Rating:  Summary: This book is NO FUN! Review: This book is no fun because: 1) The characters regress, not progress 2) Despite the fact that Jordan has created umpteen characters, the first 25-30 pages are devoted to NEW characters, 3) Nothing of note happened in this book; 4) Mat, an interesting character, was not even mentioned. If his next book is this bad, or even close, I doubt I will buy another.
Rating:  Summary: What to do? Review: I have been waiting for years for this sequel, and read it in one go, only to end up with two questions: What is going on, or rather why are we standing still? and When's the next one due? This book could have been reconsidered, re-written, and condensed to about 300 pages. TOO SLOW!
Rating:  Summary: Slow to begin but really picking up near the end Review: All in all this series has been, probably THE most interesting and fullfilling i've ever read. Not to say the path of daggers was bad, i really enjoyed it, but in the beginning it draged on a little about past plots that are slow to be resolved. On the other hand in the later chapters the plot between Rand and the Asha'man and the madness really put me on the edge of my seat. The plot that followed Perrin seemed slow and didn't resolve much, but gave good promise with the kidnapping of Faile (sorry if you haven't read it yet) for the next book. Which by the way i hope comes out soon, the last wait was a longer one than i'm used to. A couple things that were a disapointement were 1. WHERE'S MAT, i was looking forward to his story, but this was not too disapointing because i know that he'll be there next book. 2. Egwene's long journey to Tar-Valon was just that... long. I think only some of it was really necessary. All in all i would say that it might not have been as good as the earlier books(not too far off as some other crittics seem to suggest) but it certainly sets you up for the next book because all the plots seem to have a little twist at the end of the book. I really look forward to the next book.
Rating:  Summary: I kept waiting for something to happen... Review: Jordan's bookshelf-spanning epic just keeps getting better! uh hmm. Is it ever going to end?!? Nothing major (or small) was accomplished throughout the 6 million pages of this door-jam. I gave it two stars simply because i was able to read it, the book is not badly written, and because i've been reading the series since the Eye was first published --I can't stop now! did you notice the irony of the last real chapter? "Beginnings" that's NOT a good sign!
Rating:  Summary: Is this going anywhere? Review: You have to wonder if this series will ever be completed. For a series that started out with so much promise, it has turned into a pathetic hunt for money. I can only hope that Mr. Jordan soon acquires enough money, so that he can finally finish this series.
Rating:  Summary: Would give this book zero stars if Amazon.com let me.... Review: This book was a HUGE disappointment. It took me forever to read - at times I found myself nodding off or thinking about other things while trying to read it. I appreciate attention to detail as much as the next guy (or gal), but after reading this rather questionable piece of literature, I am forced to agree with the general consensus that Mr. Jordan is stalling for time. I can only hope the next book will be better...
Rating:  Summary: Re-read the friggen books!!! Review: I haven't read all the reviews, but some people have probably mentioned this--Start at the begining and read all of the books in order. You will see that this novel lacks in action the most--but in character and plot set up it is the best. this is the beginning of the end. this will be the most important book in the series because all events from this point on will have there crux in this book. So what if no major phrophases (can't spell) came true? No Mat in this one? Where was Perrin in Fires From Heaven? All books up to this one have been getting us to the top of the first hill on the roller coaster, we're now at the top boys and girls, hang on
Rating:  Summary: Not his best, but an OK Jordan novel is still a great read Review: I'll be the first to admit that <The Path of Daggers> doesn't quite match up to, say, <The Dragon Reborn> - but that doesn't make it a waste of time. Jordan's less-than-perfect efforts are still better than most of what's out there, and I enjoyed this book despite a bit of disapointment. Just one major complaint - plotwise, leaving Mat out of the storyline was inexcusable, considering the predicament we last found him in. I'd give it a B - slow at times, with some holes, but still well-written and absorbing.
Rating:  Summary: Liked the book, Missed Mat. Review: I have read many of the negative reviews, and I do not agree. Granted, this was not Jordans most exciting book to date, but he did cover alot of ground, and in my mind built up more suspense for the next book. I did miss Mat, we finally see a glimmer of how the prophesies concerning him may be brought to fruition, and now we have to wait even longer. But the fact remains that things have been set up to close some of the fragmented plots that the author began books ago. I won't go into detail for those of you who haven't read the book, but I finished the book in less than 2 weeks, and I go to school full time, work part time. If you have read the earlier books, it is definitely a must read. You will be lost skipping this one and going to the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Downward sprial... Review: What happened?! I got the book in mail and it felt like it was lighter. Then I opened it up and noticed how much larger the print was than all of the previous books. I figured, "well in previous editions there were many pages dedicated to needless travel time, so I guess this time he gets right to it." WRONG What I got was page after page of traveling with precious little new ground being covered. What took this book 600 large print pages would have been covered in 50 pages in earlier volumes. Even the prologue never really played into the story in any significant way. This book contained a whole lot of nothing and didn't even attempt to answer the questions created from the previous novel, like "What happened to Mat?" and "Was it Lanfear who faught with Rand in Shayol Ghul?" I would suggest borrowing this book from a library . Don't make the same mistake I did and spend $20+ on it! I hesitate to continue to recommend this series to my friends, it may have started off great, but it has entered a downward spiral.