Rating:  Summary: I love the series - but can we please move the plot along?? Review: OK - I've been waiting for over two years for Book 8 AND I devoted all of my free-time the last two months (mostly after midnight when I should have been getting to bed already) re-reading all 7 books so I would be up on all the plots, sub-plots and character's current predicaments (at least the major one's anyway). Then October 20th finally came...I rushed out and purchased the book, read it feverishly...and kept hoping when I turned the next page something would happen to move the plot along!! Sure - The Bowl of Winds finally gets used (did anyone else think that could have been handled with one fairly short chapter at the end of book 7?), we got a few battles with the Seanchan, Perrin is out hunting the Prophet (I was very happy to see Elyas re-appear by the way), Elayne made it to the Sun Throne and Egwene is finally poised to strike Tar Valon, but the whole book just seemed like a prologue for books 9 & 10!! OK - some large portions of the previous books have been dedicated to transitions and introductions of new plot lines - but never before has this been pretty much the purpose of the whole book!! I also must ask - where the heck is Mat??? In my mind - he's still buried under a pile of rubble (from the end of Book 7). I hope he's got enough air under there to last another 2+ years until book 9 come out!! Finally - a few humble suggestions for Mr. Jordan... The first time we see Nynaeve's character in book 9 - please indicate that before, during or after every sentence she utters for the rest of the book - she will be tugging her braid. (This will save at least 20-30 pages worth of space in the remainder of the book - that could be devoted to additional plot development). Other statements of fact that could be indicated ONCE in the first chapter... Rand will be tightly gripping the Seanchan spear 75% of the time. Elayne will have her nose in the air, and/or speak in a haughty/obnoxious tone 80% of the time. All lead male characters think they know nothing about women (and most are right)and feel the other lead male characters know more than they do. All lead female characters are harboring secret desires to spank, throttle or otherwise chastise most every minor female character they come into contact with. All lead female characters will be wearing silk 80% of the time - and their dresses will be scandolously low-cut 90% of the time. Finally - if you're a Wheel of Time/Jordan fan - the book is obviously a must read! If you're new to the series - please start with book 1 (Eye of the World). You'll get hooked - and when you finally read Path of Daggers - you'll be yearning for more too!!
Rating:  Summary: Something needs to happen, but it doesn't in this book. Review: As much as I love this series, the last two books really haven't thrilled me. I remember reading the first books, and at the ends all I could say was "Wow," but not at the ends of these last two books. The first few books were packed with events, and went somewhere. It seems like progress is slowly (very slowly) being made, but nothing, or close to it, is actually being accomplished. It is time to pick up the pace! After reading six hundred pages, I said, "Where was the ending? What was the point of this book?" Someone needs to tell Jordan that the books better start getting somewhere soon, instead of just inching toward a goal, that, once reached, seems to be torn away in the blink of an eye. Maybe he's lost his touch, but I sincerely hope not. Now, it's time for all these events that have been put into play to (finally)come to fruition.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan lost in the world of his own making Review: With the first five books of this series Jordan created a rich and intriguing world with engaging and unique characters, so much so that many i know who've read them would stay up for nights in a row to find out what happens next. Gradually through the next two, and now in the last book it is very clear he is lost in this world. So lost that nothing really happened at all. In addition it feels like he wrote only half a book...where is the rest??? I can only hope that in the next book, he finds his place again. A good story always has a good ending, not one that drags on forever. I love this series but it's beginning to frustrate me so!!!
Rating:  Summary: Wasn't really worth the wait, but... Review: Of course, PoD is still a very good book, but just like in book 5 there is no real action, nor exciting plot-twists or discoveries. As I said, book five was somewhat slow-paced, but the following novel, Lord of Chaos, simply ruled. Perhaps that's just Jordans particular way of building up tension !? I personally think that he's up to something Huge with book nine, so try to endure the wait. (and excuse my Austrian school-english :) )
Rating:  Summary: For addicts only... Review: OK, if you're reading this, you're going to buy the book. Just don't expect anything to get resolved. I pre-ordered to make sure I got it hot off the press, and am now wondering why I bothered. It was a great read (as usual), but I expected that at least Jordan would tie up "some" loose ends before the end. Instead, he made things more complicated. *Sigh*, so now I wait for volume 9.
Rating:  Summary: Can you say "GET A GRIP" Review: Please people if all you have to say is that Robert Jordan is long winded then you have reached way past old. Also for those people who believe that he is milking it for everything it is worth. You must understand the man has a publisher and a publishing company, if anyone is milking anything it is most likely to be them. Now for POD IT'S a great book, and to be honest I am kind of glad the really didn't get to Mat. It just leaves more room for him in book 9.(which is not going to take another 2 years to write!)Please people if you can't handle details and elaboration Robert Jordan isn't for you. For THE "WOT fans"we have all learned how to wait. I will leave it with that!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: I'm not sure at all.... Review: This is very frustrating.... Books 1-4 of this series were some of the best books I have ever read. I still enjoyed 5-8 but it doesn't seem the same... it is still Wheel of Time but it is Wheel of Time Lite, not the involving action-packed oh-my-god-what's-gonna-happen-next prose of the first books.... I only hope that Robert Jordan gets back on track with Book 9 becuase I am feeling seriously dissilusioned here. (I probably spelt that wrong... blame it on my cruel let down) But then again, is it so horrible? The Wheel of Time is still probably the best fantasy series out there today. This book is not entirely event-less, and there are some good moments. I would give this a 3 but I love the rest of the series dearly and in kindness I gave it a four.... a message to Mr.Jordan- pleasepleasepleaseplease write about the events that have been hinted at since Book 4 began... I am tired of waiting so long for a resolution! P.S~ when someone dies, leave them dead, OK? Nothing more irritating then soap-opera like reincarnations. I still love it though. Help! I'm confused!
Rating:  Summary: Nothing new or imaginative and it drags to make jordan money Review: I cant believe I anticipated reading this book. I find the Wheel of Time series, origonally to be 8 books, now stretched to 24 books, about as unfullfilling as they come. The story never takes off. Nothing left unanswered in the previous book is really answered in this one. I do not keep track of 200 different characters, not because I cannot, but because so few of their stories are interesting. I enjoyed reading about 15 minutes of this book, and I loved the series. THIS BOOK IS A BIG LET DOWN. Do I have to read a book for every country Rand takes? What a bore...
Rating:  Summary: If only the first 500 pages were like the last 100 Review: If the 1st 500 pages were like the last 100 I don't think anyone would be grumbling..Mr. Jordan if it took you 500 to get rolling DON"T STOP. I will buy each book when it comes out IN HARDCOVER even if they are just a week apart. KEEP WRITTING, please don't make me wait another two years.
Rating:  Summary: What a let down! Review: I had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of PoD since about a month after CoS was released. I was less than impressed with CoS but figured that it was just a fluke. I was wrong. The best thing I can say about PoD is that there was a fair amount of resolution. Although, on that same note, the resolutions that do occur seem hollow and anticlimactic. The Wheel of Time remains by far the best SF/Fantasy epic I have ever read. In hopes that Mr. Jordan gets back on track, I will once again wait for the next installment.