Rating:  Summary: 10 STEP PROGRAM TO BE FREE OF JORDAN-CRACK Review: 1) Sell any Wheel of Time series hardbacks, throw away all paperbacks immediately, or keep Eye of the World (pretend it is a 1 book series).2) Search on Amazon.com for either "A Game of Thrones" or "Clash of Kings" (if you have already read GOT) by George R. R. Martin. 3) Buy immediately! 4) By the time you receive the books your body will be aching, quivering for thousands of meaningless words that move a story along as far as a legless elephant - your mind will crave hundreds of "set-up" pages that lead to a shameful bail-out. 5) Tear into "A Game of Thrones" and let your addiction to garbage feed upon the purity of the characters, the incredible development of plot and plot movement, and the thick and relentless story-line, and incredible realism. 6) Within 300 pages you will notice your body and mind no longer quiver. You will notice that when you answer the phone you will begin to say brief meaningful words like, "Hello" instead of when you were on Jordan-Crack and your response to a call would be, "I trampled forth from the bathroom, the bathroom where the paper rests gently upon the roller, the roller of X'shenda - which were bubbled forth from the nexus people of Gjia, seedy women of incredible power, they could will a man to bleed, or sweat, or groan or know of other women and men like themselves so bold, only to trudge toward the noisensomeful ring and now be able to say to you, hello - I am me and I am here to speak." 7) Notice the immediate changes from begging for hundreds of pages to end, to begging a chapter will never end. 8) Finish "A Game of Thrones" ... take a breath ... start "Clash of Kings" and by the end of this amazing follow-up you should be completely over the Jordan-crack - and you will never again be an addict of bad, never-ending, disorganized writing. 9) Finish "Clash of Kings" and quickly mix in The Chronicles of Narnia - this excellent, easy to read and follow series will cleanse your mind, and will be your final step before you may read responsibly forevermore. 10) Tell others of how you were saved by Martin!
Rating:  Summary: Why all the negative feedback? Review: Robert Jordan's "Path of Daggers" is as good, if not better, than his other books. The language, the twists, the descriptions and the sheer magic of the world in which I was entranced is simply ingenius. I was slightly concerned about reading the book at first due to all the negative feedback I heard from Amazon customers, but I had faith in the marvels of Robert Jordan, and I was in no way disappointed. Nearly all of the negative reviews stated that "Path of Daggers" has much less action than his previous books. Perhaps this is so, although I didn't find the difference very marked, however, let me pose a question to you: Is action the only aspect of Jordan's books that makes them the enthralling, magic filled wonders that they are? Surely not! If you believe so, then you are sadly missing out on complex and vast layers that entangle you in the plot and leave you constantly yearning for more. I have no hesitation in recommending this book to anyone who longs to experince a compelling plot that will tear you away from your own world and give you a sense of magic and unexplored wonders. NB//It is absolutely and entirely necessary to start at the beginning of the series if you're new to these books! :-)
Rating:  Summary: Eight books and still going is a little too much! Review: i admire Robert Jordan's mind and creativity in making his unique world so real to us. We identify with each and every one of the characters since the very first book, The Wheel of Time. Unfortunately, I think Tolkien had the formula for fantasy novels. One is a little too short to fully develop the characters, two seems to keep you in suspense as to whether there'll be another. Three is just nice. On the eighth book and still nowhere near a conclusion is becoming tiring for me. The book itself is a great read but after waiting and waiting, and book after book of complex developments, I have lost sight of who each character is and what they are really like. The characters change over the 8 books like a normal person does, but it has become rather tedious to keep up with it. Perhaps where there is finally a concluding book, I will get the whole series together and read them altogether. Perhaps I would be better able to appreciate Robert Jordan's work in the later books.
