Rating:  Summary: Better than LotR if not better. Review: The Wheel of Time is a series not to be lost in the modern crap fantasy series. Robert Jordan has a rich, world which is extremely realistic. A great book of the classic battle of good against evil. Not to miss!
Rating:  Summary: there is no one better than jordan Review: How can you never want a series to end, and yet be dying to find out the end!?! WoT is the best the series I've ever read. With such a complex plot, so rich in prophecy, keeps one riveted to the story. It is story that one hopes will never end. Keep it coming Jordan!!
Rating:  Summary: does anybody know about book 8? Review: I am an ardent R.J. fan. I don't know where to find out the title of his next book and the release time. But I heard that it is expected next Nov., but i'm not sure. I sincerely hope it comes soon. BTW, ACOS is the greatest book i have ever read. But then, WOT is the best series I have ever read. I hope R.J. keeps up the good work. Will somebody tell me where to get info on upcoming releases? I would be grateful if you'd email me (ramach@ocsonline.com). V.R.
Rating:  Summary: Self captivating, and awestruck wonder Review: As I have read some of the other reviews I get the idea that R. J. is either draggin on this series or he is a very clever and master writer. Which one do I chose. That he is a very clever and master writer. He has captivated an audience of plenty and everyone is dying for the next book. As you can see though that is the avid thing a writer must do is keep you in so much suspense that you are dying for more and more. I personally like how Robert Jordan has captivated me and kept me awestruck with his marvelous depictions of each character and his flawless description of them as well. I have journeyed with Egwene, Nynaeve,the Daughter Heir of Andor, Matt, Perrin, and Rand. What i most admired was how Moiraine captured all them up and took them (so to say) on the journey of ther life. I was quite disappointed when Moiraine was supposedly killed by Lanfear but I don't really think she is dead. I think she is between the worlds. Some where in Telaranrhoid. The World of Dreams. I have felt each one's pain, fear, struggles, and most of all their anger as with Nynaeve. I can relate with her the most. I have put up the biggest block around myself that no one can get through. But as with Nynaeve her love for Lan is helping her break the barrier. I also liked it when she was able to heal someone who had been stilled.
A Corwn of Swords it self. I'll have to admit that R. J. seems to be dragging it out and there is so little about the plot that you question his writing sometimes. But i find that is what captivates me the most I have read the series 5 times in the last 2 years that I started on the series but I do this to keep up so that when he comes out with the next book that I can devour it as I have the others. I am an avid reader I love to read and R.J. has me spellbound I can finish one of his books in three nights of reading about 6 hours a night. I know I am dragging on but I leave with this note. For those who are spellbound as I am you won't complain about the time between books you will look at it with self transfixed awe.
Rating:  Summary: The Wheel of Time is the most ADDICTIVE DRUG imaginable Review: I started reading Robert Jordan's the Wheel of Time series when book 4 was introduced. I devoured books 1-4 in two months to the point of sleep deprivation. The writing draws you in, to the point of actually being there with 'Rand Al'Thor' and the White Tower. Robert Jordan has done an excellent job and I can see where he could continue this series forever. There are so many different ways to expand and bring in new characters. Now that we are still waiting for the next book to come out, I am going back and re-reading the complete series. I have read books 1-6 three times and will re-read again waiting for book 8. Robert Jordan If you read this, Thank you and keep up the excellent work. I am looking forward to your next release.
Rating:  Summary: A nebulous triumph! Review: Robert Jordan has managed to take his readers, kicking and screaming, straight into the lands beside the Aryth Ocean. The protagonists are very likable. One can almost feel the agonizing tension between characters before each decision is made, even if it takes three or four chapters to make that choice. Unlike most other authors, Robert Jordan has a very strong grasp on Good and Evil as they really are, and manages to communicate those concepts to the reader in a transparent manner. Almost all of the characters are either aligned with the Good or Evil forces permeating the Epic; but each character may or may not be performing actions for reasons the cause would approve. Every character is definable by what they do, but their reasoning almost always crosses the gray areas between the white and black of Good and Evil (or is that the black and white... sometimes it is hard to say). All in all a masterful representation of epic fantasy. I just wish that some of the plot diversions from books two and three would be resolved already (e.g. Mat Cauthon wedding the Daughter of the Nine Moons). Luckily Mr. Jordan has at least seen fit to apparently (I hope) have set up Mat to cross paths with the Sanchean. The newly introduced master villains, on the other hand (are they ALL Gholums?), are yet another plot twist introduced in the beginning of a book with no explanation by the end of that book. Suspense is good. Losing hair and nails due to suspense is not good. Excellent reading for anyone with the stamina to read a 900 page book from chapter three to the end without putting it down.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best set of books I've ever read. Review: I didn't discover this series until about a year ago, but I'm very glad I did find it. RJ has developed a world that keeps you yearning for more. Like others, I'm frustrated that there is so much time in between books (and I'm only having to wait from 7 to 8). To all those who want the story wrapped up, I say "WHY?". Sure I want to know the end result as much as anyone else. But I'll be sad as hell to see the story end because I've enjoyed it so much. So hurry up with the next chapter.
Rating:  Summary: I hope it NEVER ends! Review: I myself cannot understand those who would want him to "wrap it up" in the next book, so that they can leave it all behind. When you read Jordan's epic you feel like the characters becomes friends and acquaintances and I for one would really miss them if the series would finish. A Crown of Swords has gotten some negative criticism for being slow and not as actionfilled as the rest but that is one of Robert Jordan's qualities as an author. To make his fantasy world real and make us feel drawn into it. As in real life there sometimes are slow periods. In those we get the opportunity to get to know the characters not just read battle descriptions. I must say that WOT has really got me hooked and I would love the opportunity to follow the characters into adulthood for a long while to come. Also I would rather get a 1000 pg. book that really details out the world and the characters than a 200 pg. one filled with only the dialogue and action where you never really get that emotional involvement in their fates. The one thing I missed in ACOS was Rand's revenge on Elaida's attempt to kidnap him and her anger over the failure and fear of his revenge. It felt like he just let it pass and that is not a desirable trait in someone who has to lead the world against darkness and destruction towards Tarmon Gai'don.
Rating:  Summary: I love the series. The lag time between books is TOO long Review: Book 7 of the Wheel of Time came out in hard cover two years ago. I had to go to London to buy the pocket book edition :) (I don't ever read hard cover ... too cumbersome). Two years later, book 8 has not come out and ... The series is great, but it's taking tooooooooooo looooooooong!!! Raul Franco - Coral Gables FL USA
Rating:  Summary: The Dragon is Reborn Review: Excellent book, but draged a little to much