Rating:  Summary: please, PLEASE, end it! Review: im not going to describe what this book is about. Im not even going to complain about plot or character development. Im only going to say one thing. PLease god end it! Ten books, twelve, fourteen? When? When? Whats wrong with Jordan? Rand was so cool in the beginning, he had everything going for him. Whats this crap about him "going crazy"? Rand, buddy, come on! Lews Therin is crazy, not you dude. Rand could be so powerful, so godlike. I can't stand much more of this! And Mat- he was the man! Where'd he go? He's been gone forever, and he's got to marry the Princess of the Nine Moons yet, and he hasn't even met her yet! Honestly, how much longer until I get some type of conclusion? All I can say is Winter's Heart better be the best book Jordan has ever written, or I'm having a Jordan barbecue! As for all these other characters who keep dragging the book down, heres some advice for ya Jordan- write about Lan! Lan, and Rand, and Mat, thats what I want. No Egwene, or Nynaeve, or Min or that Aiel woman- no more Seanchan- just kill em off and go after the Forsaken for god's sake! Perrin appears to be all but retired, and besides, who cares if he can talk to wolves? Big deal. And whatever happened to Rand's group of male Aes Sedai? Where is this going? And when can I expect to find out? Oh, and about the star rating- i picked three because the first four books ruled, the fifth was cool, and the sixth was good, but seven and eight completely depressed and saddened me- hence the three stars.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, if slower then the previous books Review: I liked this book, despite the fact that it and the last two or three move at a slower pace. If absolutely nothing else, this book set up a good number of issues to be resolved or carried out by the next book. The rebel white tower went directly to Tar Valon at the end of the book, which is an important issue, and the Seanchan finally gained a foothold. One thing to remember about the WoT series is that it is series, and no matter what you want out of it, you can't change it. These books are important to the greater story, and therefore must be treated similar to chapters of a greater book.While this book did not have to much action in it either, it is important to remember that the plot is more important. I think that this book and the previous two were just setting up Winter's Heart, which looks like it will pick up the pace again. We should see some interesting developments in that book, not to mention the resolution of certain important subplots. For these reasons I am content to just sit back and wait for the next book to role out. I read these to enjoy myself, and if more books make the series longer, good. Otherwise I would still read the same number of books, they would just be from another series or author. I like it better like this though so that I can anticipate things better and enjoy the surprises more.
Rating:  Summary: takes dogged determination Review: Way back when Robert Jordan started this series with Eye of the World, it was great reading. A truly original, epic fantasy. I continue to plod doggedly through these dogs, trying to get to the conclusion, but really I'm going on sheer determination to finish the series now. I'd recommend Eye of the World very highly to any fan of epic fantasy. I frankly have forgetten where the series dropped into intellectual neutral, but I think the next two or three books were pretty good. After that though, you've got to be prepared for some tough going.
Rating:  Summary: I think Everyone got spoiled by the Middle books... Review: Listening to the post on this book...there all the same. "Boring" "Taking to long" ect... Granted I'am not a fool and I know he is Milking this "Epic" For all she's worth. Alot of things actually happen in this book but everyone was spoiled by the last books because of the "Rand vs baddies at the end" Things that happened Using the Bowl of Winds to change weather. (They used too much of the power I think and over changed) Seachen vs Rand-Round 2 Granted the Seachen are not the dark one or forsaken but they have a more Real feel to them. Refugee Tower has started there move against the White Tower. Rand goes Nuts with the One power and the Sword and trash's everything/everybody (Madness is having a neg affect.) Sets Up Book Number Nine to revive the "Action" books. I do Hate the Fact that they left Matt Completly out of the book and esp where they left him in book 7 (Under the rocks). I am just glad Jordon Got away from the "Big battle...Middle of book...Fights a big baddie"
Rating:  Summary: this is not for this single book, but for the entire series Review: I hear that this book is slow. If you are a fan of Robert Jordan, you should say: "No, it isn't slow, it is very exciting" and explain why. You should not, I repeat, NOT say "Well, it is slow because Jordan is preparing background information for the next book" That, I think is the most retarded thing of this whole series. I HATED the first book because the plot went absolutely no where! And when I told people this, they said: "That is because it is an introduction!" I have said the same thing everytime that has been put in front of me, and I will say that same thing again now: "It is an 800 page book! Any book that is 800 pages long and that has no plot is not worth reading!" I just don't understand it, I think this series is very overrated, and obviously I am not the only one to think so. Read Terry Brooks' Shannara series, they are much better in plot and Character development and just about everything.
