Rating:  Summary: Thank God I'm not alone Review: After waiting over two years for this book, I was really disappointed when I finally read it. Total filler without any significant developments or movement to a conclusion. My advice to RJ is to please get on with this story and no more 2 1/2 year delays for nothing.
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the paperback unless your a big fan. Review: I didn't find this eighth book of Robert Jordan up to the standard of the first seven. This is the first time I have read one of his books and had trouble staying interested. This book could have been written in 150 pages without any noticeable change in content. There were to many extraneous characters with little significance. The main problem though was the lack of any sort of Climax. Each of the other books has had a great climax but not this one. There were two minor pieces of excitement with the Asha'man and Callandor, Otherwise it was a big yawn. This is a tragedy considering all the potential this book had.I sure hope the next one has a little more excitement.
Rating:  Summary: Book Eight Adds little to the story Review: The Path of Daggers is a disappointment - I feel as though I bought tickets to a football game, and instead found a chess match in progress when I got to the arena. The previous Wheel of Time books at least made an attempt at being complete stories unto themselves, but this one takes us from point A to point A.2 without much new information given in the ~600 pages it takes up. In addition, many of the fanciful elements and characters are gone from this one - making it about as exotic as a faculty meeting. I am not entirely sure if this is the fault of Jordan et. al, or if it is because I've become a big fan of Kristine Kathryn Rusch's The Fey series in the time between the last Wheel of Time book and this one.
Rating:  Summary: ...a long wait to be disappointed Review: Initially it sounded too good to be true, the book eight of WOT has been published...I asked my cousin to courier the book to me from US. My disappointment knows no bounds after I went thru the book. There was no mention at all of Mat (my favorite character) and the story was in a total mess. My head is too scrambled for me to even write a decent review, so I'm ending this pain with a prayer that the next book will be more readable...
Rating:  Summary: Get on with it...... Review: I will be short in my anger. The basic story line has been drawn out now for two books, and this, the evil third, has simply stagnated. Mr. Jordan, get ON with it. The plot is a classic, but it needs to be concluded before I begin praying for the seals to be broken and Rand getting his hat handed to him...........
Rating:  Summary: The Afterword confuses the previous 600 pages of reading!! Review: I trudged through this book and at about halfway I put it down and wondered what the hell was happening with Mat. At that point I found out who was to be Nae'blis, something revealed by Jordan in 10 pages after we saw all the careful scheming by each person for the title. Also at that point nothing concerning the White Tower or the Seanchan really happened. So I dutifully read the next 300 pages and at the end wondered why I even bothered. The last page tells us we don't know what we read in the entire book!! The only reason this reviewer is not giving a rating of no stars is because it is not an option.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as it should have been for a two year wait...... Review: I was quite dissapointed with this book as it didn't seem to go anywhere. The pace seemed slower than a snail at times and I found myself wanting to skip over pages to get to the point. I have never wanted to do that with any other of the 7 books! I also wish to know what has happened to Mat? Thom? Juilin? and others. Mat is only mentioned in passing and Elaida is mentioned only once towards the end of the book, and it only seems to be a token prescence just to say that she is still there. Overall very dissapointing. I expected rather more after a gap of 2 years. To think I rushed out and bought it on it's first day of release! Also, I bought this book in the UK. the UK edition Hardcover does not match any of the others in the series,(of which I have all 7 in hardcover), and it looks out of place. Well done Orbit Books! (not)
