Rating:  Summary: well, I can't really think of anything new to say... Review: Well, it wasn't the best. It wasn't the worst. I'm still going to read book 9. People who say it was awesome or it was the worst thing they've ever read should be taken out and shot. That's it.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan's lost in the distractions Review: I could forgive the lack of Mat if POD had eliminated the painful distractions. Jordan should lose: Faile (hopelessly annoying), Berelain (ditto), the Shaido, the Game of Houses, how lords and ladies dress ,TearI could go on, but you get the idea. Who gives a rap about the livery of Cairienhin servants? Get to the meat: Elaida (okay, underway), saidin (so cleanse it already), the Foresaken (do they actually do bad stuff -- or just dispense aspirin for the Amyrlin(s)?)
Rating:  Summary: I'm getting too old for this... Review: ...and so is Robert Jordan. I hope he dosen't expire of EXTREEM old age before finishing this series. If you look at this well written book carefully, nothing really new happened. My predictions for the next book: Elayne has trouble controlling Nynaeve and dosen't want to hurt Aviendha's feelings. Nynaeve moons over Lan and loses her temper with everybody else. Egwene continues to have trouble convincing everyone that she is the REAL Amyrlin Seat. Perrin searches for Faile without success. Faile learns humility. Rand fights himself and someone else to a draw. And Mat, Mat? Who's he??? I think that telling this story is going to take longer than the original events took. Please, Mr.Jordan, surprise us and give us some meaningful advances in the storyline. Tie up some of the loose ends, hopefully in less than two years!!!
Rating:  Summary: Enough! Review: Miscellaneous notes scribbled while reading "The Path of Daggers": 1) Title seems to be descriptive of the experience of actually reading the book; it's about as painful and belabored. 2) Jordan's view of women remains stunted and unconvincing. When they're not preening, they're being harridans. Then again, Jordan's men are no less insufferable and pinheaded, so he's not actually sexist, just a lousy writer. Small saving grace. 3) There's so much plot, nothing happens. Nothing, that is, of interest, or real importance to the reader. It's about as coherent as channel-surfing in a foreign language. 4) If his characters are insufferable and his plotting sadomasochistically complex, what about the flavor of Jordan's writing? Put it this way: Someone should saw the book in half and count the rings. 5) I lost track of all the names three books ago. I don't think I'm any the poorer for it. 6) Where are you tonight, Peter S. Beagle?
Rating:  Summary: Not the Best ... but definitely not the Worst!! Review: I found this book to be pretty good. Their were some faults. First: this book was not long at all. While it might have been 600 pages, anybody with half a brain could see that only happened because the editors tripled the size of the font in comparison to previous books. If you were to use the same size font from The Shadow Rising (which WAS THE BEST BOOK OF THE SERIES), this book would only be between 250-300 pgs. Second: the battle between Rand and the Sanchan wasn't that exciting. Ever since book 4, we knew this battle would come but it was over in 50 pages! I doubt that theyv'e been completely defeated but that battle was waaayyy too brief. Now to why I gave this book 4 stars: it was because it was a great improvement over book 7. Book 7 WAS THE WORST OF THIS SERIES!! Book 7 had the feel of being a rush job, from beginning to end. Especially the battle against Sammuel. Rand is going from one spot to another than all of a sudden he says, "Let's get Sammuel". I think that Jordan took some of his "supposed" fans advice and tried to speed up the pace. The result was truly a disaster! This series is at his best when it's going at a slow, delibrate, well-thoughtout pace. I think Mr. Jordan isn't purposely prolonging the series for money or to try to undue J.R.R. Tolkien's legacy. Jordan, from the very beginning of the series, knew where this series was headed. He has tremendous foresight. It would be a crime if Jordan, speeds up the pace of the series just to have it conclude. I can tell the amount of thought and hard work that went into creating this world and you people want it to end!! If you people want to abandon the series, go ahead and leave! Bye-Bye! Nobody's going to miss all your whimpering and complaning. Alot of the complaints you've been making, have been made since book 4. If Jordan hasn't changed the pace of the series yet, he never will. He'll do what he thinks is best for the world he created. These "supposed" fans are simply action-junkies. Not interested in true literature but just getting a cheap thrill. If you want action so bad, without any kind of plot, go watch Star Wars: Episode 1 again. If you have any sense you'll stick with the series: ALOT IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN BOOK 9!!