Rating:  Summary: Uninspired Review: Robert Jordan has woven a very tangled web in the WOT and now is apparently a fly trapped in that web. Let me begin by saying that I have read and enjoyed most of the series. However, after reading Path Of Daggers it became painfully obvious that Robert Jordan has tired of the series much more than I have. In looking at the characters we see people who are being written into tired old patterns. These are good well developed characters that the author is losing touch with and therefor so are we. Jordan needs to learn to tie a knott. Every book leaves more unanswered and uninspired questions, while avoiding any real resolution. Obviously, this series is in peril of ever being concluded. Unfortunately, this book is a must read for the series but I would suggest the paperback version. Although it may look small next to all those hardcovers it aptly describes this book's place in the series.
Rating:  Summary: Never End! Review: I love these books and I hope more follow! I don't know what I will do when the series ends! I'm so glad to see things happening with Nyneave and Lan. I've been waiting for them to get moving since book one! I can't wait to find out what will happen next! This book is great! November I'm at the book store to buy number nine.
Rating:  Summary: A filler, not a book. Review: The Path of Daggers (TPOD) is more of a filler than a book really. I don't mind books that are several hundred pages long, in fact I prefer them, but there has to be some method to the madness. Most of TPOD is devoted to little side streams of the plot while the main river is inexplicably ignored. I almost yelled in relief when the Bowl of the Winds chapters finally got over, so much has RJ stretched this sub-plot. Meanwhile, Sevanna's Shaido continue to meander with no clear purpose, the second Seanchan invasion is repelled, and a minor Inquisition begins among the Tower Aes Sedai. More and more however, one feels great unease at Jordan's caricature treatment of his female characters. After reducing Elayne and Nynaeve in particular to a pair of squabbling juveniles, the behavior of the Atha'n Miere (experienced sea captains at that!) and the Kin turns out to be no less immature. These are the women who are to undo a major ploy of the Dark Lord and they squabble over their pecking order and egos like little kids! Take Elaida too, probably one of the stronger female characters in RJ's work. After dominating the Tower and seizing the Seat with the force of her personality, she crumbles into powder at the first sign of trouble and falls prey to her Keeper! Totally unconvincing! Egwene is masterful, but the sheer stupidity of her Council is ridiculous. At the end of the book, one is left with a sense of incompleteness. The silver lining is that the Salidar Aes Sedai finally reach Tar Valon and Gareth Bryne's attack on the White Tower is imminent. Hopefully the next book (Winter's Heart?) due in November will tell about the siege. Also, Mr. Jordan, please note that you cannot describe a battle scene without decent maps. All through Rand's driving the Seanchan back, one longed for a proper map of the area. But still good enough for 3 stars on the strength of the series.
Rating:  Summary: Vital to the series? Review: When I think of Path of Daggers I feel torn as to what to feel. In some ways I loved the book, it is after all Robert Jordan and WOT, and in other ways I found the book needlessly long. In truth I read this book recently, around 2 months ago and I enjoyed the experience mainly because I hadn't read a Robert Jordan book since Crown of Thorns, over a year ago. Being away from the series for a long amount of time allowed me to reaccociate with the characters. Yet this book left me with a feeling it could have been compressed into a few chapters in one of the other WOT books. The plot was advanced but at an aching pace. I find myself wanting to read book 9 just to find out more about Mat. That is a problem for me especially since it already takes forever for Jordan to put out a book, which as a poor student I can ill-afford to buy until it comes out on paperback, taking even more time. In fact the reason it took me so long to read Path of Daggers was because i had been waiting for the paperback. I ended up being so frustrated in waiting that I bought the hardcover anyway. The funny thing is I remember wondering few years ago when i was on book 4 how Jordan expected to extend the series over 20 books. If Jordan continues to move the book at this pace i could easily see this series go into twenty books if not more. I rate this book at two stars in comparision to Jordan's past writing wondering if this book needed be created as a book at all.
Rating:  Summary: this is not a good book, but i gave it five stars because... Review: because PEOPLE, you have got to look at the bigger picture here, and is that this book is meant to be so! ok ok so it was boring, it was this way because this is just to hook us up with what is going on until jordan weaves it all to one gigantic and climactic ending in the final book(which i think will be the tenth). there is a reason you're all hooked on him, he's a GREAT WRITER, so a little trust people, don't give up because is was boring reading about the people, think of it as a prelude to the ending! i have faith in jordan, he is one of the most talanted writers there are, and trully good writers are like dimonds, rare and beautiful. so stick around people, wait and see, you will all swallow your words!
