Rating:  Summary: Two sides of the fence Review: I thought this latest installment in the series wasn't bad even though we didn't have the benefit of Mat's wonderful dialogue. One side of me says this series is great through all eight books. It reads like a past history. However the other side of me is getting pretty damn mad!! How can any sane person out their look at this series and not think Jordan's lining his pockets. It's bad enough he's working on those damn Conan books among other things instead of devoting his time to finishing this series. I sure as hell don't care about Conan and his crap adventures. Waiting 2+ years in between books makes me want to shoot someone. The latest word from the rumor mill is Jordan's now contracted for 12 books! I think I'm going to throw up!! Jordan, I love the series, but 12 books? Well, I guess I'll have to spend my time bitching and complaining until this odyssey has come to an end. If anyone wants to talk some fantasy E-mail me.
Rating:  Summary: Just Piling On... Review: Some of my thoughts on Jordan and the Path of Daggers.POD was horrendous, more tedious even than book 7 - Crown of Swords. I grade it an F. In this regard, it was no different than book 7, which was also an F. POD was even worse than COS, but F is the lowest grade out there. This follows a D for book 5 and a D- for book 6. In POD you will find that - pointless new characters are introduced while great old ones are apparently sent to the trash heap, i.e. Padan Fain and Moiraine - Nynaeve pulls her braid for the 7,000th time - Stout shoes and wacky hats abound. The sad part is that Jordan probably thinks he is producing quality work! He can't be in it for the money. If he were, he wouldn't take two years between installments. The first time I remembered being disappointed with a large portion of the series was during book 3, when Nynaeve and Egwene traveled with a menagerie for about half the book. A sequence that should have concluded in 3 pages took several hundred. Jordan recovered in book 4, but now here we are. Four books, each worse than the last. No hope of a recovery. A writer with a monstrous ego and a tin ear. I got POD from the library. I wouldn't even shell out paperback money for it. What a shame. What a cryin' shame.
Rating:  Summary: Why is this taking so long? Review: I am totally addicted to this stuff, but the last two books seem to be dragging their feet. The story line is still one of the best, but it seems that Mr Jordan is having a hard time bringing this to a close. My suggestion would be to start getting rid of some of the deadwood characters. If they simply die I'm fine with it, but you don't have to keep bringing them back again and again. I'm very excited about the next book, but I hope that it's better than this was.
Rating:  Summary: Please, get on with it..... Review: The last 2 books have been frustrating to say the least. I wade through tedious and uneventful situations to be rewarded with brief but brilliant sections that have me glued to the pages. RJ seems to either be searching for a decent conclusion to the WOT or milking it for all it's worth. As far as I'm concerned, you could have made this book 200 pages by just including the stuff that really advances the story. Part of RJ's talent is in character development but I REALLY don't need to read about Nynaeve tugging her braid anymore. So why am I eagerly awaiting #9?? Sucker for punishment, I guess.
Rating:  Summary: worthwhile Review: An excellent book which keeps the narrative going, although judging by the other comments, this is a matter of much debate. The lack of excitement and battle scenes is unimportant. The character development is terrific, and the world just keeps getting richer with each installment. I for one, would get bored if the series consisted of unending action and battle scenes. Jordan is a veritable master at keeping his ten thousand plot lines moving. As for Rand doing stupid things, well, that's part of the appeal. He's not a ludicrous character who matures from callow farm boy to general/statesman/politican extraordinaire in the course of a few novels. He is human, he makes mistakes, and screws up. The characters' failures humanize the story, and make it far more readable. Highly recommended, I look forward to the next book.
Rating:  Summary: Uuuuugh........ Review: I'm totally po'd that I ever got involved with this series. Here's the deal RJ: I don't need to read another 4 page description of what kind of dresses the women are wearing ok? Get on with the story. The sad part is, it started out to be a fantastic story, but virtually nothing has happened in the last 1500 pages of the series. Dissappointing to say the least.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the rest but not that bad Review: It was quite good but after I had waited so long for it I was a bit disappointed that Rand and Matt were not in it. It was especially annoying because there were so many unrelated characters and sub-plots. But on the whole it asn't that bad and I still love the series. One Question though. When is the next one coming out in New Zealand?
Rating:  Summary: Lost track after the 1,000th character introduced. Review: Becoming extremely disappointed in this series. The last 2 books have consisted entirely of describing Aes Sedai facial reactions to Egwene's(and others)decisions. Who cares! Get on with the story, so we can get it off our to-do list. Jordan either has writer's block or has written himself into some sort of literary black hole.
Rating:  Summary: Can you give a book a -0- for it's review?? Review: WHAT A BOOK!!! After getting to around page...oh, let's see.... 5,000, I couldn't put it down! I voraciously read the next....ummm.... 2,000 pages just to see if ANYTHING was going to happen. And, WOW, NOTHING happens. This book came out before I was born. Apparently, it will be a work in progress long after I am gone. Robert Jordan's ancestors will have to finish it for him. This will be a tale each of us will pass on down to our children and them to their children and to their children and on and on, as NO ONE will be able to read the entire series in a lifetime. Has anyone ever taken a SAT, PSAT, CPA exam, or something similar? At some point, they tell you that time is almost up. HELLO!! Mr.Jordan, your time is almost up... just GET WITH IT!! Unfortunately, this must be what it feels like to be addicted to 'crack'. Here is the scenario for you; "Jeeze, the 'crack' was so good in the beginning..... surely, this next hit will do it.... oh, that wasn't any good... ok, well maybe the next hit..." It's like every page could have just as well said, "Not Yet.", and got me to the same result. If this series is actually 12 books in all, then Mr.Jordan needs to just provide me a Cliff's Notes version of the next three books. Now, when's the next shipment of 'crack'(WOT) due? I am fiending for a hit!!!!! btw, a GREAT series (because I know it has an ending) is Raymond Feist's Riftwar saga. This is a fantastic series for those who like the larger than life sagas like the WOT. Also, I greatly recommend the first 50 (7) books in the WOT series if you don't care that it doesn't have an ending or may never have one. I truly believe that one of the next 50 volumes is going to be another masterpiece. (oh, please, just one more hit Mr.Jordan).
Rating:  Summary: This book really adds to the greatness of the series Review: I have read the Wheel of Time books since The Eye of The World, and I dont see what anyone is talking about when they say this book is uninteresting. This book told necesary parts of the story line, and without them we would be lost. I just hope that Mat will be in the next book. And this book also shows that book nine will be very involved.