the rest of the series no matter how long it might have been. But after reading the 7 th book and seeing how the charcaters generally have not changed it depresses me severly that the book's storyline was killed. LET'S EXAMINE IT LOGICALLY PEOPLE I am not a chauvinist but it makes me sick to see men bashed about so much and then ask more please. All this nineties all men are pigs soo there, is ridiculous. Robert Jordan is using feminism into making a book that exalats women and makes men look stupid, beacuse some stupid survey probably told his publishers women read more fantasy novels. So let's milk them for all the money they can get. Fantasy should be above feminsim want strong females character fine I can deal with that but some where in the book the men and womem must come to terms with each other. Women this book is using you. There is no way that you can tell me after all that that dreay tediuos talking and mundane chit chat done in the these 7 books these women have not changed their attitude towards men and that they are still allowed to get away with it. And please do the guys every grow up, apart from learning to drink shave and have sex. Enough with the whinning about being t'avern do your job. I am tired of reading Matt or Perin complain about their duty. Christ it's all about taking responsiblity and if these two can controll armies but have not learnt that yet then you are left with the feeling that all the "attention" to detail in this book is worthless. In my mind Perin is the best charcter there. We see this charcter going through the procees most good writters put down on paper. Shock, Bewilderment, Denial, Rage, Envy Jealousy, bitterness and then acceptance of his role. Yes finally somebody took rsponsibilty in this 7 ringed circus. You see in Perin the qualtites Rand and all the other Characters should have.
Rating:  Summary: A great book to continue a great series Review: This was an excellant continuation of the cliffhanger series to beat them all. Mr. Jordan has a way to capture your imagination and keep it in suspended animation. I feel this series might be getting drawn out more than necessary, but I always look forward to the book with anticipation. This book brought back some of the my more favorite charactures that in previous books in the series left me wondering what happened to them. The chartacture plots and subplots are even more captivating than before. This series is a must for any fantasy collection.
Rating:  Summary: More of a good thing... Review: The Wheel of Time is undoubtedly the best series I have ever read. Robert Jordan continues to weave his incredibly complex and vivid world. His characters are so well developed that it seems as if the reader personally goes through their miseries and joys along with them, and his complex and realistic world is unparalleled in the history of fantasy. Yes, I would even say it is better than Tolkien's. For those of you who complain about the length of the story, why read do you bother to read it? Go play somewhere else. As for me, I will rejoice with each new book Jordan writes. With books as incredible as these, who cares how long it takes?
Rating:  Summary: Check please? Review: Jordan's "Wheel of time" series started, for me, in a corner of a used paperback book store. One read of book one and I was hooked. Books 2 and 3 were available in paperback at the time, and I started getting the hardcovers as they came out (note to publishers: used paperback bookstores do *not* cut into your business, at least where series fiction is concerned. The store got my money for books 1 and 2: you got it for 3 through 7, and I never would have bought the first paperback at full price.) Unfortunately, Jordan's series is getting sort of like a blind date that started out really well but has begun to drag on because your date talks too much. By book 7, Jordan seems to have run out of places to go, and the delayed release didn't give the publisher enough time to correct some sloppy editing (in at least one scene a female character is mentioned as part of a group when she's in a different country at the time.) I admit it, I'm still hooked, and I'll probably buy each hardcover as it comes out (are there really going to be 10?) But I won't have nearly the sense of anticipation that I get from, say, the newest Raymond Feist book about Midkemia.
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the paperback! Review: Well, I thought that this book lacked in scope as compared to the other 3 novels. Maybe he is feeling pressured to keep the series moving, and this is evident throughout the text. The book is more on the lines of a filler, and in no way should someone, even a hardcore Jordan fan, should spend the money on a hardcover copy of this book. Of course he is the master, but I do hope that he gets his act together for the next book in the series. By the way, there is a game coming out that will put this story into a roleplaying game using the Unreal engine. Check it out!!
Rating:  Summary: Cant wait till the next one !!! Review: I waited so long for this chapter that it probably could have been terrible and I would still have enjoyed it. But Robert Jordan was true to form with this book (Exceptional !!!). I devoured it within 2 days time and had to read it again becuse I felt I went through it to fast. RJ's writing style is so enchanting it compels you to continue waiting for the next twist. RJ takes the time between battle's and fills it with build up that is a must read. Alot like forplay it is designed to enhance the final confrontation for a much more enjoyable climax.
Rating:  Summary: Does anyone remember the first book? Review: Does Robert Jordan have a second job? The length of the series and character development are fine, but can we speed things up a bit?-- the plot isn't THAT complicated. Here's an idea Robert (if your're reading): why not include "cliff notes" of the previous books with every "2 year" release... Bottem line: I will finish out this series because I enjoy it emmensely, however, I will not begin one of his series in the future until I see ALL the books printed.
Rating:  Summary: I think that it Really ROCKED!!! Review: I love all the books ever written by Robert Jordan! If you people have the same feelings please write at sloan2@hotmail.com
Rating:  Summary: About a week of story spread across 800 pages Review: I've read every book in the Wheel of Time series, and the imagination is finally running out in "Crown of Swords". Very little happens in this book, which merely extends (never resolving) his story lines and culminates in the predictable climactic battle whose ending is never final. The book also stretches events out to extremes. Conversations take pages to resolve, every shuffle of paper, every raspy sounding breath, is described in great detail. Having followed up this book by reading Tad Williams' great "Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn" series, and George Martin's "Game of Thrones", I am wondering why I would ever return to a Book Eight of "A Wheel of Time". There are simply far more entertaining and smart fantasy books out there. I hope Mr. Jordan feels the ponderous weight of what he has created, and I pray his next (and last?) book in the series quickly moves his story toward the exciting and passionate conclusion that a series of this size, and its readers, deserve.