Rating:  Summary: Please....just end the pain Review: I started reading Jordan in college (actually, out of order), and then reread them in order...thought it was wonderful...such a detailed world, complex characters, political intrigue, everything. As the series continued new characters were introduced into the fold, fine by me. Start out with the central cast, then expand some...now we have a cast of thousands, most of whom don't do a lot but keep being mentioned over and over and over....for the last two books Egwene has been in this holding pattern as she and her merry band march on...yawn...Siun, who used to be a powerhouse to be reckoned with has just lost all interest for me as well....in the beginning it was so exciting, it was so neat, the connections between the books were so riveting...like in Shadow Rising with Perrin and the hunter, and that tower of Ghenjei...he had so many exciting ideas and stories...most of which he has laid to the side to introduce more and more minor characters who do little but plot and make my head spin more and more....I don't mind a lot of books, I relish that if I love the series, but if you are going to use a lot of paper putting a lot of words onto them, make it interesting...please! I want to know how it all ends, I want to be there at the end, but I can't keep wasting my money and time (the time is more valuable) on stuff like this...Book Six was great, Book seven bit, and book eight..well...I think the audience has spoken. Either develop something better for book nine, or see more and more of your fans fade away in disgust. Move the plot onward...bring the forsaken into it more, they made the earlier books sing, delve more into the past (like the Bore that we glimpsed in Book 4).... Plus, I have to agree with that earlier comment, concerning the female characters. Way too many times when Jordan describes their silk dresses, and how they are so extremely catty to one another. Reminds me of that one Seinfeld episode where Elayne gets into the catfight and all the men get so excited. The Aes Sedai, these powerful women who at one time had some intelligence and and interesting parts of the story, have been reduced to a simpering band of catfighting idiots. Are they intelligent or immature? Make up your mind Mr. Jordan! Please! Can't they do anything more relevant then stalk around, grab their hair or skirts, and threaten to beat each other up? They have gotten almost comical, but the joke wore thin after a few books of it...let's move on.
Rating:  Summary: " Good Book - Give Robert Jordan a break " Review: Firstly let me defend Robert Jordan - although he needs no defense. Mr. Jordan has undertaken one of the greatest epics of the Fantasy Genre in modern history. His command of plot, depth of characters and realism of his own world is unsurpassed by ANY other author out on the market today. There are VERY few authors who could capture the attention and admiration of the very diverse readership that exist in the Fantasy Field. His rise to the top of the New York Times Bestselling List year after year proves this. His multivolume story that will extend to at least 11 novels is mindboggling. Although the quantity of novels does not necessarily equate as to the quality, I for one say that he is doing a very good job. The Path of Daggers was not as good as I thought it would be, especially after waiting two years for the story, but it STILL was a good book. I consider POD to be a build up to a very intense, action pact, major conflict-resoultion finale (not to be confused with the grand finale of the last book) of book nine. So this book wasn't as intense or hardly moved at all from book seven; fine, so what! Some authors cannot even advance their stories from beyond there first book. Show me an author who could have kept a story running this long, as brilliantly as Robert Jordan has. Perhaps he is saving all of his best work and creative ideas for the last books. Give the man a BREAK! He deserves it. For those of you who are disillusioned with his work and intend not to see the story through to it's conclusion, then so be it. It seems a shame to purchase all 8 of the books then stop, but that is your prerogative. I dare any of you to attempt a story of this magnitude, and if you do half as well as he, I will congratulate you. Lastly, I would like to say it is very easy to critize someone - it is the natural human inclination- but very diffucult to praise them - we as humans do not like to see others do well, and tend to bring them down to increase our own selfworth. Continue writing Robert Jordan YOU ARE DOING AN EXCELLENT JOB!
Rating:  Summary: You can't tell a good WOT story in 600 pages Review: Everyone loved the first seven books of this series. And yet, everyone thinks this is the worst yet. Lord of Chaos was my favorite, and it was the longest. A path of Daggers is half the size. What's up with that? When i go to buy a Robert Jordan book, especially one I just paid 20 odd dollars and waited two years for, I expect more. Where is the sense of accomplishment. No Forsaken even died, a staple of the last few books. Robert Jordan is almost backpedaling with all of these new Forsaken and a new Na'blis (excuse the spelling). Either that or he is really moving for an epic final book, with rand destroying numerous wielders of the power, cleansing saidin, and Destroying the Dark one. Maybe the next book will be Matt and Rand heavy, because one blows the horn of Valere and the other finally fights Tarmon Gaidin. Maybe Masema will be united with Rand and his rabble used as Trolloc fodder. God I hope so.