Rating:  Summary: A day in the life of... Review: I have to agree with the majority of reviews already here. If the series gets any slower it's going to stop. There are so many characters/factions/sub plots that to update us on them all means you finish the book feeling like only 1 week went past (and not much happened). If any new charaters get introduced (or any more dead ones come back) I may give up on this series for good. When I started reading this series I raved about it, now...I've begun to cool off a little. The wheel of time has the potential to be one of the greatest series ever written, but only if it gets finished. It's time to start wrapping up a few loose ends so we can remember what's going on without re-reading the series with every new book released.
Rating:  Summary: Robert Jordan dazzles and delights! Review: How to descreibe a book that none other equal, say only the books of this series? In everyones life time there comes an author that transforms the world we live in. Tolkien was the only one to ever create a world so detailed, so inthralling that none could compare! Jordan has equaled and betterd Tolkien. He has created such an epic battle of good and evil that inthralles you and keeps you wondering. The classic battle of good over evil, light versus darkness has never been told in such detail as with Rand vs. the Dark One. With emotions ranging between love, hate, beauty, ugleness and loss, you will lose yourself in the battle! Mr. Jordan has created his supporting characters with such detail and such deepth that one wonders if he where not there and is a simple historian. How one man can creat a world which everone and thing with such detail stupifies me! I can say no more that just this: Read it to beleave the hype!
Rating:  Summary: Good book, detailed? Detailed is good! Review: I do not understand why you people do not like this book in the series. This is EPIC FANTASY. The keyword here is EPIC. That means it is prolonged and lengthy. If you do not like EPIC fantasy, read some short series like "The Lord of the Rings" by J. R. R. Tolkien. As for me, I prefer lengthy stories. What better way to tell a tale than with every detail of every day of peoples' lives? This is what makes WoT so fabulous. The exquisite detail makes you feel as if YOU ARE A PART OF THE WORLD. It triggers your emotions with the everyday happenings and makes you wish you actually lived there. So, thus, please do not say that you do not like this incredible work without admitting that you also do not like epic fantasy.
Rating:  Summary: tripping Review: I guess what i miss the most is the wit and the (almost effortless) imagination of the early books. The courage, existential bewilderment _and_ sincerity of the characters which gave the series its power have been superseded by the neurotic and the petty. And by special effects which often dilute the story. Looks like Jordan and Lucas Travel on the same ship....
Rating:  Summary: great start, gone down hill, can book 9 bring it back up? Review: I really enjoyed the first 7 books, book eight was not so good because I can't stand the wait for the next book, does anybody anywhere know when its due to come out??????
Rating:  Summary: Too slow progress with the story. Review: This last book was dreadful to read. Nothing happens. Why not put an end to this story now. There is enough stuff already to start another about e.g the time of Lews Therin, the original Dragon. Or why not about Arthur Hawkwing or somebody else of the ancient heroes mentioned in WoT. That would be enough for more than a lifetimes writing if the author still is interested in this kind of "litterature". This WoT is not an adventure any more. Maybe mr. Jordan has lost his interest in it. Or lost the thread. Or has he hired a ghostwriter? At least I hope he will find a way out of this hopelessly tangled web and finish the story as boldly as it started nearly ten years ago. I would like to read the last chapter of it while my vision is still good.
Rating:  Summary: Books 1 to 6-great. Book 7-okay but slower paced. Book 8... Review: The Wheel of Time is by far the greatest fantasy series I have ever read, easily surpassing the Lord of the Rings and Dune. The first 6 books were just great, even if every book in the series was 800-1200 pages long.However, by Book 7, the series started a downward spiral, and the WOT's pace slowed down by a large margin.However Book 7 was still easily worthy of a 5 star rating. But The Path of Daggers was just terrible in comparison. The entire book could easily have been the prologue for Book 9. However, I'm still sure Robert Jordan is still very capable of bringing the Wheel of Time back to its former glory. If Book 9 is this bad, then it will probably be nearly impossible for Mr. Jordan to regain lost fans, not to mention attract new ones. So just sit back, go on with your normal life, and wait 2 more years for book 9. Hopefully the series will speed up a little, or else about 7 more books are needed to finish the series....(which will take about 14-20 more years)
Rating:  Summary: Read the reviews! Review: Like many, I read WOT 1 to 7 and eagerly anticipated book 8. But enough is enough! I stopped at page 306, promptly forgot about it (read KSR's Mars series instead .. good job, KIM!) and then picked it up again, only to stop after another 10 pages. Good grief! NOTHING HAPPENS! Its supposed to be a STORY, Bob! In a STORY, THINGS happen! Think MOVIE, not (excruciatingly detailed) PHOTO. The most pleasure I got out of this book was reading the hundreds of reviews posted here (some of these REALLY cracked me up!) I really recommend 'em! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!
Rating:  Summary: You don't realize. Review: I really get annoyed when people say that nothing happens in the later books of the Wheel of Time. "Path of Daggers", Jordans latest installment, is without-a-doubt the most explosive book in this series yet. Read it again. The Seanchan return, only to be routed. The Ashaman(sp) begin to turn on Rand, and the rebel White Tower is preparing to wage an epic war on Tar Valon. Elyas and his wolves, Faile vs. more Seanchan, and still no mention of Mat. READ IT AGAIN.
Rating:  Summary: the wait will be the death of this series Review: There is simply to much time between books in this series. The series as a whole is my favorite but I hate to wait 2+ years per book (the main reason for the low rating) This book was slow but still good. nothing really new happens and like some of the other books not all the main charcters are there. However still a good read for most WoT fans.