Rating:  Summary: Great Book, But not as Good As Some of the Others Review: This is one of the greatest series out there. Now, I agree that Robert Jordan can be a bit wordy now and then, but I think that adds reality to the story. CoS is not, I have to say, the best one of the series. I personally liked LoC (Lord of Chaos). CoS is great, however, because it leaves you in suspence. You don't know what's happened to Mat, Perrin seems to have disappeared for a while, Sammael may be dead, but then you never know. Of course, this is also infuryating because the 8th book seems to be taking forever to get here. I would highly reccomened this book to anyone who likes sci-fi or fantasy becaue this is another Tolkin type story, if not better one.
Rating:  Summary: All politics and no plot motion make Robert a very dull boy Review: 1: Tolkien Vs. Jordan? How can you compare the founder of the movement with one of the newer generation? Why would you want to? Of course the up and coming guys are going to be better ( sometimes) I think it is a testament to the Genius of Tolkien's work that anyone would want to gauge the next generation against him. 2; the first 4 books were great, they moved fast, developed engrossing character, scenery and plot, and just plain entertained me. Book 5 slipped a little by getting a bit more talky and less active. All I can say about book six is that I don't remember much, except some relatively undeveloped characters suddenly took over the plot , possibly in an attempt to rekindle some of the lost fire. Book 7. well, bring on book 8, I hope we start to wrap this up soon y'all. Rand has become a little less than a character I would root for, I think Perrin is wholely underdeveloped, Nyneave and Matt are great to read about, as is the Seanchan ally ( her name escapes me now, I guess I have to go back and re-read also) I guess, basically, book 8 better get back to the enthusiasm and action of the first 3 or 4 or I think it will be time to hang up this series and move on to something a little more focused.
Rating:  Summary: Worthwhile for fans of series Review: Not up to the standards of the earlier WOT books, Jordan still manages to tell a cohesive story that draws us marginally closer to his tale's gotterdammerung. Unfortunately, he is becoming more and more trapped by his love of irrelevant detail. Part of the wonder of a fantasy world are the stories that aren't told, that lie in the background to add color and depth. By telling us every detail of his entire world, this sense of wonder and fantasy is diffused. I'm starting to feel like Sisyphus, pushing the boulder up the hill only to find that another side-quest or side-issue has left me further from resolution of the story. By the way, why do so many reviewers of this book admit that its not as good as previous installments, but rate it a "10". Is it perhaps because they give any WOT book a "10", regardless of its merits? As for me, I'll finish out the series because I started it, but if I would have known in advance where it now sits, I wouldn't have bothered.
Rating:  Summary: This is what I think about ACoS and WoT in general Review: I started reading WoT 12 monts ago but i read books 3-7 in the last month, i just couldnt get enough of this series, ive read a lot of good series in my time like Shannara, Memory Sorrow & thorn,Magic of Recluse , Artifacts of power daughter of the empire etc etc etc but none has ever hooked me like this.The first book was good but the 2nd & third slowed a bit AcoS was good but it didnt seem like that much was acomplished. I agree that Robert Jordan put a bit too much emphesis on strong female characters, (not that that detracts greatly from the book but its always nice to have a mix with a few more "vulnerable females" the male lead characters also end up acting the fool too often which is ok early in a series but they should become a lot more mature as it continues and by book 7 they should be a lot further along than Rand, Mat and Perrin are. (this is my own opinion, maybe im more into character development then most people but hey, to each his own).
Rating:  Summary: Great story,full of hero's, sorcery and diabolical enemies. Review: I have not read a series with such great enthusiasm since Zelazny's "Chronicals of Amber", which is much faster paced but not as informative. Jordan packs his characters to the gills, I know more about the children from "Manetheren" than I really want to, but I find it impossible to skip any word. The fact that the males are completely wrong about their friends abilities in the "courting department" and the females complete mis-reading of their counterparts intentions etc. is a "dead to rights" interpretation of a village upbringing (I was born and raised in an English village of 800 population). My one complaint is of the repetition that Mr Jordan seems to think we need in order to understand his characters. But what characters! They are all unique and gifted, naive but learning quickly. My favorite chapters involve the swashbuckling and the sorcery, and not forgetting the diabolical intrigue. I would definitely rank this work with Tolkien in caliber, I have been reading SF for around 30 years and love many styles, the writers that "hold me" and bring me anxiously back to the pages are the three mentioned on this page. Thank you Robert, "The Crown of Swords" pulled me along and of course left me panting for more. I can't wait to face the Seanchan and "see" Mat Cauthon dragged from the rubble. Please keep them coming, I will read all that you can write.
