Rating:  Summary: Jeez, people, please. Review: OK, 3 star rating. I agree, it wasn't his best. In fact, it was far from his best. I get really tired of people whining about this and that about the book. You know, I really doubt that people want to the read the same old "Oh, PoD was an absolute stinker, he's just milking the series for money." If that's how you truly feel, stop right there. Don't post a thing, don't ever touch a Wheel of Time book again. You don't deserve the story that RJ's been weaving for us.PoD was like an oversized prologue. If you read any of RJ's prologues, you'll get a flavor for what PoD is like. Developments left and right, but not much action. If you really think about it, dishing out a book every year while keeping the same quality is HARD. Give him a break on this one. Perhaps book 9 will complete the prologue that book 8 was.
Rating:  Summary: Villans Are Great - Everything Else Decidedly Sub-Par Review: I waited for this book w/less then bated breath..."ACoS" had continued a trend of bringing what was once a great Fantasy series to a grinding halt and I suspected that this book would be more of the same. To my unpleasant surprise, it's actually far worse than its predecessor, containing an infinitude of pointless details that at times actually seemed to be moving the plot *backward* rather than forward. Jordan's never been the best w/his characertizations, and this book simply continues the irritating trend of over-describing male/female relationships...and quite badly at that. Sometimes I wonder if RJ stopped growing emotionally at age 12, judging by how he treats his female characters (who are all essentially the exact same person). But, as always, RJ kept me hanging w/the few and far-between descriptions of villainous intrigue. Perhaps if he had describe his antagonists more this book would have garnered a far higher rating all-around. To those who want an "epic," they've got one...But if you're even considering comparing this to such great works of fiction like "Dune" or "Lord of the Rings," I really don't see where you're coming from. If you're unemployed or retired, this pedantic novel should fill up a good portion of your empty time, but otherwise, just as many have suggested, read the dust-jacket and leave it at that.
Rating:  Summary: Life is too short to waste on "epics" like this Review: The first several volumes of this series were pretty fair fantasy. However, it has gradually become an endurance test. It is not, the opinions of some die-hard fanatics notwithstanding, a "classic" fantasy epic. Webster's defines an epic as a long poem in a dignified style, and cites examples such as The Illiad, The Odyssey, Beowulf, or Paradise Lost. This series is now longer than all of those classics COMBINED, plus The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. My apologies to all these authors for comparing them to this series. The point is that great heroic epics have a beginning and an end, and great authors know that. If you can't tell the story in a thousand, or even two thousand pages, then it doesn't deserve 5 stars here. This has gone on far to long- it has put more people to sleep than warm milk. Come on folks, Tolstoy could have finished this story by now. If you, like me, read this book simply because after dedicating countless hours reading the damn story you just want to find out how it ends, well OK. But don't try to convince the rest of the world you are doing it because it's great literature. It isn't. If you want to experience great literature, read one of the books above or take a college class (you won't find any college courses teaching that this series is great literature). Better yet, spend time with your family, get some exercise, do something with your life. Don't waste one more minute of it reading this drivel. I will not- I'll find out how it ends reading these reviews. I found them more entertaining anyway.
Rating:  Summary: IT SUCKEd Review: there was no plot to it, and the characters...where was matt? i tihnk i maybe at max read 3 pages on him throughout the whole boook, NOTHING HAPPENED!! and u know what? his last two books have been his worse YET!! in the last one it took him 900 pages to say he got one morel ittle kingdom, at least then he said something and there was a plot, but not this time this novel SUCKED and to think that i had paid 25$ for it just pisses me off more
Rating:  Summary: Just One Thought Review: The three-star rating is an act of compromise, since I haven't actually read the latest installment of this vastly bloated series. Because I neither wish to nor am able to devote the entirety of my free time to Mr. Jordan's world, despite its initial promise, I had to leave it behind in the fifth book. Judging from the recent reviews here, not much has changed. What a concept: write a neverending story, charging handsomely for each installment and playing off of both readers' hopes and their feeling that, having gone this far, they might as well finish the journey. Goodness, Tolkien only needed six books, in three volumes (not counting The Hobbit as a prelude) to create the modern genre; Lewis only needed seven brief ones to create and end the world of Narnia; and Alexander only needed five in the Prydain Chronicles. There is one key word in writing, Mr. Jordan: economy, or maybe your publisher knows that all too well.
Rating:  Summary: fans of this book are idiots Review: i pity you fools who gave this book a five star rating
Rating:  Summary: DUDE! IT SUCKED! Review: I waited for about two whole years for that book to come out- and it was a big waste of time. I'm not going to sit around and wait anymore so Jordan needs to sit down and start cranking these things out. If Jordan had been trying to ruin the series- this was the book he would write. I'm terribly dissapointed in it and I agree that I'm not going to revisit the series for some time until its complete and I don't have to waste my time.
Rating:  Summary: Ready for some plot advancement? ME TOO!! Review: I bought Path of Daggers immediately upon release, convinced against all evidence ( 7 books of it) that at long last Rand would begin the final approach to his great battle. I was sooooo wrong. Mr. Jordan, if I may address you directly, your soap-opera pacing is inconsiderate of the readers who have invested so much time and money to vaulting you to the top of the fantasy genre. I was left feeling like I'd read fifteen minutes of actual story--and it only took three days.
Rating:  Summary: Why God invented libraries Review: If you have yet to make the mistake of buying this book, consider this: this site is full of 1-2 star reviews written by readers who were sufficiently interested in the series to make it through eight books. Fortunately, I heeded those reviews and waited until I got this book through the library. Now, I've wasted only my time and not my money. I don't care if a series goes on for twenty books if the books are well-written. This book is not. Mr. Jordan apparently no longer considers himself a fantasy author; rather, he's trying to become the second Jane Austen by writing about relationships and the minor tedium of day to day life. Unfortunately, he utterly lacks any of Ms. Austen's talent for witty dialogue. His female characters are (almost uniformly) one-dimensional, abysmally aggravating shrews. His male characters are slightly better except when they're interacting with or "mooning" over the female characters. I suppose the various romantic relationships may seem authentic to, say, a twelve-year old, but they truly are laughable. Maybe Jordan is including the cloying details of these numerous relationships and describing dresses in mindnumbing detail because he thinks this will appeal to a female audience. I don't know, but I would give females more credit than that myself. If he would just get back to the story, I wouldn't care if the series would go on for another eight books.
Rating:  Summary: A slow-moving, pointless book. Review: I have recently re-read the wheel of time series and have noticed a steady decline in the quality of Jordan's work. This book is definately the worst. It's like Jordan just threw this book together in a hurry just to appease his publisher. Plus, it seems that Jordan has lost intrest in this series. He wrote a Conan novel while writing a Wheel of Time book, you can't just do 2 books at once and still expect quality work. He needs to conclude this series, and quickly.