Rating:  Summary: Could have been better Review: I will wait for the ninth book to decide whether Robert Jordan's standard has really dropped.
Rating:  Summary: Hundreds of pages of NOTHING! Review: I love this series. I really do. I loved the first six books and have confidence that the conclusion to this great story will be incredible. But this book was just plain HORRIBLE! NOTHING HAPPENS! And I'm not talking about battles and fireworks. I'm talking about plot developments, or anything that has some significance to the story as a whole. It amazes me when I read all these 5 star reviews for this trash, and the only explanation for this that I can think of is that these people are so enamoured with Robert Jordan that he has become like a god to them; no matter what he does now, whether it be good or bad, he can do no wrong in their eyes. These die hard fans are in reality die hard FANATICS (think Masema). One person writes 'read your other supposedly better books! We will stick to Jordan's great story.' Does that mean that these are the ONLY books worth reading? There are no other good authors out there? If I were to read something by Robin Hobb or George Martin, would that be blasphemy? Give me a break! Yes, Robert Jordan has written some great books, but he is human, capable of failure as he has proven here. Open your eyes people.
Rating:  Summary: POD left *me* gasping, wanting more! Review: I've read all of the customer reviews and I cant believe all of you whining people. This book still rocks! It isnt his best, Im the first to admit that, but not his worst. EOTW left me vaguely interested, you know that? The only reason I picked up TGH was because I had nothing else to do! POD is, in my humble opinion, better than EOTW, who was terribly slow and vague to me. I got to enjoy it when I re-read it after finishing the series. Anyways, POD has some wonderful new plotthreads. The appearance of Cyndane (yes, I *do* believe she's Lanfear!), the beginning of the Great Purge of the Black Ajah in the White Tower, Egwene and her army ready for the Siege of Tar Valon, the Asha'man going mad, the Asha'man *bonding Aes Sedai*, I mean, God, what do you want more? Yeah I know Mat was not in it. SO WHAT? It'll be firework in Book 9, people, I promise you firework. *smiles* POD left me gasping, as I said, wanting more. My whole stomach was knotted up. And when an author does *that* to you, you're a good writer. TFOH and LOC were his best, but POD was surely terrific as well. You people are just spoiled. It cant be action and balefire all the time... thats not even so in real life. Get real, people, and wait and be patient for book 9.
Rating:  Summary: Having trouble converting from audio to visual Review: The first seven books in the series I 'read' by listening to the unabridged version of the audiotape. I found them all very entertaining, enjoyable, and imaginative. An unabridged audio version of this book is not available at the time I'm writing this, and I am having trouble buckling down to read the very thick Path of Daggers. Also, I find if I let too much time go between books, it's somewhat hard to recapture the excitement and adventure that Jordan has been weaving.
Rating:  Summary: Dreadful. Review: This book has no direction and no driving force. Characters are motivated mainly by their own angst, which, after it has been chewed and re-chewed in book after book, is old and tired. Characters who do not learn from one book to the next are stupid. Stupidity is a poor plot driver. The story has become so large and so marvelous (without contribution from the 6th or 7th books) that to tie it all together and finish it will be impossible, especially by Jordan, who seems to have lost his genius. I don't believe Jordan intends or is able to complete the story. Instead of closing off apparently-completed plot lines, he denies closure by reanimating dead characters (the unforsaken, only one of whom, Rahvin, is permanently dead) or introducing "new" characters to take the place of the old (Moraine/Cadsuane). The characters are too rude. Jordan seems to derive his perception of human behavior from his days at the Citadel. Though life may be a series of plebe experiences, denigration and abuse of plebes is unacceptable anywhere outside the adolescent atmoshphere of a miltary academy.