Rating:  Summary: Enough with the plot development already!! Review: You would think after 7 books RJ had beaten the plot development thing to death but apparently not. Still I loved this book from the moment I picked it up until I threw it screaming across the room when RJ left Mat under a pile of bricks. While the action is less the power that drives the plot is still there dormant perhaps but starting to awaken again. I often re-read the book and think that every word is fabulous.
Rating:  Summary: a bad soap-opera Review: So, we have come to the seventh book in the series of Wheel of time. I can still remember how it was to read the first books when they came out. The story-line was nothing new, we have all heard it before. But that didn't matter at all did it? I mean, it was a soap-opera, but a good one. Now after seven books and at least three more to come, the enthusiasm has faded somewhat and when you first never wanted it to end, well now at least I couldn't be happier if it did so. Because just like most soap-operas that has aired a long time, only becomes pathetic. But the worst part about it is that if you begin watching the damn soap-opera, you can't stop watching it, no matter how bad it gets. For me, its the same with the Wheel of time series. The book still have its moment, but there's a lot less of those moments in A crown of Swords than in the earlier books. And come on, do we really need a 200 pages introduction of the characters in every book? And I don't like the development of the characters. Persons that I used to love in the beginning(like Egwene and Rand) have I come to loath and somewhat despise, those characters I didn't even like in the beginning(like Perrin and Nynaeve), I dislike even more now. Well, it doesn't matter that I don't like the turn the series have taken, I'm stuck with it and just knows I will read that hasn't come out yet. But I hope that Robert Jordan will put an end to it soon, or at least cut the crappy parts(there are so many totally unneccesary story-lines and conversations), because in ten years from now, I want to remember the good about the series books in the beginning, and not how it turned out. Because I really did love the first books and was almost obsessed by them and the main characters.
Rating:  Summary: Too Much Plot, Not Enough Action, Review: Jordan's latest book in the series got off to a very slow start, and never seemed to really take off as the others have. The plot seemed to truly get bogged down with way too many details. The novel just didn't excite me the way the other novels in the series did.
Rating:  Summary: great! Review: this is one damn fine novel, need I say more!
Rating:  Summary: An incrediable, suspensful and interesting continuation Review: This book continues Jordan's "Wheel of time" Series terrificly, while developing the characters further, as well as adding new plot twists to his epic tale of good and evil. I really cared about the characters, was held in suspense, and am totally in awe of Jordans incredible authorship. Jordan's wheel of time series is truly a "Must read" of epic proportions.
Rating:  Summary: Definitely weakest of the series, but consider the series... Review: My basic analysis of ACOS was that it was the middle book of the series, as was LOC to a lesser respect. these two books were both overly involved with trying to keep us up to date on all the subplots and do some maintenance necessary to the series before the climax (which i'm hoping will be a least 3 books long :) yes, you heard me right, i want a trilogy as the climax. yes, i want 6 more years of waiting. a rushed job would be more dissapointment than a 6 year wait) i think that book 6 and book 7 could have been compressed into one book without any terrible lose, and the momentum of the series is starting to stumble from its own enormous weight, as well as all the expectations of each and every reader. However, i remain optimistic for the future. for those of you complaining about the lack of action, did you honestly expect Rand to kill the Dark One every book like he did in the first three? LOC had a better climax than any of the other 6 books, though it wasn't a real climax that topped off any real plot lines. I'm betting that after we read books 8, 9, and whatever comes after, we will be thanking Jordan for putting the boring build up into this one which will hopefully be proved to be necessary for Tarmon Gaidan. however, if TPOD turns out to be just more boring middle work like these last two, i may become disgusted and quit, though foolish optomism will make me keep on reading the rest in the library hoping for the last battle. As i said, this is the weakest yet of the series, but a great and worthwhile read, simply because it is in this series I end this commentary with a fervent prayer that Robert Jordan not die before he can deliver the truly great climax to this truly great work.
Rating:  Summary: A long road to nowhere and making good time Review: I've read most of the reviews posted here since the beginning (Jan., '96), and as someone who didn't even start the series until a couple months ago and basically devoured the first 5 books, I'm going to have to side with those who say this particular installment is over-long, boring, repetitive, and in many ways insulting. (I actually waited years to start the series, not wanting to start it until I figured it had to be finished. Did I misjudge there!) Overall the series is captivating, but the incessant whining, the lack of personal growth in any of the main characters (how many times do Nynaeve, Egwene, etc. have to be wrong before they grow up and lose the damn attitudes?), the lack of any serious plot development (it took nearly 1000 pages and a full book to get from discovering the existence of the Bowl of Winds to finding it, and they still haven't used it!), and the apparent random introduction of new main characters (it took nearly 7000 pages to hear of the legendary, greatest-Aes-Sedai-of-all-time Cadsuane?) made it very difficult for me to even stay with it. I actually only read about 3/4 of the book because I found myself skipping two or three pages at a time in order to avoid another description of yet another scandalous silk dress, another speech regarding the stupidity of men, another confession about the lack of underdstanding regarding women, etc. The truly sad thing is that I missed absolutely nothing by skipping those pages, and I probably could have saved myself some time and skipped a great many more. I honestly hope the true believers out there are right when they say that this is only a setup to something truly fabulous in book 8, because I don't think I can muster up the effort to force my way through another one like this. Very disappointing at the very least, absolutely mind-numbing at the worst.
Rating:  Summary: Weakest of the series Review: I'm sorry, but I could have just as well skipped this edition. It didn't contain anything new or interesting. I was very shocked by the lack of action, having been so taken away by the earlier novels. I will certainly wait and read the reviews of the next novel, before purchasing it. Wish I had checked this page earlier.
Rating:  Summary: The book was so good that I just could not stop reading. Review: Some people complains and say that this book is a 'burn out' in the serie of the Wheel of time, but I say that it is not. I think that it's a very good book, at least as good as the other six before it. The magic is still flowing through the series, through this book.In some of the books before the 'a Crown of Swords' a hole lot, to much, of the magic disepared, but now it's coming back again, as strong as ever, if not stronger.
Rating:  Summary: Where's the Action??? Review: I realize that Robert Jordan has a daunting task of living up to the expectations of his culminating series of books, but what happened to this one??? I eagerly waited the release, and after a couple of chapters, wished it hadn't been released so early. I found myself fumbling through the pages, wishing something would actually happen, only to be disappointed by more plot and less action. It seems setting up the plot for the next book has its price. But don't fear, I sense that Jordans following book will hopefully recall the action, excitement, and straight out drama the other books have attained. I'm a big fan, and if you're listening Robie, take your time and keep up the good work!