Rating:  Summary: Love it or hate it? Review: While I certainly did not have time to read all 1700+ reviews, the few I did were either 5 stars or 1 star. Love it or hate it.My opinion lies in the middle. I certainly cannot condemn the book, as having just finished reading it I enjoying it. However, it is not a classic by any means and cannot compare favorably with Tolkien. Characterization? If you call all female characters complaining about how stupid men are and vice versa, then it has characterization overflowing. In fifty years if people still talk about Rand maybe I'll change my tune. What it does offer is twists and turns, the plot does move forward (though far enough?) and if you have enjoyed the rest of the series you will enjoy this one. Just don't read all the books back-to-back. Balance them with something different.
Rating:  Summary: A Path of Daggers Review: This book was concluded far better than A Crown of Swords, which really left me "hanging". At least THIS book, A Path of Daggers, gathered many loose ends together before it drew to a close. It DOES set the stage for the hopefully soon-to-come "Book 9" in the series. I am looking forward to "Book 9" but I do hope it will finally bring everything together, I do hope that Robert Jordan will skillfully weave a wonderful conclusion at long last! And I do hope, too, that we will not be kept waiting too long this time around! Rand's character has deepened, he has truly become "a king" with what he has learned. We yearn for him to re-acquaint himself with his true inner feelings. I still cannot help but hope that in some way, Moiraine re-enters the picture, she was a truly amazing character and I have missed her. The other female characters have been deepened, their relationships with each other have grown in meaning and importance. They are truly well-written, including the ones we love to hate! It is refreshing when a male author is able to write good female characters! Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts.
Rating:  Summary: plotless male bashing in a fantasy environment Review: From the dismal looks if things, it seems that WOT has lost all the characteristics that made it so memorable. The plot, always interesting and unpredictable, has degraded into a meaningless string of sparse, spontaneous, and unconnected events. The prose, once flowery and vividly realistic, is now laced with teenage-level idioms and grammatical errors, and the characters, never very realistic to begin with, have broken down into paranoid, depressed, sexually frustrated and self-aggrandizing 10-year-olds. What happened here? WOT was such a remarkable series - up to book 5 I was a die-hard fan. I know that Robers Jordan can produce a much better book that this garbage. Oh well - I guess when you have 13 volumes to fill, you can afford to make a few mistakes - about 600 pages worth of mistakes...
Rating:  Summary: Builder of Worlds Review: The Path of Daggers is an amazing book! Where it might be slow-going, it is also building. Robert Jordan is not just building a book like other writers, he is building a world. J.R.R. Tolken is the only other person in existence that has even tried to acomplish this feat! Read this series, and you get to know each character as if they were your next door neighbor, your friend. This series sucessfully does what token could never do, entrall the person reading these books, build the anticipation, and suceed in taking you into another existance..
Rating:  Summary: What Are you all going on about boring! Review: This book advanced the plot lines away from just Rand and let us go more in detph with more of the other characters like Egwene. Not as great as the others but sets the stage for number 9.
Rating:  Summary: How many more of these things does he expect us to read Review: - or where's an editor when you need one! I feel like I've been reading these books forever. From the beginning I thought they were too wordy and could use a good editing. Still I loved the concept and the characters, but enough is enough. Just recently I discovered that I didn't read book #4 - and I barely missed it. I definitely could have missed this one. What a waste of paper. We know the characters - their flaws, their strengths. We know the layout of the world. Let's get on with the story. I hope the next book is the last - if this keeps up much longer, it will be for me.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book, despite all the negative reviews Review: I have to admit that I approached this book with some trepidation after reading all the negative reviews on this site. I love the Wheel of Time, yet I was expecting to be let down. It didn't happen! I do have to admit that the first several chapters were a little slow, of course I chalked this up to the fact that it had nearly been a year since I had read A Crown of Swords. By the middle and end of the book, I was getting to the point where I couldn't put it down. Despite the fact that other claim that nothing happens in the book, it's simply not true. A major battle, more character development, and a thrilling ending leave me salivating for the next book!
Rating:  Summary: Hey it is from a master word painter Review: Hey fellow (WOT) friends, remember that Mr. Jordan is a painter of pix in your head and give the guy a break on finishing his books. I hope there are many more in this line. The speed of this book is a building one, counting on you having read the others and working to a wild ending that will have me rereading these over and over. Thanks Mr. Jordan and finish these when you want not when the people in a hurry want.
Rating:  Summary: Struggle to get through Review: I enjoyed the first many books, got hooked and read most of them ... then I got to "Path". Ugh! Slow. Tedious. Endless. Circular. Let's get some action going. Everyone seems to be meadering aimlessly towards some great end, but what? where? when? Disappointing. I put it down halfway through, picked it up again, skipped to the end, put it down and forgot about it for a month and then slogged through the rest of it ... you get my drift! I hope the next one is better, I was really starting to become a fan.
Rating:  Summary: Puh-lease! Review: This is definitely an alltime low.. I cannot believe how this series is going down the hill. It took me forever to pick it up and start reading because I knew it was getting bad reviews, but it was worse than I expected. I think it has been deteriorating since book 5 anyhow. What is most irritating is how the women are being portrayed once again. They're all thinking about sex all the time, Nynaeve with Lan - Min, Elayne and Aviendha with Rhand - Berelain with Perrin etc. etc. Furthermore they're all in either a bad mood or pouting, sulking and complaining the day away. Yes, we all know now what an incredible hunk Rhand really is, how powerful and handsome, bla, bla. Could Robert Jordan please go back to his original high standards or write one more book to tie up all the (thousands of) loose ends? My new hero is George R.R. Martin with his 'Song of Fire and Ice'.