Rating:  Summary: More of the same... Review: Jordan has once again written an entertaining book, but since this is the 8th book in the series we expect something more. Some of the dangling plot threads are wrapped up, but in true Jordanite style he manages to create a lot more. Only for the followers...
Rating:  Summary: ...disappointment... Review: I was awfully disappointed in this book, not that I expected any better after "A Crown of Swords", but it seems to me that the series is getting worse and worse. In the last few books, the style has grown monotonous (the books aren't completely about how Nynaeve pulls her braid, though that isn't really evident here)and the plot doesn't advance in the least, despite the weight of the book. I wonder whether Robert Jordan will ever write as well agian as he did in the earlier books.
Rating:  Summary: Words, words, words Review: Mr. Jordan should be grateful for the many young people who read his books. But he should make an attempt at writing as if he were still hungry. He might pick up adults who want intelligent, well-crafted stories. By about book five my fingers itched to pick up a pen and edit. The people of Tor should fire every editor they have if this is what they let slip through their hands. The Path of Daggers ground to a halt. Jordan is windy, his women are whiney, his men are boys, and I'm getting very tired of everyone with attitudes. Perhaps instead of a review I should have edited the book down to it's bones. One thousand words would about do it.
Rating:  Summary: ...people, listen up. Review: you're suppose to be writing a review of this book, not the entire series. the first couple books in the series were great, but that doesnt change the fact that this was an aweful book. yes, the series overall is quite good, though in a downward spiral. don't give this book undue praise just because it is part of a good series. review it for what it is, not for what it's part of.
Rating:  Summary: last battle please! Review: Robert Jordan's eighth Wheel of Time novel takes readers one infinitesimally small step closer to Rand al'Thor's date with destiny. Although Robert Jordan's style is relatively uncomplicated this is not necessarily a quick read. There is simply too much going on. Those of you unfamiliar with Robert Jordan shouldn't even pick this up. Read the first seven books first (you have three thousand years of exposition to catch up on). Interesting new developments include startling events regarding Callandor, Rand's second most powerful magical weapon, and the betrayal of his Asha'man. Unfortunately, that's about it. Some extremely important players failed to show up to the stage. Mat's disappearance is absolutely chafing, as Perrin's was in book five. Another point that will no doubt have readers gnashing their teeth is the possible return of Rand's mentor, Moiraine. One can almost smell her behind the pages. Jordan's ability to supply the reader with full resolution while leaving enough questions unanswered to keep things interesting (and us panting) is not apparent this time around. But this book is only bad when compared to the others. This is still the finest work of science fiction/fantasy in the latter half of the twentieth century.
Rating:  Summary: beautifully complex Review: I loved all eight books of robert jordans wheel of time, though i am a little sad to see that their are people who would give these books bad reviews. This book is the eighth installment and yes their is alot of reading to do but the immensity of the story line and by-story lines is gigantic. I can't beleive that the David Eddings books could even be put into the same league as such an author as Robert Jordan. Robert Jordan's Style and Grace of writing is at a level that only Terry Goodkind could be seen at the same stature. The amount of ideas and creations gone into both series far surpass any that David Eddings could ever create, I would go as far as to say that not even Tad Williams could compete with such genius. I would ask you whether David Eddings can write at their level when he lately publishes novels such as Belgarath the sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress, works which had already been described full enough for my tastes in the Belgariad series and Gaurdians of the West. Get this book, buy it! don't borrow it! once the series is done it will only seem too soon. Give it to your kids once you've read them.
Rating:  Summary: unbelievable! Review: I think it is unbelievable that people can put down robert jordan's work. i think what people are calling long-windedness is RJ's mastery of description and emotion. his writing is amazing. i do however agree that path of daggers wasn't as good as his last books -- but only barely. jordan's subtle use of forshadowing and dropping in clues and intrigue keeps a person thinking and guessing. by far though, my favorites have been FoH and tDR. but PoD has a place of high honor on my shelf.
Rating:  Summary: Rober Jordon bad hair day... Review: .. I bought all 8 books and lost 2 months of my life. It was a fantastic and wonderful journey until book # 8. It just stood still. Robert was trying to weave to complex a weave and the "Gateway" just did not materialise. Rand should send him to the Wise Ones. He has such a rich story to tell, but Robert's style failed badly here. What he needs, and we should demand, is a collaboration with Tom Clancy to deliver the remaining books. Even the Aes Sedai nees to link to accomplish great things.
Rating:  Summary: Every- One Must Read This NOW! Review: OK, Ok. I know how most of you are feeling about Book 8 right now. But let me assure you it can only get better.Lets look back at the begining when book 1 was #1 on the lists and EVRYONE loved it. Now look at the ratings most of you are giving book 8. Prety sad eh? Book 8 may not be the best but we have to consider RJordans style of writing as well as the scenes so far. Yes books 1-5 were "Action Packed" But are all of you so simple minded that all you want is sword fights and large battles with sadin? COME ON! Thats not how Jordan works! If you have read this series as many times as I have you will notice a pattern: description in the beginning Fighting at the end. And the last chapters of book 8 were actually pretty packed with glory. So based on the books so far we know IT CAN ONLY GET BETTER! And we can tell that the author is building somthing here. An intricite web of plots,scemes, and power that is bulging with hostility. Its bound to crack some day and that day is coming soon. Where do all of you get off Bashing his work based on YOUR BLOOD CRAVING ACTION PACKING reading needs, if you want that go watch a schwartzaneger movie! But this sereis is much too good for that. You will see. Mat was left out for a reason and we will find that out soon. Why do you think there are all these holes in the story so far? Do you think Jordan has lost his touch and is going to let these characters hang? The whole purpose of these novels is THE LAST BATTLE! What do you think it will never come? Jordans plans are somewhat unknown but from past experiances I know he deserves better then this, and he will get it. A Path Of Daggers was not a dud, Nor was it ment to be an edge of your seat thriller. By now you should understand that it is not a True to its roots Fantasy Fiction story with Elves and Dwarves and Wizards.. This is not Middle Earth and it never will be, Thats why you must Give Jordan a chance to Surpas Tolkien (besides Tolkien left a lot of "what Ifs at the end of Book three" and I was not satisfied.) So take it or leave it but do not "Abandon it for somthing it is not" Happy reading..... Mike
Rating:  Summary: It is the best Review: I know I hear everyone saying this story is too long for even the most profound reader to quote another reveiw, but I find it just my size. It isn't often I can find a story that doesn't end so quickly that I almost want to murder the author for ending the story so soon. And all of the charaters in this one have managed to stay different. I've read alot of stories and I've found only a elite few that manage to go this long without all the charaters bending into 1 of 3: male, female or nothing to do with plot personalities. I cheer him for all of his work and only wish for the next one now. This book in particular I must say might not be the best in series, but in all reality once and a while the author needs to advance the plot. ( Thats most of what this one does) But with what has happened in this one I have extremely high hopes for the next in line. Read on everyone you will need this one to understand what comes after.