Rating:  Summary: How the mighty have fallen. Review: When I first started reading Robert Jordan I was amazed. His story was epic and intriguing. All the way to Book 6 it built in a crescendo of power and wonder. Then came Crown of Swords. Oh my God that was such a disapointment. I felt that for sure Path Of Daggers would be better. Every author has mistakes. Unfortunately this book is awful. Pointless. Wandering around without a clue. I count myself a devoted fan but I can't absolve Mr. Jordan. I can't be that forgiving. What an awful novel. The next one I'm not buying till i've read it from the library. And if this one has no redeeming qualities, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call it quits on the Wheel of Time
Rating:  Summary: Series seems to be on a cusp and waiting for something..... Review: I really enjoyed Jordan's previous books in this series but these last two are a far cry from the faster pace of his previous books in this series. Although I find most of the information in this book at least somewhat revealant, it could have been trimmed out a little. Some of the long winded bickering of day to day things seemed to me to get out of hand a little. As I suggested in my title for this review, I am not dissappointed in this book, merely getting a little strung out on the detail this last book entailed. Going from great distances and spans of time going by, to not much time going by in a book, left me feeling a little empty. But I am looking forward to the next book as I hope that this book has brought all the characters to where they need to be for the action to start pumping again...
Rating:  Summary: Well thought out series take time! Review: Creativly, path of daggers is a Tyson haymaker compared to most of the other weak jabs of writing in the fantasy genre. This book tends to get a bit overworded but the style of writing is definatly A-plus. No fantasy series I have read save Tolkien and Brooks has kept such a rigid credibilty over twice as many novels. Understandably, Jordan has written a transitional book, having to step down the action over need of literal integrity. However looking at some of the development of the characters, the book maintains a subtle detail that all the fans enjoy. The maintenence of the detail over a harsh demand from the fan base is astounding. Shame on you fans who discredit the writing! If you need a better idea of how clever a writer Robert Jordan is, take a better look at how Rand goes through his personality merging. Even if the plot is a bit slow, the writing is fundamentally fabulous!
Rating:  Summary: as the tension grows..... Review: With the 9th "Wheel of Time" novel "Winters Heart" coming to a close, POD climbs rapidly in my rating because it is a magnificent groundsetter and promises that book 9 will be one of the finest in this monumental fantasy series.
Rating:  Summary: If time is no barrier, this is a great series. Review: Robert Jordan may be inadvertently restoring the pastoral novel to modern fiction. His fiction is not plot-driven. Instead, major plot development occurs in bursts during the final 50 pages of each long book. Instead, his characters wander. They talk. They spend time on small stuff. Perrin worries about whether he should accept fealty from the Queen. Egwene proves to be a political pro. Cadsuane cuts a deal with Sorilea. All fun, small stories within the larger whole. The pace is so slow, the only way to read these books is to sit in a still house with popcorn and silence. In fact, there are times when I put the book down, because plots have intruded on the slow pleasurable pace. If you want action, dump this series. If you want meandering, read on!
Rating:  Summary: My Opinion. Review: I once had the honour of meeting Robert Jordan in person, if only for a few minutes. He seems to me to be the type of person who doesn't give a damn for other people's opinions. On this I congratulate him. A book created by public opinion, and pressure is not a book worth reading. Long live individual integrity!
Rating:  Summary: Stop Complaining Please... Review: I'm surprised at all the bad reviews I'm reading about this book. I thought it was entertaining even if Mat was not mentioned. I'm sure he'll have a huge part in the next one. The only thing bad about any of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books is the wait in between each one!
Rating:  Summary: WHEN IS IT OVER? Review: Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time Series started out promising, but he had ruined it's anticipated ending. The story is just too darn long. I've been growing bored of the series for a while...and just decided to read the next books to see if he would ever end it...and it keeps going and going and going. The book itself isn't that good either. His way of redundancy gets rather annoying...'she picked up her skirts, she let go of her skirts, she smoothed her skirts, she tugged her braid...' AAAAH! When will it stop. If you don't plan to read all of the books in this series...stop after 5...or 6....but don't go to 7 or 8.... Overall, I thought this book got very boring, very fast. Robert Jordan's writing could be much better if he didn't repeat as much...and if he PICKED UP THE PACE A LITTLE!
Rating:  Summary: 3rd Grade Composition: Plot and Character Development Review: The plot doesn't move along, the characters that were once interesting are now stagnant and lifeless. Can't something happen that can be considered a significant event in this story, please? Worse, when the heck are these people going to grow up and start learning something? These "hicks" from Emonds Field have now seen more of the world than even Aes Sedai, and they still haven't matured or taken on a worldly way of dealing with new people and new situations. Mr. Jordan, you are this close to losing me and a whole lot of others. Do two things in your next book or lose me forever: 1) Get on with the plot! Something significant to the Last Battle should occur every 40 pages or so. Make it so. 2) Start making your characters more believable by making them more flexible, more learned, more confident in themselves, and thereby having a greater role in the events of the story. It's about time these folks stop bitching about their lot, worrying about their place or role, and fighting with those who should be their friends and get on with trying to save the damn world! By far, Perrin is my favorite character. He at least seems to mature a bit each book. Take that formula and apply it to all the other characters next time, especially Rand, and get this show on the road, already. Don't confuse details with substance. The phone book has lots of useful details, but that does not make it a great read.
Rating:  Summary: The Path of Daggers Review: Short -- The story is good, but slow. The characters are evolved, but getting boring with the same old situations/confrontations. Long -- I have heard that this series is supposed to be a full 12 books long! I find myself skipping the setting details of this book because I have basically memorized them by the 8th book of this series. The tid bits of story progression that the reader is given are tasty but far and few. As someone else wrote, there are about 15 pages devoted toward a 15 mile road trip where a bunch of pecking order bickering takes place with Elaine at the center and Nynaeve off in the woods with Lan. Rand's part in this book is fair, but not enough. No Mat anywhere. Perrin's role is to bring all of the extra characters along with him to book nine before they are forgotten by the reader. I will probably by the next one too. I started reading this series when the first book came out.........I am getting too old for this... BTW, Rand has gotten dirty with 2 out of 3 of the women now, and I think that is probably how it will stay.