Rating:  Summary: Quit your bitchin' Review: Everyone who complained about Robert Jordans book, Path of Daggers, Quit yoor bitchin. All I read was compliments on the first 6 books, and because he wrote one with too many subtle twists for all you ignorant fools to catch, you disrespect him. Maybe if you don't like this book, you should try Cat in the Hat or something more remedial. And if you cannot grasp Dr. Seuss, I'm sure Amazon.com sells pop-up books for you slower individuals. I welcome any E-Mails to my opinions.
Rating:  Summary: praise Robert Jordan Review: For all those who razz Mr.Jordan.Try writing an epic like this.I believe Mr.Jordan has an ace up his sleeve and when he pulls it out watch out.Path Of Daggers tells us the type of maddness saiden causes.So if you have something bad to say then shut up and dont read the book.
Rating:  Summary: I don't believe the Jordan Comment is real Review: Dear Amazon,I don't for a moment believe that Robert Jordan is responsible for the email you have attributed to him. Please check it out, and remove it. This distinguished gentleman, a literate and eloquent writer, certainly can correctly spell "I'm." And I'm sure he could come up with something better than has been attributed to him. Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: Duh? Where was I going with that? Review: It seems as though Jordan had no idea what he was getting himself into when he started this series. I think that it is apparent that he certainly had no idea how this series was going to really end. Really what has happened here is that he's spread himself too thin. If you're an author you know that you don't introduce charicters, develop them and then never talk about them again. As I was reading this book I just kept thinking to myself "he's bumbling around... Trying to figure out where he's going." Think about it, the book took almost an entire year longer than expected and then it just plain sucks! Talk about a writer's block. Anyways, the next book better be good or I'm going to call the publishers and have them refund my money for the first 8 books. Talk about being sucked in
Rating:  Summary: This was a real disappointment. Review: Robert Jordan keeps repeating himself!! I'm getting really sick of reading about how tough Rand is, and how cold Lan is. I don't mind a good plot, but nothing at all happens in this book! It's all talk--nobody does anything! Try George RR Martin, or anything, but don't waste your time on this.
Rating:  Summary: Here's why Jordan isn't a very good author Review: I first got into TWoT back when TEotW first came out in paperback. What a great book. In fact, I thought all the books up through TSR were really good. What happened? Well, Jordan has done nothing with the series since. Things happen, sure -- but nothing interesting. He seems to be filling up pages, rather than spinning a good storyline. That's poor, in my opinion, for an author with such potential. There are other problems too, among them: 1. Jordan has no clue about how to write women. All of his women are exactly the same. I can't believe other people can stand this. From what I know of most people who adore Jordan and worship him as their God, they probably haven't known too many real women. 2. He uses magic far too often as a plot device. This is never good, because it spoils the "special" nature that magic should have. This is just an opinion, but I think that George Martin, Raymond Feist, and Tad Williams all handled this much better. (Even David Eddings, the King of the Magic That Can do Anything(TM), handles this better with the Will and the Word, because at least that has physical limitations and rules that must be followed.) I'm not just trashing on Jordan here; I'd honestly like to see responses to this. I'll check back occasionally, but email is probably better. I'd also like to know why people like Terry Goodkind. I thought "Wizard's First Rule" was an OK book (but not spectacular) until the end, which was IMHO really melodramatic and really stupid. =)
Rating:  Summary: It just gets worse... Review: ...the sad thing is, once you've invested the hours and hours needed to get through the thousands and thousands of pages that entail the 'Wheel of Time' story, you almost feel guilty about giving up on the series. I know I did after a very poor 'A Crown of Swords.' No more. This "epic" has turned into utter rubbish. Over and over again, descriptions of what people are wearing spread out over thirty pages at a clip, this woman fretting and that woman tugging her hair over and over again - we get the point Robert. The supporting cast has become so large, it's impossible to take care of all the (worthless and boring) subplots over the course of the novel, so that the story you actually began reading makes up a mere 10-20% of the novel. You know what mr. Jordan, I could not care less about some two-bit noble whose part in the story means exactly zero - SO DON'T SPEND TEN PAGES DESCRIBING HIM AND HIS EVERY WAKING THOUGHT!! Ugh. If ever there was a time to just wrap this crap up, it is now. For anybody who has yet to dive into this series - RUN!! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!