Rating:  Summary: A solid book in the series Review: Though not the best book in the series, "Path of Daggers" is a worthy addition. Jordan has given us an incredibly long plot arc--beginning, in my opinion, in "Lord of Chaos" and ending who-knows-when. Unlike the first four or five books in the series, "Daggers" is not a story in an of itself. But let's face it, who would start "The Wheel of Time" with book 8? I think the disappointment that many felt was because so little material was covered after we waited so long. I think that when the series is finished, we will look back on "Path of Daggers" with fondness.
Rating:  Summary: The Path to Anger, Disillusion and Boredom Review: The Path of Daggers is drab, boring and well below the standardof rest of the series. Let it be said now that I am and have been agreat fan since picking up the first book from a second-hand book shop on an impulse, as I had never heard of Robert Jordan before. Imagine my surprise, the book turned out to be brilliant and I couldnt wait to get the next and the next and so on. Let's be brutally honest though, there are'nt any concepts in this story which have not been explored before by other authors , quite to the contrary, you can draw a lot of parallels between WOT world and works by many other authors preceding WOT. But Jordan displays a touch of magic in the way he tells his story and you forget about what's been done before and become wholly engrossed, although he is no Tolkien, nowhere near in my opinion. A lot of WOT fans would disagree with me and they have a right to their opinions, snigger snigger....No seriously, loyalty to an author you like and admire is one thing and knowing what you are talking about is another matter. Besides everything I was and am still hooked on WOT and do not care if the series lasts 50 books. What I do care about is quality though and a lack of it in Path of Daggers. What was the point of this book? Nothing happens in it. The Bowl of Winds was drawn out so much that I lost interest and it was totally anti-climatic. This book goes nowhere and the meat of it could have been written in 30 pages. The rest is rubbish, gibberish, filler and an attempt to artifically prolong the series poorly executed. You will miss virtually nothing by not reading this book. Why did it take Rand so long to take on the Seancahn army, why did he didder and dodder for all that time. Whats all that nonsense with the Kith and Seafolk disliking each other, being drawn out page after page when there are sub-plots from book two still awaiting resolution. The expansion of trivialities was taken to the limit in this book. The best bits in the book were Nyneve coming to terms with channelling at will and the ending. The pace of the book does not match the series in any way and has perhaps done irrevocable damage to the way it was running. The humor was missing from this book totally and surly there could have a chapter at least about Mat when most of the chapters were about nothing in particular (How Perrin annoys me! ). The stubborn, independant women thing was funny and refreshing for about three books but makes me cringe now when its repeated endlessly. I have noticed a steady decline in jordan's story telling since book four. It seems to be getting worse and worse. Sure, there is that transition period after the initial character development but it shouldnt have lasted 4 books. I hope he hasnt run of ideas and also hope that some of the sub-plots and threads are resolved soon. On the bright side Jordan has refrained from repeating himself, every time a character is revisited. We know all too well, how stony faced Lan is, how men who channel are a curse and a disease, how Aes Sedai twist things to suit themselves, how slow of thought perrin is etc.etc. It was really annoying in book 2 to book 6. The series could have been excellent if not great, but we now have to wait and see what book 9 has to say before judging. Any more comparisons with Tolkien? I think not...... I am only critical because I love this series still, even with all its faults, but will not stand for a rip-off like POD again. RJ....The true fans like myself do not care how long you take to write each book or how many books you write, we'll buy them all, please just dont publish any more rubbish like POD... Whether Jordan wrote this to keep the publishers happy or for a bit of extra pocket money, who knows. He certainly didnt do his credibility as a writer any favours and that is what is important to us, his true fans. Some of us will question, criticise and complain, as well as giving credit when it due......