Rating:  Summary: Good...but sluggish. Review: Since the beginning, I have been completely engrossed in these books. I can hardly put one down long enough to eat and sleep once I get a new book in this series. However, I agree with many of the other readers. The first four books were incredible, but these last four have moved very slowly. It nearly drove me crazy that it took nearly two books before Elayne and Nynaeve finally used the Bowl of Winds! There is always so much going on at the same time that I have had to read the first five books twice. Although I almost wish that this series would never end, I am anxious to find out about what happens to Rand al'Thor and all of the other characters that I have grown so fond of. These last two books have been moving at an incredibly slow pace that almost seems to encompass mere days instead of the months of action that you would think were taking place in books nearly 1,000 pages long. I realize that Jordan must create the setting to perfection to get the desired result at Tarmon Gaidon, but this is getting to be a touch ridiculous. When I bought Path of Daggers, I thought that this would be the last in the series. Imagine my surprise when I found out that there is at least one more to go! I nearly went hysteric at the abrupt ending of POD. This series is the best I have ever read, but as the series goes on, I realize that Jordan is getting choppy with his plot line and slightly sloppy with his writing. If he wants to create an ending to this series that is just as captivating as the Eye of the World and the Dragon Reborn (especially these of the first 5) he needs to go back to writing in his old style.
Rating:  Summary: A good book but can't touch the first 7! Review: This book is a good book, but it moves incredibly slow and it gets kind of annoying because the battle scenes are boring. Jordan focuses to much on Nynaeve and Elayne who are really annoying. Rand is almost crazy and they don't even mention Mat! I know the next book will be like The Great Hunt or Eye of the World because the plot demands it. Which were one of the best books I have ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the originals Review: I have read the Wheel of Time series through Book 8. I have enjoyed the story even though it has gotten bogged down and I find it somewhat troublesome that Mr. Jordan has borrowed so liberally from other works of fantasy, most notably Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Herbert's Dune, and Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. The parallels between Jordan's characters and those of the other named authors are too close for comfort--Aes Sedai and Bene Gesserit, Ents and Ogiers and reluctant but determined and dedicated messiahs. Frankly, Tolkien, Herbert and Donaldson have done it better without losing sight of where the tale was going. It's time for Mr. Jordan to get to the point and complete his saga.
Rating:  Summary: I'm getting tired Review: Part of me wishes that I discovered this series when all the books were out or at least an end was in sight (if any of us live that long). Don't get me wrong, I love Jordan's work and would recommend TWOT series to anyone (as long as they have a good memory for all the characters and different adventures, situations, and especially travelling that they do, and a large store of patience for a tale that at least I see no end in sight). While POD contains its fair share of incredibly interesting and exciting events none of them gets resolved (it just keeps going and going). My biggest complaint is that once a secondary villian is defeated let him stay gone, especially when you have so many. I don't look forward to reading another 700 pages, so that a baddie that was beaten earlier can be killed again. I would like closure to some of the minor plot lines and characters at least. I'm hooked like many others, so I'll keep reading and so should you.
Rating:  Summary: Procrastination in Prose Review: The first book was predictable, but most of this genre are so. The next two or three entries in the series were however quite good. Since the fourth book though, almost nothing of any interest has occurred. This book is a particularly egregious example of an author attempting to milk a concept for all its worth. If one waits almost two years between installments one would hope that something, anything, might actually occur in the latest entry. No such luck. I have never come across a series where main characters disappear for entire books. Is the author being paid by the word? Or is he more caught up these days in "being" a famous writer than actually writing famously?
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Review: I read 5 1/2 books then I got kinda bored with the plot slowing down so I took a 2 year break. Now I read the 7th and 8th books I did notice not much is happening. I hope something happens soon!
Rating:  Summary: Get on with it! Review: I loved the first 4 books, but the writing in the last two books almost seem as if a ghost writer has moved in. If Jordan continues making his women so ridiculous, stupid and cruel, I may never read past the next book. Does Jordan have an ending in mind or is he just going to keep making all women dispicable, all men crazy and introducing more boring characters that go nowhere?
Rating:  Summary: Great as always! Review: I don't understand all the complaints about this latest installment of the Wheel of Time series. I read it and really loved it! I'm still amazed how Robert Jordan can write such an extensive series with such consistent quality. I'm really impressed. In my mind this series of books is the best I have ever read (and I've read a lot!). The story keeps developing and the intrigue keeps building up. The multitude of characters, storylines and interactions create a world that feels like a real one, which makes you really care about the characters (and wonder about them when you don't hear from them; where's Mat and when will the Daughter of the Nine Moons make an appearance?). The only drawback of the complexity is that you sometimes have lost track of certain storylines, so a brief synopsis at the beginning of each book (like Tad Williams did in his Otherworld series) would really help. As for the rest: keep them books coming, Mr. Jordan!
Rating:  Summary: Keep Em Coming Robert! Review: Although this book starts kind of slow, it more than makes up for it the rest of the way. This series is a treasure trove straight from the wonderful imagination of Mr. Jordan! Tower intrigue is really heating up, Elayne make some suprise moves, Egwene flexes her muscles,the Black Tower is a huge question mark...I mean what more can you ask for! I was riveted from start to finish and cannot wait for the next book.My prediction...in the end, we will find out that the dark one has actually been loose all along...Nynaeve...yep, she's the dark one:)
Rating:  Summary: Attention Robert Jordan Review: This message is for Robert Jordan. FOR ALL THAT IS DECIENT AND HOLY-SPEED IT UP, SPEED IT UP, SPEED IT UP! SPEED IT UP NOW! I read like an alcoholic drinks, but this can sober up any addict. I read the first 5 books in a four week time period while going to school and working. Given that, I think this series needs something new: an ending! Zero stars for this book.