Rating:  Summary: I hated this book Review: Jordan is so confused about his convoluted series of plots that he doesn't make any headway toward wrapping things up. The characters just sit around and bore us. No action, just boring, boring, boring. Jordan should read some Goodkind to see if he can rediscover how to move a plot along.
Rating:  Summary: Keep your bitchin' Review: Everyone who's bitched about POD, keep it going. Maybe Mr. Jordan will actually get the point, and the next book will improve some. The person who write the opposite of this reviews seems to think that everyone who think this book is a bunch of drivel(which it is) is a stupid child. I suggest you read Amazon's review of the book, as well as Booklist's, because they didn't seem to much care for the book either. In closing, dont be so ignorant as to presume that everyone who didn't like this book is an imbecile. I can name at least one person who gave this book 5 stars who is severly lacking in the area of intelligence.
Rating:  Summary: And one Review: Robert Jordan's new book is, in effect, not his best work to be sure, but conceding this I still think Jordan is the man. Unlike his other books this one was a big pace slower and left everything hanging in the air for his next book(which had better be huge to reveal some of the loose ends he conveniently effected) Still the work and time he has put into this series far outweighs the lacking of one book. I would like to share some thoughts with other fans of Jordan's. If any have studied the Knights of the round table in school and read Robert Jordan then you would see a small similarity in the names of places and characters and govermental structure. Also since Robert Jordan is a Physicist anyone who has studied Physics and read his books would note a definite similarity in the laws he uses to control the magic in the land and the laws of physics--adapted to a world where magic exists of course. Time and Time again I have thought that Robert Jordan must be a genious. I wonder how a man can have a vision of the ending of the story and still say so much and in such detail in the telling of it.
Rating:  Summary: Not quite up to par Review: This was a much waited and somewhat disappointing sequel. Jordan repeated much of what went on and lost some of his avid readers in the slough of despond. Too much attention to detail can be a bad thing, but if you skip all the slough and go to the meat of the story, it is still a great story. Jordan has amazing flexibility in his imagination and the strength of characters to make his next installment terrific if he listens to the words of his readers. Please listen, Mr. Jordan to the words of your greatest fans.
Rating:  Summary: This would be Zero stars if allowed Review: Seriously, I'm tired of Jordan. As many have stated, it's just momentum keeping me reading this tripe. ALL the characters have become like Eddings; mere parodies and caricatures. The women all sniff and look down their noses at the men; the men all wonder why the other does better with women (and they all snort). PUH-LEEZE! Read Martin, Kay, Hobb or Glen Cook for true fantasy masters. Martin is writing what may become the definitive magical epic. Read it, instead of wasting your money on this garbage.
Rating:  Summary: Very good, but not as perfect as the others... Review: There was enormous expectations to "The Path of Daggers", book eight of "The Wheel of Time". Through the first seven books millions of readers were surprised to find a fantasy epic of such a high quality. WoT is a very rare and different series that focuses on the emotions, personalities and troubles of the main characters. Robert Jordan describes them with passion, humour and pure joy, which alone indicate that his talent of writing is great. In addition, the world he has created is as detailed and vivid as Tolkien's and the plot and pace of the story is so good that it certainly made me an addict. There are three things I think makes a WoT book good. #1 Development of the characters. #2 Revealing more about the world and The One Power. #3 Action. There are not quite enough of any of these to make "The Path of Daggers" as good as the best of the other WoT books. "The Path of Daggers" is in some ways different from the other books. We don't hear anything from one of the main characters, which isn't necessarily bad (RJ has done that before), but this book being a little shorter than the rest, that leaves the others to fill the part that one played. RJ does not do that job good enough. Many of the characters have become more cynical and less "human" in this book. They develop to become more individual and stronger. But their appetite for exploring new areas of the world and the joy of learning new things is no longer present. It also seems that RJ was in a hurry in the 4 last chapters. Then it happened almost as much as in the rest of the book, but I really wonder why it was cut down to so few chapters. RJ is not writing as vivid as before in this book. I miss the songs, the humour and the Ogier. Why do we not have the very interesting characters Nynaeve, Aviendha and Verin as first persons more than in a couple of chapters? Siuan is not first person at all! That would have made it more enjoyable and easier-to-read. I also miss The World of Dreams and the mysticism of the angreal(s) and the portals. There is nothing new about The Pattern and The Dark One, and almost nothing new about the One Power. And we don't even know where all the characters are heading. There are also a lot of good things to say about "The Path of Daggers". It was really exciting to read about Egwene's struggling for gaining respect as the Amyrlin Seat. The little "report" from The White Tower was also very good, and I really look forward to hearing more from that place when Egwene gains the control. The last chapters were thrilling, though they could have been much longer (which would have made them even better). The plot grows more difficult, intricate and exciting, and I fully trust RJ to sort it all out later. "The Path of Daggers" is a good lead-in to a great ninth book. RJ said he was going to stress down a bit before this one (which he definitely deserves), and I think he should take the time AND the pages the next one will need. There is no need to finish it soon if it would lower the quality of WoT. I can't make myself see this one as a single book, and when I decided to give it 4 out of 5 stars it was because it fits well (though not incredibly perfectly) into the saga. Do not read it if it's some time since you finished the rest, though. You will need to have the recent events fresh in mind.
Rating:  Summary: Worn out his welcome... Review: Don't get me wrong, I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Jordan. But it seems that with every passing novel his prose and vision weaken on an almost exponential scale. Where is the fast pace and clever turns of the first three installments, or at least the character development of books 4&5? Jordan's insistence on restating every character's history and motivation is a particularly annoying feature, and while the three central characters retain some portion of their original literary value, I have given up all hopes of his writing a real female character, or even allowing one of his existing ones to grow up. Enjoy the paycheck, Mr. Jordan, but don't expect to recieve any more of my book-purchasing money. The thrill is gone, and I'm bored with what should have been the best fantasy installment of the decade. It has become a standard by which other novels should be judged, but instead of as something to aspire to, as an object lesson, "Millions of copies sold and 1000 page-novels can't substitute for tired prose, flat characters and half-baked plots." To anyone who has waited to purchase this, forget it and pick up the latest Martin or Modesitt.
Rating:  Summary: a solid stepping stone Review: Path of daggers is an enjoyable book and is worth the money to read, but it lacks a solid conclusion and there become mainly a transition book. This latest installment in the wheel of time does not end with some magnifiecent battle but rather with new beginnings which the next book will be based around. I have enjoyed all of Robert Jordan discriptions and the great developments of the characters. Each new character has some new quirk of the human personality and entralls the reader. People should not critize this book serperately but take it as part of the whole series in which Jordan needed a book to make a transition into what i expect to be a very good next book. I recommend anyone to read this book if they have already read the first seven and have patience(a virtue) in wait for the next one. If you have to try another series for awhile or reread this first couple books.
Rating:  Summary: Roll on "The Broken Seal" Review: When I first read this book it was a great disappointment - there were whole chapters that should have been ripped from it - making it a far more manageable tale. There are far too many minor characters in the Wheel Of Time now, who will just end up disappearing in the next book. The only thing that made me appreciate this book was that it was just an overlong prologue for the next story arc. I cannot wait until Book 9 "The Broken Seal" comes out in November, for I do believe that the action shall actually pick up then!