Rating:  Summary: Continues only part of the story. Review: I stayed up all night reading this volume once the delivery man finally brought it. However, I must say that I was a bit dissapointed in the content. Actually, the lack of a chapter about Mat is my main critisism. The development of Perrin's adventures and Egwene's march is the best part of PATH OF DAGGERS. I was almost bored with what I consider to be the over emphasis on Rand in this volume. I also, looked in vain for the threat greater than the Seanchan Elayne and Nynaive were supposed to discover. On the other hand, if the next volume follows quickly remedying the lack. I would consider it a fair trade off. But, I feel that we waited too long for too little in PATH OF DAGGERS.
Rating:  Summary: Is this the downpayment on Jordan's dream house? Review: I am disappointed. I have been an avid fan since the series first came out. However the plot and the characters could be developed much more quickly. I think that Jordan has sold out to the promise of big bucks if he keeps the story running. Jordan, please do not turn this story into a serialized penny dreadful! There is still time! End it with the next book, no matter how long it is! P.S. Kill Nynaeve! Please!
Rating:  Summary: yes, where is Mat Review: i must agree with the popular consensus that this book is a bit of a dissappointment. it seems to me that the book was 25 chapters too long for the information contained. the writing is still exceptional as in all of jordan's works. however the book does very little in the furtherment of the plot. there are so few developments large or small that could possibly justify such an intensive work in terms of the time it took to produce. overall this particular book is lacking in comparison to the others of this series, but it must be remembered that this series is the formost literary work of its kind ever. the wheel of time series is an incredible experience that deserves every word of praise it has recieved.
Rating:  Summary: Tension builds Review: I was very excited reading "The Path of Daggers." While the action is slow at times, the end of the book is spectacular, leaving me hungering for the next volume. If Jordan continues the next book where this one leaves off, It will be very exciting indeed. Here's to the next book!
Rating:  Summary: After so long a wait, this book is a MAJOR disapointment! Review: First let me state the I am a BIG "Wheel of Time" fan. The series had been developing at a certain pace. Just the right mix of action and detail. Now it is getting bogged down in detail only. At this rate it may take a 100 volumes to compleate the series. I hope that book 9 will be better.
Rating:  Summary: It was disipointing !!! Review: I have waited for what seems like an eternity for Robert Jordan to tie up some of the problems facing the characters but instead he makes more problems. Most of his books are action packed put this one seemed empty and what little action there was took forever to come at this pace he will have to write a 1000 books he's inventing enemies faster than rand can deal with them and also he never really kills anyone off there is always they come back alive . what happened to mat? long can someone live under a colapsed wall there are getting to be so many enemies it's starting to get confusing he should kill some off . but if you read the others you will have to read this one and the others to come I've been caught in the wheel of time net
Rating:  Summary: A great addition to the series!! Review: I just finished Path of Daggers and it was great. Not as great as some of the other books in the series, but some of them are hard to live up to. Although, it did not seem to have a whole lot of forward momentum, it had enough action to keep it interesting. It also gave some clues to possible future events. I highly recommend it. I look forward to the next books in the series. I just hope it is not another two years till the next one!
Rating:  Summary: Very good, But where's the rest of the book. Review: I am rabid fan of this "wheel of Time" books.It seems the books are sliding down the "meat to fluff" sclale. The last two (in my humble oppinion) could have made one of the previous books and still not stood on it's own. I still eagerly await #9. P.S. WHERE'S MATT!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Suspense Continues Review: Readers who start the Wheel of Time series with Path of Daggers are going to be in fast-flowing waters without much idea where the shore might lie. Even though Jordan makes some effort during the first 100 pages or so to recapitulate some of the personalities and some of the action, it is much like starting "War and Peace" in the middle. This is also not a part of the story where much gets resolved. Rather the suspense is still very much building. Not only will you have started in the middle, but you are only going to get to read two chapters! But what sets the entire series apart from much else of the same genre is the extent to which Jordan builds characters, and this book spends most of its time literally allowing the characters to develop. And in Path, all of the primary characters do develop even further. More than that, it can finally be seen how the very human failing of relying on assumptions rather than finding out facts, which Jordan has relied on to create what could be insurmountable difficulties, and which has left this reader, at least, often crying out in frustration, "why don't you just ask?" will be resolved. Jordan is wonderful at showing his scenes. He is great at creating sympathetic characters. But don't start here--go back to Eye of The Storm and work your way forward, and you will have six months of real reading pleasure.
Rating:  Summary: Only half a book! Review: I am die hard Jordan fan and firmly beleive that the Wheel of Time series is far and away the best fantasy series if all time. I read and reread the entire series numerous times. The first six are were spectacular. Each one a complete entity within itself as well as part of the series. But the last two books have been very disapointing. They were both much shorter than the others. I can fogive the Crown of Swords for being short, because it seemed almost a continuation of the Lord of Chaos which was the longest book in the series. But with the Path of Daggers, for the first time in the series, I really feel cheated. I paid for a complete book but only got half a book. It has a great build up with the characters continuing towards a climax but long before it reaches any sort of conclusion...it just arbitrarily ends.