Rating:  Summary: A huge buildup for an even bigger let down. Review: This is the first of the Robert Jordan novels i have read, so jumping into the series in book eight was a little confusing at first, to put it lightly. However, I found myself sucked in to the complicated and interesting plot. Character and plot development sometimes dragged, but on a whole, I was planning where I could salvage time to read the first seven in the series. However, the abrupt ending was horrible. I don't know how the series works, but Jordan definitely sacrificed the novel to help the series. He twists many complicated and intricate plots, some involving no more than several pages of the 600+ book, and then leaves all of them unfinished and open. All in all, the booke sucked me in with an intricate and fun story, but then left me frustrated and angry. It seems as though Jordan became tired of writing, confused by his twisting plots, and simply ended the book. Maybe he'll answer all of the questions in book nine, but maybe not, and it would be much too frustrating to read the next one and have it leave off in the same manner.
Rating:  Summary: Complain,Complain,Complain Review: I have to agree with Kalissa, this was a good book. For those of you who just like fast mind numbimg adventure with no plots or cant read over a 10th grade reading level,go read a Star Wars book for that kind of mindcandy. This series maybe long but it is not boring. Take the time to read and savior all the books in this world for you wont get this type of writing again....
Rating:  Summary: The worst of the other books rolled into one Review: I've always found Jordan's books to be very slow-paced and filled with useless meandering without significance. However, Jordan's books did have their moments, and I enjoy fantasy and science fiction novels, which kept me reading. I never bought any of the previous books, since I didn't think they were worth buying after having read the first one (I borrowed them from the library). I did buy this one though, and what a stupid decision that was! I read about 150 pages before giving up with frustration. I tried to go back to it 2 or 3 times later but couldn't get into it again. All the weak points of the other books seem to have been rolled into one in this book. It's long, boring, filled with silly details and useless conversations between characters with the mentalities of 10 year olds, and nothing significant happens even 150 pages into the book. Do yourself a favor. Don't bother with this book. If you want to read a top-notch series that you can finish before you die, read the Riftwar Saga by Raymond Feist or The Black Company series by Glen Cook or The Naked Sun by Asimov. I've obtained a lot more pleasure and entertainment from a single volume in any of these series than I have with all the Wheel of Time books. For those of you who have praised the Wheel of Time series and this book in particular no end, I can only assume that you haven't read some other great series, like those mentioned above, and I sincerely recommend them.
Rating:  Summary: Slowing down Review: Although I enjoy the complexity Robert Jordan brings to his books. I feel like this is a big slow down from the previous novels. Robert Jordan must be gearing up for one hell of a big finale because the last two books in the series have gotten slow, with convoluted plots and nothing really happening. RJordan keeps hinting at a cleansing of the male power but he still hasn't done it..which is frustrating because we know its coming. I am also sick of this male versus female dialogue..How Eqwene and Nynaeve know everything and the male characters are all "lugheads". It seems like name calling right out of recess in fourth grade. I hope Jordan gets on with the story because I don't know if I have the patience to sit through another 800 page book that doesn't do much. He was doing well with the first 5 or so books with the seal of the gate coming off in each book and Rand consolidating his power. I particularly enjoy watching him and the others learn about their new powers. But then the story seems to stall in the last few books. Which could mean a huge finale or Robert Jordan is getting tired with his own series. I recommend the books but start at the begining and take your time. Or what I would recommend in waiting a few years until Robert Jordan is totally down with the series and then read it from beginning to end.. Nothing worse then waiting 2 years for another edition to come out.
Rating:  Summary: It was better on the second reading Review: I agree with many of the other reviews that I've seen. Robert Jordan has added so many small plot lines that it is nearly impossible to keep them all straight.I just reread Path of Daggers and I enjoyed it much more. For one thing, I skipped the first few hundred pages -- the tensions between Elayne, Nyneve, the Windfinders and the Kin are incredibly tedious to read about. But there are some very good things going on in the book. Rand's battle with the Seanchean was quite entertaining. And the apparant progress in the White Tower story lines is definitely a plus. Now, if Robert Jordan would just tell us who killed Asmodean in Book Five.....
Rating:  Summary: Slow and, for the most part, uneventful Review: Jordan's latest is an unfortunate blemish on an otherwise amazing series. The plot progression is painfully slow and most of the characters seemed to have learned, matured, and, in fact, accomplished little since the end of the last book. Regardless of the high quality of Jordan's past novels, I found that I was only struggling to finish this one so that I might have some continuity for the next in the series. After the last page of this tedious and sometimes even poorly written adventure, I am not sure that there will be a "next in the series" for me.
Rating:  Summary: Keeping things in perspective Review: I think the low ratings of this book are because the standard of the first few books of the series was set so high, that it's impossible for the series to stay at that level. I agree with the last few reviews on this page--especially the points about how when nothing important is happening to particular characters, we don't need 10 pages of them talking to some minor underling and planning their final domination. It was nice, however, to see Rand take some decisive action against some of his enemies, but the further dispersion of Aiel enemies only promises more confusing developments in the future. Jordan stays really true to the problems of information lags in a non-technological society--people on the other side of the world do not learn of key events until much later. While this is good, it's frustrating how different groups labor under varieties of misinformation, to the point that it's hard to keep straights what DID happen two or four books ago. I will, however, buy the next book the moment it is available, and I will read the current ones starting with Eye of the World to ensure the best understanding of the next book. Like many other reviewers, I'm pretty much hooked. If you are reading this and haven't read any books of this series, go and read from the beginning. The comments made here are just from people venting (like myself) that a really outstanding series isn't 100% perfect. Still, the quality of this series, in my mind, far outshines any other fantasy writing to date.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan's Path of Daggers is full of intrigue Review: I enjoyed this book immensely, but found that it was exceedingly complicated. It displays fantasy on a grand level, and continues in its development of Jordan's characters, but for those who have not refreshed their memories on the previous 7 novels it would definitely be confusing. I am guessing that Path of Daggers is leading up to a grand finale one of the next two novels, which certainly accounts for its lack in resolving many of the subplots. For anyone who is into intrigue, fantasy,and Robert Jordan,this is a great (and necessary) read.
Rating:  Summary: path of daggers Review: The Path of Daggers is a great book, that has a steady pace (could use less of the Aes sedai though) and a very enthrawling story. All in all this is one of my favorite books I've ever read, and I recommend reading the whole saga of the wheel of time.
Rating:  Summary: And the story is... Review: It would appear that Mr. Jordan is letting the Wheel of Time go 'round and 'round. It's time to either change the wheel or let it come full circle. It's been fun and exciting, but this one has a few broken spokes. I must agree with previous readers...it's not what I had expected and I'm truly disappointed that there wasn't some conclusion to any of the mini-dramas. Even the ending was so so.