Rating:  Summary: Wheel of Time makes your blood sing! Review: I love The Wheel of Time series and especially CoS. Though it is not my favourite book of the series, FoH and LoC actually are, I still found it unbelievable. David Eddings, Tad Williams, Stephen Donaldson and of course Tolkien, used to be my favourite fantasy writers, but no more! For those of you idiots out there, CoS is a setup for book 8 and those following. Another reader said it and I agree, that turning point came in book six and that seven was a setup for the ride to the finish. Also, don't compare him to Tolkien. They are two totally different writers, from other eras and time periods. I love Mat and Min and Moirraine. I hope Rand and Min end up together since she is the only one of the three women who does not try to change him or control him. I wish Moirraine would make her appearance in 8. Call me silly, but I also felt kind of sorry for Lanfear. She is completely evil, yes. But if you pay attention, you'll notice that she was not always that way, and that her obsessive love for LTT, chose her path for her. Lastly, hurry RJ, if you can. All those that complain, are just sour 'cause they have to wait!! (Notice how they all say they are going to buy PoD inspite of their complaints?)
Rating:  Summary: Will this go on forever??? Review: I loved the Eye of the World. The Great Hunt merely made things better and the Dragon Reborn was, while not as good as the two first, a very good book. At the Shadow Rising it started being rather dull with the same story going over and over again and now when the 7th book of the series has come, I begin to despair that it will not end. Never doubt, I love the series but I think Jordan will lose a lot of readers if he does not wrap this series up very soon. As to the many comments from women that Jordan writes very flat and boring female characters, I would leap to his defence by saying that it is not as easy as it might seem for a man to write a believable female character. As Jordan himself (in the voice of any number of his (male) characters) say "I will never understand women". I do not believe it is possible for a man to create a convincing woman in writing. It is sad because I have to agree with the many comments that the female characters are rather boring after a while.
Rating:  Summary: get going already - finish the series Review: The seventh installment of the Wheel of Time is purely transitional. It lacks the excellence of volumes 3, 4, and 5. Even volume 6, which had enough slow parts to make Frank Herbert proud, had an incredible and thrilling ending culminating with the immortal phrase "Kneel . . . or you will be knelt." Crown of Swords has a completely unsatisfying ending and merely regurgitates the plot devices and dialogue of the previous volumes. I read this series when Eye of the World was initially published. Jordan began raising the bar of quality fantasy and looked like he would redefine the concept of the fantasy series. Now he needs to raise his standards and provide a full, complete and satisfying resolution so that this series will not become an afterthought in the shadow of George R.R. Martin's forthcoming classics.
Rating:  Summary: Too cliche?? Review: Maybe not cliche enough? One of the things I feel is missing from Jordan's work are the cliche mano-a-mano testosterone pumping fights. At the end of the book when he fights Sammael they dont even meet face to face. And remember back when they were fighting the Shaido Aiel. Mat falls off his horse and theres an Aiel standing over him. Instead of some dramatic battle RJ cuts ahead to the end of the battle, AFTER Mat kills Couladin. One of the best parts of the series was when Mat whooped Galad and Gawyn in the White Tower. Cliched? Maybe, but cool. In a related issue why is Mat so much more cooler than Rand? Im surprised the Aiel wise women dont wrapped him in blankets and put him in his cradle at night.
Rating:  Summary: The best book in the series! Review: This is definately the best book in the series. I dissagree with those that say that nothing major happened in this book. Nyneave, and Elain found the bowl, and another of the Forsaken is down for the count. Also, Nyneave discovered how to heal those that have been cut off from the True Source. The only problem I had with the book is the women. Every woman in that book is as nosey, and arrogan as she can be. I don't know why Rand puts up with everything that he does from those women. I wish, just like every one else, that the 8th book would come out already, but I realize that with a series like The Wheel Of Time, that Jordan has to take his time to develop all of the many different plots and characters. To the many faithful readers out there, Hang in there!!! I'm sure that Jordan will come through with an excellent 8th book