Rating:  Summary: Impressively dissappointing Review: Like most other Jordan fans I anxiously awaited PoD, and like most I was very dissappointed. It was 500 pages of braid pulling, talking to oneself, and pondering the complexities of the opposite sex. I'd have been better served buying "Men are from Mars..". If you're into soap operas.. long drawn out pages of filler then this book is for you. It's just a shame how such once great writing could deteriorate to this completely lame excuse for a story. I give it 2 stars - One star because the series (prior to this point) was pretty good, and the other, because the cover artwork is pretty good.
Rating:  Summary: no resolution Review: I have found the Wheel of Time to be one of the best fantasy series I have ever read. However, I am somewhat disappointed with this latest offering. While I recognize that sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice some action in order to properly "set the stage" so to speak, I found the absence of virtually any resolution to any plot line disheartening. It is clear to me that the next book could be the best in the series, as Jordan has set several of the plot lines up to climax. However, I believe he should have spread out the plot resolutions better between the books.
Rating:  Summary: Robert Jordan's done better Review: I thought the book was not one of his better works. It was all the charactors moving around alot and not really doing anything. And it didn't even mention Mat Couthon at all, and he is one of the more colorful charactors. Hopefully the next book will be better,"Come on Robert, don't be dragging out the story line!"
Rating:  Summary: It's a good setup, but lacks something by itself. Review: The Wheel of Time turns, but it seems to be turning a little slower these days. The series has been stuck in a holding pattern for three books now, but never fear. Although Mat doesn't appear anywhere, the plot moves forward slightly faster now, and we begin to see that we are about to enter the final act of this series. With a promise of some major plot twists and a triumphant return of Mat looming ahead of us, The Path of Daggers is a poor place to get started on this series, but a great place to start again if you put the series down.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful, but too short... Review: Of course, it could have been thousands of pages long and still be too short. I think perhaps the long wait for this book built up anticipation in fans to where they'd be disappointed by this book. I, for one, was pleased to no end. I've read a lot of how not a lot happens in this book, and that's just untrue. Lots happens. Okay, not all the much heavy fighting, true, though there was some. But Egwene's that much closer to confronting the Tower, Elayne's made her claim to the throne, Lewis has showed back up in Rand's head more... I don't think CoS and PoD could be condensed to one book, I think it's utterly perfect. I would have liked to have gone back to Mat, too, but with all that has happened in this one book, it's understandable that we didn't yet. I just hope we don't have to wait another two years for the next one.... :)
Rating:  Summary: Good,But Still Leaves You Wanting Review: I was disappointed in this latest WOT book. While it is as well written as the others, the story barely advances. When you have as rich of character developement as Mr. Jordan has, and having as many storylines running simultaneously even a large book is slow. Either way, the wait for this installment was questionable.
Rating:  Summary: burnout, anyone? Review: While I will hold up the first three books of the Wheel of Time series as pinnacles of excellent fantasy writing, the 7th and 8th books have proved to be extremely disappointing. While Jordan's style of writing is still good, his subject matter has begun to sour. The idea of the Aile proved intriguing enough throughout the 3rd volume, but once the massive 4th began detailing their goings-on to the extent of listing all the societies and clans and customs, they began to lose their charm. Also, am I the only one who's tired of these argumentative women? Not only do you have to put up with Nynaeve, Elayne, Aviendah and Birgitte in this latest volume, but you also have to struggle through an entire chapter where the aforementioned women have verbal quarrels with a number of Aes Sedai in addition to the completely sluggish and unecessary Kinswomen and Windfinders. If there is ANYONE who found this to be ENTIRELY ESSENTIAL TO THE PLOT please reveal this in a future review because I, for one, am tired of this soggy, detail-obsessed, marsh of prose that the book's characters have been sucked into. BOTTOM LINE: Jordan has done a fantastic job on this series on the whole. If this book got away from the political jargon, technicalities and unecessary exposition that plagued it (and it's immediate predeccessor, Crown of Swords), it would be a better work. If you have contact with the human world outside of the Internet or your favorite comic book store, I suggest that you attempt to find another series upon which to pin your entertainment hopes.
Rating:  Summary: can we get the Wheel a turnin' please?? Review: Like everyone else, I waited with great patience for PoD. I told my self that I would read it slow, hoping to make the wait for the next book less painful. However, I devoured it like a drunken glutton and now I am left like a thirtsy man in desert, crawling to the next oasis. And for what? For squat, I tell you, squat. Where's Mat? When's Nyn going to grow up and stop yanking her braid? Why hasn't Lan beat the pee out of her yet? When are we going to have these questions answered? The series is starting to wan. My biggest fear is that ol' Jordan will kick it before it's finished and we'll all be left with sand.
Rating:  Summary: Pathetic Review: Not pathetic in the sense of deserving pity, but in the connotation of the word--deserving nothing but disgust and contempt.The following is only my opinion. As a long-time Jordan fan, I couldnt wait for this book. I had been a bit disappointed by "Crown of Swords" and hoped that RJ had rebounded from the writer's block he seemed to be suffering. It turns out, there is no writer's block. He is simply milking to death his remaining ideas. This book had about 150 pages of content and 450 pages full of fluff. The only scene I really enjoyed was the battle scene between Rand's misfit forces and the Seanchan. It had the ring of an old Civil war knock-down-drag-out blood bath. But even this scene is ruined by Rand's seeming lack of control and weakness. I've finally given up on Jordan's novels. If you purchase this book, I suggest skipping to the dialog. You may find you have to skip a few pages of worthless speculation and description to get to the next line of dialog, but it's better than trying to read the whole thing. In short, this one was really bad. Faulkner/Joyce he aint--that's for sure. *sniff*
Rating:  Summary: This is a joke right? Real book 8 is next week-right? Review: Five stars because Jordan is such an excellent writer...One star because the book does (almost)NOTHING. The fist six hours (WOT time) takes over 150 pages. Whats up with that? Gets a three because its the average of the two. I am hoping that the next book comes out next month because the plot of this book cannot be what took 2 years write. I could read it again though just to view Jordan's sentence structure and beautifully crafted paragraphs. Mr. Jordan you are a great writter please get the 'show on the road'--please I will buy whatever you come out with next--don't worry about finishing this series (Although I could see 4 more GOOD books out of this story)