Rating:  Summary: Where's the DETAIL!!!! Review: I have been a tremendous fan of WoT since 7th grade (seemingly ancient history as I move on to college). I loved everyone of his books. They are imaginative, detailed, and, most importantly, consistent. RJ never loses the main plot though he works on several subplots at the same time. If this is the case, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!! The book went no where. He has not started to reslove any of the plot matters. And what pissed me off the most is how he skimmed over the Nyneve and Lan thing like it was of no interest. Their love has been boiling for 6 books and we don't even see the wedding!!! The next book ought to be brilliant lest I become more pissed!
Rating:  Summary: wonderful, but the wait somewhat spoils the story Review: Robert Jordan is certainly a master of fantasy, the storyline grips one to the point of utter desperation for the NEXT book in the series. Each book of the series I have read in a day, and re-read after that, such is the talent of the author for writing compelling reading. But, the wait is a killer, and each new book is regarded with much less enthusiasm by myself, and my friends who read them. I STRONGLY suggest, if you are thinking of reading these books, that you wait until the series is complete, as it is REALLY depressing wondering for YEARS between books whether or not someone is going to live or die. The wait is a really good way for an author to lose a faithful audience.
Rating:  Summary: Hear not the unbelivers, and the truth shall cometh unto ye! Review: First off i'll tell u that i can't stand waiting from one book to the next but what else can i do, since i love the books and want to continue. If RJ needs that long to write the book so be it, everybody out there has to remember that RJ in addition to being virtualy unparralelled author, he also happens to be a person. Now, i have also been accused of being a person, thus i have a bit of insight on the subject. A person needs to eat, sleep, *$)#, play, and do any number of other things that they are obligated or inclined to doing, the fact that he has to do all this cuts into his writing time, TO BAD. Sure he could forgo all his human and perosnal needs to print books fast as lightning for the leeches out there, but the books would suffer and RJ would have a heart attack, and nobody wants that.... well at least i don't. As to repeated details, its all about being there, its like when your friends act in the ways that define them every day. Thats why we know the charicters so well and love them so much. The Tolkien conspiracy.... GET OVER IT, its 2 different authors, in 2 different time periods, form 2 different countries, and to enourmously different plots and literary levels. Now, don't tell me about how tolkien was the "first" this and that, cause Homer wrote the Illiad and the Odessey a couple of millenia before tolkien was a tiwinkle in his ancestor's eyes. Woops!!!! (actualy homer didn't "write" the oddessey and the illiad, they where passed on oraly and eventualy put to paper, but he did create the stories) .... hmm the book itself is great too :) ... almost forgot to mention it with all this *$@$ about Jordan this and Jordan that, if u are so hard up against what he is writing just dont' buy the book, i admit i have them all in hardcover and i think its kinda expencive, BUT, how many of you people out there go to the movies and fork over 8 bucks to see an hour and a half of HORRID storytelling, NO plot, BLAND humor, charicter developement.... in the movies..... RARELY. and this is for something you got to see once, not a book that as many of us have, you get to read over and over, and with each succesive reading discover things you missed the first times and get reaquainted with old friends. Although i intend to see the series to the end i hope it is no longer then 10 books... i just can't wait longer then that :P but.... if it takes 15(which i highly doubt) i'll still be there on release day and i'll still buy it and i'll still love it... as long as its still good that is. Feel free to e-mail me and tell me off or agree with me
Rating:  Summary: Excellent series but is the author losing touch? Review: I love this series. The possibilities of the plot is endless and it does keep the reader guessing about how its going to end. Also there are too many sub-plots in the book that often leave the reader haning and wondering when will this all work out. I believe that this is a great series and I'm looking and looking and looking forward to book 8. Whenever the time will be I do not know........
Rating:  Summary: ACOS was great! Review: I can't believe all the bad reviews aCoS has been getting! Long-winded, definitly, too detailed, ocasionally, but boring? A filler? Never!! Jordan is a hero, dudes, and even if sometimes the pace slackens a bit much (mainly in Perrin's scenes; god, I hate that character - I've heard that Faile just might die in the next installment and I seriously hope she does) the series as a whole, and the individual books, have always been underlyingly great. I find that the description and the attention to detail is part of what makes the books so good. We don't only get to read about the action, adrenaline and adventure, we also get to hear the characters thoughts and find out what they are like. Some people think that the younger characters, especially the women, are too immature, and damn right they are, but I think they've improved throughout - that apology scene in aCoS was absolutely my favourite in the entire series. Loving some characters, despising others - this is just a testament to Jordan's ability to create such realism. You wouldn't like everyone you met on the street, would you? Besides, there were lots of new developments in aCoS - the mindtrapping, the fellow Rand encountered in Shadar Logoth, and I really liked reading about the search for the Bowl, even if they are yet to use it. 7 was just as magnigficent as the other books, I'm sure 8 will be even better.
Rating:  Summary: I liked this book for ONE reason. Review: OK. I'm having the same problem that about half of the reviewers here are having. I'm getting EXTREMELY BORED with WoT. Robert Jordan is a great writer but he's abusing his talents! The story is getting so bogged down with details that I'm starting to wonder if *he's* forgetting some of them. It must be such a chore for him to keep track of his own writing! (I find myself having that kind of trouble with the Breath of Fire fan fiction I'm writing, and that's only 200 pages so far! But then again, I'm not a professional writer, yet.)I loved the first two or three books in the series. The Eye of the World hooked me instantly. I was totally in love with the Aes Sedai and Warders -- so much so that I've underwent the trials of becoming Aes Sedai myself! -_^ But by The Shadow Rising I could tell WoT was starting to lose steam. It's really too bad. The only saving grace of the seventh book is what happens with Nynaeve and Lan. They are the only reason I continued reading WoT, and I found myself disappointed constantly because their relationship is so neglected in the series! I know most people hate Nynaeve but I think she has her charm. A better writer could've made her endearing despite her faults, instead of overemphasizing those faults. :P
Rating:  Summary: Mr Jordan is amongst the best fantasy writers of our time. Review: Since breaking my neck, I have had the opportunity to read a lot of books, the best of which is Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Although each book is long, this all helps to maintain the story and keep the reader wanting more. I am really looking forward to book 8, and I must learn to read slower, othewise I will just have to re-read the series again. Keep up the good work Mr Jordan, I know the story will reach a conclusion one day, just please make that day in about 20 years or so. I hope we will see you in the UK sometime soon, Southampton in particular.
Rating:  Summary: The best there is, was, or ever will be! Review: The Wheel of Time book collection is a must fo any fanasty reader or any type of reader. Jordan captures life as it is not just how people want it to be. It has weaved me into its wheel for ever and I can't wait for the 8th book! I think that if you read it you will thank me for putting it into your life.
Rating:  Summary: WOT (Weighty or Tedious) or (Way off Target) Review: This started out as a great series. Good plot, great characters etc.. Somewhere along the way (to the bank) Robert Jordan lost the way. The series plods along and no progress is made. The characters become more annoying (why is it that all female characters are spoiled, petulant and annoying)? In Crown of Swords Robert Jordan bores us to tears with over 700 pages of drivel to what end. All this will continue while they nail Jordans coffin shut.
Rating:  Summary: Can you speed it up a bit! Review: Don't get me wrong, I love the series. But the amount of time between book releases and with no end in sight I just hope he will finish the thing before he dies from old age.