Rating:  Summary: The love of reading. Review: The WOT is a series. In fact it is not even just a simple series, but rather an epic. In a smaller trilogy, the first book is a setup book. Now, what this means is that while major events will happen the book is primarily introducing the characters and the world to the reader. Without this necessary introduction, the reader would not even care about whether the characters die or not. Now, Mr. Jordan's series is so detailed with so many major characters and books that it has to have more than one book concentrating more on character development than on action. If people are complaining about this book it is probably because there is less action in it than its immediate predecessors. Mr. Jordan is telling a story and makes the reader care about the characters. He does this by giving us all the details and not just the action. If that is all you are after then you're in the wrong genre. Sci-fi and Fantasy are all about creating worlds and making them as real to the reader as the world is to us. After the huge ending that took place at the end of book 6. The series began to calm down during book 7. In book 8, The Path of Daggers, the storyline is starting to build back up. The scene is being set for greater events to come. The Path of Daggers is an excellent book, but you have to see it for what it is which is a setup book in an epic series. Without that context taken in mind people will not appreciate it for what it is worth.
Rating:  Summary: People Complain Too Much Review: I just want to say that ppl who complain about this series being too long should look to dune or lord of the rings for thier fantasy fill. I really like the way things are dragged out in Jordans series and PoD is no exeption. I feel that lots of Black Tower guys are developed that seriously needed it and I thought it had a lot of otherwise nice storyline advancements. I will be very sad when this series ends. And I really hope he doesnt end it because some of you are too impatient to his books. I cant wait for his next book to come out in November and I hope its 1,000 pages long and full of more interesting detail about the history of Randland and the Chosen.
Rating:  Summary: I'll read it again Review: Unlike alot of the reviewers here, I don't think that I somehow could have written this book better, or that my opinion should count in what Mr. Jordan writes. My opinion is my money, and when the next one comes out... well... Mr. Jordan will be able to buy those two cases of beer he was always wanting to get. Most of the common gripes between the good reviewers and those who would chew on something they think is a turd just to tell everyone how awful it tastes, is the lack of Mat. Well... surprise! Mat was in the book after all. Infact, Mr. Jordan clearly set Mat up to be a HUGE part of the next book (or maybe the one after that<g>). Alot of the turd-eaters (people who say that 5 books ago the series sucked and were never going to read another but... still do yet post how evil Mr. Jordan is) have gone to say how dull this series is then gone on to say How riviting the Lord of The Rings is and Jordan is ripping off Tolkien... Get off your high horses.... We've all read Tolkien too. All they do in LOTR is walk around and eat. You can't deny it. I applaud Mr. Jordan for creating a world, its history, and its language. Maybe that is the only similarity to Tolkien I will grant. The keywords in this series is Final Battle. When that happens,it's done. It's a shame people want to see the end of the journey without stopping to smell the roses along the way. It is your short comming, not Mr. Jordan's. I don't think Mr. Jordan sat down and started writting stories with the intention to be poor and starving. It's a shame that people judge successful writers and artists that way and go out of their way to try and deny something special to others. Read the book. Read them all. It's good eatin.
Rating:  Summary: Great continuation Review: Many here are complaining about this book. I think that it was great. Although, there wasn't a "big" ending, it left me hanging by a thread, waiting for the next one. The fact that so many people are in such anticipation for the next book just shows how good RJ is at keeping readers hooked. The WOT community is one of the largest online for fictional books. I don't think that I need to sell you on the wheel of time if you're reading this review. You've probably read at least the first. So, I'll sell you on PoD(Path of Daggers). This book has many exciting scenes in it. I believe it did take a step towards the end of the series despite what others may say. There is nothing much to say besides that this is just some good Robert Jordan reading. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Male-Female sterotypes Review: I just finished rereading the entire series through this book in preparation for #9. I was enjoying myself through #7. I have to say I was facinated all over again by the way in which all the myriad plots and their characters were developed. This one dragged. New plots/characters were introduced and dropped. Older, better-developed characters like Matt and Perrin almost didn't make it into the book. One thing didn't change-hasn't changed since the beginning. The exceedingly stereotypical male-female pattern of interaction is VERY boring. Reactions, gestures, attitudes...you name it. Every male is baffled by women (except maybe Lan), and every female is sure men are still small boys, specially the Aes Sedi. Actually, Lan treats Nyneave as if she were a small girl child. It has ceased to be amusing. I think Mr. Jordon has some issues with male-female relationships that he REALLY needs to work on outside of this series. Character Development: I'd settle for one male or female that wasn't clueless about the opposite sex. THE STANCE: He hasn't used the word "akimbo", but he must really think women stand with their fists/hands on their hips whenever a male is being his usual small boy self. I can't think of the last time I actually saw any woman stand that way. And that stance certainly doesn't work at all when one is wearing a shawl!