Rating:  Summary: Stand alone? Falls over. Part of the sum? Rock solid. Review: No Judgements. When we criticize the author with such glorified righteous indignation, we get to be right, we get to invalidate the author, and the payoffs are just not worth the costs of our personal well-being and our affinity for the product of Jordan's labor. I have come to appreciate Jordan for his talent as a wordsmith. Here is a man who has the wonderful ability to spin a tale that is captivating and endearing. It is rich with detail that marks him a genious and sets him aside as a force in literature to be deeply respected. I get that most of the readers were disappointed with this latest book. So was I. However, taken on the whole, go back and re-read the entire series from the start through Path of Daggers and then evaluate your position. See if your opinion isn't moved to a point where this book can be appreciated not only for the ground it covers, but also for the setup that is only too obvious for the forthcoming episode. I do not subscribe to the notion that Jordan is in this for the money and is milking us for all we are worth; I believe the man is ethical and disciplined. My invitation is that we wear patience as our cloak and have faith that the next book and those after will conclude the story in so powerful a way that we will be truly moved. That is the gift the author will bestow on us. I have to say that when I first finished the Path, I was so outraged that I threw the book across the room, raised my clenched fists in the air and yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" My wife was so alarmed that she came downstairs to find out what was wrong. I told her, "That bastard! I've waited 26 months to find out what happened to Matt and he's not even mentioned but in passing in this story. Now I have to wait, what, two more years? Jordan is a real scumbag." I vowed I would not finish this story. However, I introduced my wife to this saga last autumn (she's finishing Crown of Swords) and she has been asking me questions about the story. I've gone back to the first book to begin, yet again, reading the entire series. Having done so re-aquainted me with the story in a new way. I was able to read Path of Daggers with new insight and came away with a high degree of appreciation and respect for Jordan's ability to tell a tale. Path of Daggers is a satisfying read. It does not stand on it's own as a complete story, but it is, without question, a masterful addition to the series and serves as a solid foundation upon which the conclusion will be based. I wait now with anticipation for the next book. I wait with patience, not anger.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: This book was, in a word, disappointing. After about six brilliantly written books I was saddened to find out that this, long awaited addition, was just 600+ pages of NOTHING. Now, in response to Mr. Jordan's comments. Instead of being mad at all the bad reviews of this book I think you should take them seriously. You may be disappointed in us but let me assure you we are much more disappointed in YOU. I know that you are trying to draw this out until the tenth book, where this series will finally finish, but what is the point if there is no one to read it? Mr. Jordan please take a hint. We all know you can write brilliantly, show us the same level of writing that drew us to this series in the first place. I KNOW you can do it. All the dedicated Jordan fans seem to have one unifying cry. "You shouldn't rag on Jordan. Could YOU do better?" Oh, please. This is the whining of my little brother. Children, GROW UP! Ok, Yes perhaps I could write better perhaps not. I've experimented with some fiction, I know how tough it is but that is NOT the point. We all know that Jordan can write well. He's shown it time and time again. Why can't we expect the same level of writing when we all know he has the talent to do it? If he writes something like this it feels as if he didn't try. It is almost like he is insulting us, thinking that we can't tell the difference between good and bad writing. Well, I guess in some cases he was right.
Rating:  Summary: A essential book for all fantasy readers!!!!!!!! Review: I would just like to say that i have enjoyed this book tremendously! I am not alone in this sense as many of my friends have also become hooked on this series after i introduced it to them. My only complaint is that i will probably have to wait for a long time before Book 9 is published. Lastly, i hope that Mr Jordan will continue to strive and do his best!!!!!