Rating:  Summary: It was a major "builder" Book. Review: One of Jordan's habits when he writes is to biuld up his books to a major event. I have found that the more Jordan "builds" his events, the more profound the outcome. By itself, this book is a push-over, nothing really happens. But becuse I am a Wheel of Time fanatic I know something big is going to happen. If Jordan used a whole book as a builder, be prepared to be blown out of the water with the next book
Rating:  Summary: Huh? Review: What happened? I expected better from Mr. Jordan on this one. Crown of Swords was an okay read. A place to pause the epic and take your breath. I didn't realize it was the start of long snooze. Why Mr. Jordan spent a lot of pages on female drivel I couldn't understand. Granted he crafted strong female characters but you can only take so much. I liked the series because of its sense of mythology. That it could effectively convey its own creation cycle of fall and redemption. Instead we got sidetracked by Nynaeve being her usually silly and irritating self. And where's Mat? His escapades running away from his reputation as a great tactician was the most enjoyable aspect of the book. Look... I know the White Tower is an important part of the plot, but Mr. Jordan should have evened it out with other plot developments. I'm sorry for the rest of you who waited. It really wasn't worth it.
Rating:  Summary: I give Jordan 2 more books. Review: I must say, I, like many other Wheel of Time fans, was a bit dissapointed with The Path of Daggers. It seemed, like many have said, to be a setup for book nine, with nothing really happening and no conclusion that I could see. I understand that Jordan may have been pushed a bit for this book, what with it going over 2 1/2 years, but I really expected more.I'm giving Robert Jordan untill book 10 (which I'll probibly wait untill it's in paperback) to get me hooked again. If not, I'm going over to George RR Martin's Earth, Wind, & Fire series for my faviorite Fantasy series ever. I'm not like many others here, saying that Robert Jordan is a horribal writer or just milking it. I think that's just stupid. What I do think is that Jordan is taking a bit too long in this series and should really speed it up a bit. Because if he doesn't, his next book isn't even going to come close to the sales of the latest few.
Rating:  Summary: Someone needs to fire whoever let this sludge get printed Review: Just can't believe anyone would give this trash more than one star. In fact, I'm disappointed that I can't give it no stars. Those of you who believe in the concept of a "set-up book" must be big soap-opera fans and enjoy reading encyclopaedias cover-to-cover. So here's news for you: fiction books need plots. This is why they're books and NOT encyclopaedias. Come to think of it, Jordan would probably do better at this point to finish his story as encyclopaedia entries. That way we could follow along one storyline to its completion while cross-referencing other storylines and any significant characters integral to that plot. Secondary, & tertiary, characters could be charted with reference to their entry & exit points to the story, their contributions, their relationships, and their significant occupations. Now that I would buy. I thought about burying this book in memory of the innocent tree sacrificed to print it. However, in the end I just had to return it. (I hope the TOR people got to see my reason for returning it). I bought Martin's "A Clash of Kings" instead and made the best turn of investment in years.
Rating:  Summary: A Thoroughly Exciting Book Review: i would like to say that even though some were dissappointed by this series, i am in awe waitting for the next book. the story line is well developed and you have a real feel for the characters. he painted a vivid picture of who and what was going on. now i didn't think the first book, The Eye of the World, was as great as The Path of Daggers in the fact that the plot was a little weak but as it progressed his series got better.
Rating:  Summary: Rob's really slipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I expected soooo much more from this book. I'm very disappointed. Nothing happened, and all of the plot development was so hazy you weren't even sure what was happening. In addition to that, (I'm biased, because Nynaeve's one of my favorite characters) I didn't like the way Nynaeve was acting like an idiot. Oh, and did I mention how it is way past time Moraine miraculously came back from the dead? Well, it is!!!
Rating:  Summary: Continuation of the "Wheels of TIme" saga. Review: It is important to read this book to keep pace with the serial. However, due to the length of time it takes these serials to come out & the complexity of the stories it is difficult to grasp quickly. There is not as much action in this book as in the others. I am wondering if Jordan knows what the ending will be, or if he is making so much money out of this series he continues to write them forever, i.e. Edgar Rice Burroughs & his Tarzan episodes. But, at least Tarzan ended his stories.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the others Review: Jordan don't ever read Goodkinds work as one critic said, Soul of the Fire was so bad that it made PoD look good. Goodkinds series in going down hill after the first two books. PoD had little action, the plot moved very slowly and I can't stand the girls complaining. Jordan should conclude a novel with more answers given than question raised or he'll never finish the series. First six books of this series were great, either book 6 or 4 being most people's favourites. Jordan please get back on track in book#9, whatever it takes give some answers, have more action and pick up the pace.
Rating:  Summary: bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad Review: Top excuses given for this bad book: 1) It is setting up the next book. Terrible excuse. Nobody should have 1000 pages of drivel pushed on them simply to "set up" the next book. A decent author would not have to do such a thing, nor would they ever insult their readers by doing it. 2) It's part of the greatest epic ever. So? Really, this series stopped having the potential for being the greatest epic ever about 2 or 3000 pages ago. Eh, let's put it this way - if a team goes 161-1 during the course of a season, and that loss was a blowout, the other 161 wins do not negate the fact that that loss s u c k e d. 3) Robert Jordan is the greatest writer of our time! Who, apparently, writes overly long, slow moving books. If *that* is the greatest, I'd hate to see the worst. (as if calling him the greatest at all changes the fact that this book stunk) 4) If you did not like this, you must be a dumb kid who can't read. Mirror mirror on the wall... ...I don't even think I need to explain this one away... 5) Wait till the next book... No.
Rating:  Summary: Does Jordan need money ????? Review: I don't belive i'm still reading these books !!! The 3 or 4 first books of the stories were great I mean it. It's true Jordan has a lot of imagination and you discover something new evry other page but frankly I'm wondering if Jordan needs money 'cause nothing happened since book 7 or so...