Rating:  Summary: WHAT IS GOING ON? Review: What is Robert Jordan trying to pull? I used to think that he actually knew what was going on, but now I'm not sure.Where is Mat? Is he captured by the Seanchan? when will he marry the Empress? I hate to rain on your Parade Mr. Jordan, but I kinda think that is a major event. Ishamael is obviously Morindin, by the way he speaks of tha past and cyndain is Lanfear, but where is Osan'gar?How does Faile being caught by the Shaido endanger anyones soul? Please if you are going to write another book please make it better than you made this one, Okay thanks.
Rating:  Summary: More is less Review: Jordan earned the comparison to Tolkein with the first three books. But folks, its time to admit that Jordan is no longer in Tolkein's league. With Tolkein you feel every word has its place. Not so with WoT. For the fourth book in a row we slog through reams of numbingly pointless prose to pick up too few worthwhile plot developments. The characters, so fascinating in their early development, have now largely stagnated. The plot inches forward book by tedious book. At least the torpid middle volumes of the Covenant trilogies were confined to one book. Enough already. I now feel my time (and my money) are being wasted.
Rating:  Summary: not that great but not bad Review: An interesting book that continues on much like A Crown of Swords. A few significant things happen but they are scattered around. The best thing that happens is Jordan finally realizes that he has way too many minor characters that he needs to give time to so he puts them alongside some of the more major characters. The worst thing is that more happens in the final 100 pages than the previous 500 pages though that is not so bad either as the book overall is pretty good. Parts about Egwene are great (and she is my least favorite character so that is saying something) parts about Perrin are pretty good...parts about Elayne are great too. The only real holes are when Rand is around when events just seem to happen randomly and I don't mean because he is Ta'avern. I meant randomly as in Jordan doing things rather randomly but then again, maybe he has a grander plan. I will say this much...I am super excited about Book 9 as Book 8 sets up a lot of really important things for Book 9. Too bad we will have to wait a little while for it but I am sure it will be worth it. Book 8 was almost worth this long wait.
Rating:  Summary: Rather Sad Review: This book, in a pattern much like the latest few books, demonstrates why authors should be paid for content rather than word count. The plot could have been reduced to Rand losing it, people plotting against Rand, Perrin not accomlishing much and the girls have been doing NOTHING as they have been for the last 5 books. One notices a disturbing trend in his books, in which the action is drawn out longer and longer, with more and more irrevelant talks of Neyeve tugging on the braid and Elaine flittering about while the main characters , the tar'varen s if you will, are barely mentioned. Take the Eye of the World, read the Great Hunt, skip the third and fourth books, Read the End of the Fifth one, the very end of the Six one as well as chapters with Mat in it, and the very end of the seventh one. This one is not worth reading, except maybe the parts about the Seanchan. END
Rating:  Summary: Hmmmmmmmmm..... Review: I waited two years for this?? Dont get me wrong, I dearly love the series. I was just expecting a little closure on some of the plots. This book was just the opposite. It opened more plots. I must admit that Robert Jordan is doing a very good job "building" his characters up.It has been a pleasure watching Rand,Perrin,Egwene etc... literally grow up in this series.RJ I very much appreciate your work. I have invested thus far well over a $100 in it and will continue until the series is finished.However, please do not take advantage my loyalty and make the series needlessly long. very respectfully R. Albach
Rating:  Summary: **Sigh** Another year and a half to find out about Matt Review: I have anticipated since I found out the name of the book was going to be "Path of Daggers" that it would be mainly about Matt since it is a Seanchan saying about the "Heights of power are paved with paths of daggers", and since matt is obviously going to marry the seanchan empress, WHERE IS HE?? I thought it was pretty good overall, but I miss the fast paced action from the first several books. I really hope that he does not take as long to deliver the next one. Some days I think all 9 Star Wars movies will be out before this series is complete.
Rating:  Summary: Increasingly frustrated, but will plow through anyway Review: In reading the Wheel of Time Series I have always been impressed by Jordan's ability to weave so many different characters and storylines together. However, like a juggler continuing to add items to air, it feels as if Jordan is having an increasingly difficult time managing all the different story lines. In attempting to tell them all, he tells very little. For the last three boks, I have felt increasing frustration. Little resolution was made in this book, and while Jordan did make the wise decision to minimize further additions, I still feel stuck on the middle of the road. This book carries a faint sense towards the end of moving towards a grand finale (certainly in at least two, if not more books) and I hope Jordan can successfully carry it off. Despite my frustration, I will continue to follow till the end. I have enjoyed the series a great deal. I just hope Jordan moves to finish before he looses too many people that have begun the journey down a very long road.
Rating:  Summary: Ok book but nothing happened! Review: After waiting all this time for the book it was a bit of a disappointment. It was SO slow! Elaine, Nynaeve and Aviendha took a hundred pages just to get to the farmhouse! I mean c'mon! Mabe it is just me but after all this waiting and anticipation I would at leat like to have found out what in the heck happened to Mat. We are now going to have to wait another two years just to find out if he is alive or not. Almost no significant events happened in this book. The whole thing is a set up for the events that are going to take place in book nine. (If anything happens in book nine.) Not only that but this book had alot of errors. I have never noticed this many mistakes in a book before. I really hate to be critical because I thought all the other books were really good up to this point but this was just a disapointment.
Rating:  Summary: Way past time to wrap this baby up! Review: I first got hooked on the Wheel of Time series because it wasn't a straight good-and-evil, black-and-white fable. Everybody had an agenda, and parties that were nominally on the same side often worked at cross purposes. The plots unfolded swiftly, and the characters were so memorably drawn that they lingered in my consciousness. No longer. Now there are seemingly thousands of characters I can't keep up with, there's not much moving the story forward, and Jordan's writing has degenerated. He's still one of the better writers in fantasy today, but the flaws are many and obvious. Time for some characters to die and stay dead. Time for some current plot resolutions so we can build up to the big finale. And way, way, way past time to start Tarmon Gaidon.
Rating:  Summary: Read it because it's a WoT book. Not because it's good. Review: I was quite disappointed by this book. After two years you'd think RJ could come up with something better than this. Too much of the story was devoted to Elayne and Egewene and even the parts about Rand weren't that good. Most noticable were the missing characters. No Mat, Gawyn, Fain, and very little follow up on the last book. What ever happened to the Shadar Logoth man? Also very little about Elaida, Logain, Perrin, and the Gholam. As with Crown of Swords, very little progress is made in the story. What ever happened to the good old days of The Shadow Rising when nearly every chapter was exciting instead of three chapters about the rebel Hall of Sitters we don't care that much about? I hope Jordan takes the next two years to think of SOMETHING interesting to take place.