Rating:  Summary: Probably the worst book in the series, but not bad Review: The Wheel of Time had a a lot of momentum in the first 4 or 5 books, but 6-8 are slow-paced at best. Thats not necissarily a bad thing though. There were not really any dull moments that I could find, it's just that detail fills up so much of the book that the plot progresses slowly. If you like Jordan's characters, you will be interested enough to read through the book and find out what happens to them. Overall, its a decent book, just don't expect a whole lot to happen in it.
Rating:  Summary: The straw that broke the camel's back. Review: This is it. This is the one that I said, "I'm done." And I am. Click around Amazon on some other fantasy titles (non-Jordan)...notice how they have descriptions of the book, characters, and a plot summary? They quit doing that with the Wheel of Time. You can't--you'd give the whole book away because I can summarize one of these books in about 3 paragraphs: Nothing happens! If you put every paragraph together featuring Rand from the last 3 books that I read, you'd have a novel. Maybe. I still tell my friends to read the first two or three (or four), but otherwise to save their money. ... Even if you love Jordan that much, are you really trying to tell me that this was better than Eye of The World, or The Great Hunt, back when things used to happen and there was a plot? The logic of that is impossible--NO ONE would try to say that his later ...work is better than the inception of this series. Narrative fiction has traditionally been viewed in terms of five components: Exposition, Action, Climax, Resolution, and Denoument. Jordan's book have been exposition without action for the last 4 titles, at least. Don't insult REAL authors, or even Jordan's previous work ...
Rating:  Summary: Let's admit it, Jordan's lost it Review: I think it is about time that his fan's recognized that Jordan has no idea where this series is going. The first four books were fast moving, creative, and truly epic in scope. In the last four he has spent something like 4,000 pages to advance the plot and character development about as far as he did in one of his first four volumes. Who has the time (and money) to keep Jordan floundering around until he finally decides to wind it up? I sure don't , not when George R. R. Martin and Jack Vance are available instead. Seriously, when reviewers are praising this book because they were able to skip the two previous ones and still understand everything, you know the series is in deep, deep trouble.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the first 3 books - but necessary if... Review: ...you have read all the previous books and want to find out what happens next. Negatives: Too many redundant descriptions of characters we already know. Not enough on more popular characters. Positives: Fans of earlier works (like me) want to see what happens in the story. Summary: Sadly the author seems obsessed with long descriptions of the setting, and for some reason the entire plot has slowed down significantly from earlier works. It is almost as if the publisher has told the author to drag out the series to more books than the author intended. So the author has to come up with more verbose methods to set up a scene.
Rating:  Summary: Path of Daggers, Cumbersome Review: I had not read Jordan, before and wanted to get into some of his work. I had just finished reading several of Martin's books and they were fantastic. I figured Jordan's would be of the same type and I could continue where I left off. Not so. Jordan's Path of Daggers is one of the driest, most cumbersome works I have ever picked up. There is so much reference to people, places and names for which there is no association to relate. I found the book a real chore to read. Wheras Martin's books flowed, Jordan's bogged. I do not recommend this one. It's like reading a dry play. Maybe if I had suffered through the previous books he wrote, I might have a little better idea of where he was headed with it. As it was, I just could not get into it. Sorry.
Rating:  Summary: how to enjoy POD Review: You've probably realised how many people have given this book such a low score. They talk about how awful and slow it is. They insult it like it's been written by the dark one himself. yet, why do i give it a 4? How did i get to enjoy a book so heavily critisized by people? Let me explain: I was readin "fires of heaven" and i was bored to death. I LOVED the first 3 books, but shadow rising and Fires of heaven were just boring. Then, i got to the ending of Fires of heaven, and i just found myself craving for more wheel of time. i drove to waldenbooks and looked for lord of chaos, but then, i saw a sign from God, tellin me not to buy it. I saw POD, hardcover, on sale for 5$. i hastily grabbed it and bought it, and read it at home, ignoring the fact that i was only supposed to be at book 6. Miraculously, i LOVED this book. Because lord of chaos and crown of swords had progressed so slowly, with hardly anything new, i felt as if i hadn't skipped anything but a few chapters involving some Bowl and the prophet. I didnt really care because everything was explained in this book.it wasnt as good as the first three books, but hey, it did give me back another craving for wheel ot time.so, if u wanna save urself from readin an extra wasteful 1500 pages, skip books 6-7 and go straight to 8. You will not be dissapointed
Rating:  Summary: Boring Review: This book was the worst book in the series, there is no doubt about that. Robert Jordan's fans had to read through this long and boring book. They had to put up with Elayne chapters that just would not end and listen to her whine and complain. Mat the best character was not even in the book. This book went on forever but nothing happened until the very end. Jordan's next book is better but not by much. His new book coming out had better be better then his latest work.
Rating:  Summary: A Little Space and Time Review: I bought this book in hard cover when it first came out and I had just finished book 7 ("Crown of Swords "). I just couldn't get past the first couple of chapters. I read the first three or four books one right after the other; I couldn't get enough of the story. But then, enough already. I wanted to go on vacation somewhere else. After a little space and time, I picked up book 8, "The Path of Daggars" and am enjoying it greatly. Sometimes you have to go away for awhile and spend some time with some other characters. Then you can appreciate Jordan's detailed writing, the annoying charcteristics of the characters (I wish Nynaeve would stop pulling on that damned braid, and the men stop wondering when they will understand women!) and the delicious intrigue which makes this series worth the time it takes to read.
Rating:  Summary: It's getting too long! Review: As a lot of people say,the wheel of time series was exellent!I agree with them.Robert Jordan created a magnificent and colourful world and it had a good plot.It was one of the most famous series in the world.Alas,it was too good to be true.In the first few books,the story was interesting.But as it reached the seventh book,it started to get a little boring.When it reached the eighth book,I almost feel asleep reading it.I can't help but feel,WHY COULD'T HE WRITE THE SERIES SHORTER?A thing that happened in the span of let's say a year WAS WRITTEN INTO TEN BOOKS!!!!!!!If you are a preparing to read this book,let me advise you.DON'T READ IT.Heed my advise.Don't let yourself suffer like this.
Rating:  Summary: Winter's Heart Review: I think that this book, as well as all of the other eight books, is a great book. I say Jordan is doing a wonderful job, and if he hardly mentions some of the main characters sometimes, well, get over it! He'll bring them back in later, maybe in the next book. There are more important things he has to say a bout the other characters. Also, the mini-plots I'm sure will come together at the end. They are necessary, because without mini-plots two things will have happened: 1)The books would be boring, with only one main plot, and the characters do nothing but go along with this one major theme, which would make the book completely unrealistic of normal lives, which don'ty always have a binding theme, and 2) The series would be long over. I don't know about you but these books keep me occupied, and I like them a lot. If you don't like them, don't complain. Let others amke their own decisions about the book, because negativity does not help anyone. In the end, I love all of the Whell of Time series, and cannot wait until January for the next book!