Rating:  Summary: Eat SH*t and die you critizing WANKERS Review: Here is an interesting post from Patrick Nielsen Hayden & Teresa Nielsen Hayden for Tor Books:"=The Path of Daggers= will debut on the November 8 New York Times hardcoverbestseller list in the #1 slot -- beating out books by Anne Rice, Tom Clancy, and Stephen King. This is the first time a book by Robert Jordan has hit the top of the New York Times bestseller list, and the first time a book from Tor has done so -- to say nothing of debuting at the top. We are =immensely= pleased. (In fact, we were practically dancing in the hallways, and threw an impromptu party featuring pizza, champagne, chocolate cake, and a short happy speech by Our Publisher.) It may not be as evident to normal humans, but for those of us in the book business, the New York Times bestseller list, eccentric and maddening though it may be at times, is _the_ important list. To place on it is to add an enormous multiplier to your sales and marketing efforts. To hit #1 on it is to have arrived in bestseller heaven. Next time someone asks you "Robert who?," say "NEW YORK TIMES #1 BESTSELLER ROBERT JORDAN, THAT'S WHO." And thank you all! Patrick Nielsen Hayden & Teresa Nielsen Hayden for Tor Books" And this post: "Let me know if this gets monotonous, but =The Path of Daggers= is now #1 on the following bestseller lists: The New York Times USA Today The Wall Street Journal Publishers Weekly YEAH id like to George RR MARTIN GET To the top of that list.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you! Now we're seeing where everyone's going! Review: Wonderful story. For the simple minded who can't keep up with more than 2 characters at a time, this book must be avoided. For those who've paid attention, the plot has expanded wonderfully. In reality, the best laid plans don't always come to fruition, and thankfully Jordan has created a non-linear world where things go awry and there is failure. Everything happening has been previously alluded to, and I'm just eager to spend many more sleepless nights soaking in the stories, plots, and intricate twists of fate. God forbid Tolkien had sent Frodo straightaway to Mt. Doom courtousy of Giant Eagles!
Rating:  Summary: Waaaaiiiitttt A second.... Review: Ok, this book was dull. Dull and repetitive for 800 some odd pages. But one question... is it just me or did anyone else notice the large amount of PMS the Aies-Sedai have?
Rating:  Summary: The worst chapter in a stunning series Review: The Path of Daggers is, regretably, not a great book. When taken alone, it is slow, pointless, and aggravating. Mat Cauthon is completely left out when he should be a main character, and the pacing is terrible. The main section of the book all takes place over a couple days, then the end jumps through what seems to be a month or more. Despite these problems, however, Path of Daggers should be looked at not as a individual book, but as a small part of a single huge story, as it was intended. As another section added on to the Wheel of Time, it is very strong. The Wheel of Time has a world unmatched in complexity, and the sections about the Seanchan and the new villian Moridin serve to make the world even more real in the readers' minds, while Rand's first defeat makes the story much more realistic, instead of having an invincible hero, like in weaker stories. Although this chapter of the Wheel of Time was a disappointment compared to the others, I continue to eagerly await the new section in the story. Wheel of Time is still the most complex, realistic and involving fantasy ever written, and the story will continue, despite the protests of the impatient. (I just hope Padan Fain and Slayer return soon, and that Rand realizes the truth about Taim. Demandred must die!)
Rating:  Summary: who's he kidding? Review: We may as well put our money in an envelope and send it to him, and not waste our time anymore. Thats all he wants anyway. The series has ended for me. the women are so annoying, its obvious Jordan isn't targeting a female audience, and isn't that brat Faile dead yet? Someone needs to kill her off and teach the other females some manners. I don't know what Mrs. jordan is like, but REAL women aren't like that. the plot of PoD is slow and frustrating, and how the heck does anyone keep up with all these different characters? I loved Jordans first books so much, they've earned him one more chance, but he better start pulling a few things together. And please, get rid of the holier than thou female attitudes.
Rating:  Summary: Yuck!! Review: I never would have believed I could say this. But my once favorite series of all time has gone from excellence to garbage. Reading these last two books has been torture. When the series started out it focused on only one character now i am forced to read pages upon pages about whining woman. This series is on life support it needs a jumpstart.
Rating:  Summary: It's the best yet because.... Review: Because I finally gave up on the series and didn't waste my money on this one. Robert, I know you are beating a money-horse. You don't want the series to end because it has made you lots of money. Somewhere around book 5 you decided that the only way to keep making the money was to drag the series out until you died. After which point your estate can then license the rights to the series to a writer who WILL finish the damn thing. *sigh* Guess I have a long time to wait before I get to see the end. One reader who is glad he didn't buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Where is Mat Review: This book is written like the other-- several Characters doing several different things at once. But if you like Mat Cauthon don,t buy this one -- he is not in it.
Rating:  Summary: I was disappointed by this book Review: I had suspicions that book seven seemed to be filler to prolong the series. But after this lastest book, Jordan must be under pressure to write a certain number of books in the series because the pointless nature of this book is incredible. More subplots and very little progression towards the end that must come.
Rating:  Summary: Consider as part of a series, not an stand-alone book. Review: Aye, I was disappointed in PoD. The absense of Mat in particular had me howling in fury! But then, I sat down and reread it. And I picked up the other seven and scanned bits out of them, started cross referencing and to tell the truth, found it incredibly engaging. It is not a stand alone book; by that criteria, it would hold little interest to anyone. As part of a intricate series that holds more complexity than any other fiction I have read, it is brilliant. My recommendation? For what it's worth, if you want action instead of description, don't buy it. But for those who are enchanted by the world RJ has created, go for it - it's rewarding and a superb addition to the other 7. But if you are new to the Series, I recommend beginning at book one. Book 8 is a Very Bad starting point.