Rating:  Summary: Big dissapointment Review: I gave this book 1 star because it is a far cry from the other books in the series. The plot barely moved. The battle in the mountains was disappointing because Jordan did not place the reader in the battle. Instead, he hid the fight behind trees. The story resembled a soap opera more than anything else. Bye the way, WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE PATH OF DAGGERS? That misleading title was the biggest disappointment. The time I waited for this book to come out was the biggest waste of time. Jordan should have taken more time. I would rather wait longer and get better quality. The book stunk. Pee-yew. p.s. What about Matt?
Rating:  Summary: Good Book, Great author Review: All I could think when I finished it was, "Awwwww man, now I have to wait 2 MORE years." I guess that's an indication of a good author in that I'm still hooked. I liked this book better than six (I was disappointed with six). If you've read the whole series up to this point (how many times through? <grin>) heck yea you should read it. If you haven't read and of the Wheel of Time series....start with #1!!!!! You should not read PofD b/c you will be sooooo lost.
Rating:  Summary: not as fast-moving but still fascinating Review: I have read each of these books in turn as they have been published. This is by far the most comprehensive and detailed fantasy-world yet imagined. While the latest volume seemed to move slower than the first two or three, we need to keep in mind that this is a complex world which we are observing. Events can not happen just as we wish them. The characters are diverse and well-developed making the story more believable as opposed to other authors whose characters are so one-dimensional that they could have all come from the same cookie-cutter mold. And Robert Jordan does not resort to the vulgarity or baseness that others grasp for in attempting to appeal to readers. I don't care if it takes 20 volumes to finish this story - just bring them to us a little more frequently and don't bring this tale to a conclusion just to finish it and be done with it. Real life doesn't work that way and I don't think the Wheel of Time Legend should either. I hope Mr. Jordan will take as long as he needs to tell this tale completely just as he wishes.
Rating:  Summary: Hurry! Review: I agree with most people here, book 8 did have a much slower pace than any of the previous books in this series. It is obvious to me however that this book is simply a transition and another book (hopefully to be release within the next year) will follow shortly thereafter with a nail-biting finish similar to those of the previous 7 books. I hope this is the case anyway...
Rating:  Summary: An epic journey in a land that Jordan brings to life. Review: Path of Daggers extends Jordan's streak of a long saga that keeps you coming back for more. You don't want this to end, and hope it never will. The plots and subplots are well thought out and the characters are believeable and exciting. I compare this journey with the one you might have gone on with Thomas Covenant and the land.
Rating:  Summary: You can't please everyone Review: I thought that this book did a lot for the story as a whole. There are just some things that are worth the wait. How could you wrap up so many sub-plots with just a few books. If you want to have the story the way you want... day dream. Robert Jordan is a master at his art you however (everyone who complained about what they thought should be there yet was not there)are just novices readers. I want more. About every aspect of the world the people the places the thoughts of any and every person. To sum it up...9 books or a hundred I want it all.
Rating:  Summary: Where does the Path lead? Review: At first this book seemed to be *the* book...I almost couldn't put it down until I was finished (it took me less than 5 days...must be the shortest book so far in this series). But even though the beginning was very promising indeed, and the book only seemed to improve after that, the ending was a disappointment. Nothing is really resolved, many things we hoped to see toward the end didn't happen (yet), and it leaves all the plot threads hanging in midair for book 9 to pick up. I wonder what's going to happen in that book, though; it seems that Path was written only to prepare us for the next one.Many people have been whining over this (and Mat's absence), and although I agree on some level, I think that it doesn't spoil the fact that Path is a Great Read. When you think you know everything in the world of the Wheel, Jordan adds new mysteries and plot twists to the story. The books have evolved much since book one, but at least the series aren't static that way; Jordan dares to experiment. Many people have also complained about the pace in this book, claiming Jordan is slowing down to make more money. I rather think that he doesn't want to sacrifice the quality and detail he has put into his work so far. It's his flaming story - who could tell it better? If you've read the first 7 books, there's no way you'd want to miss this one. And if you're already longing for book 9: it won't take as long to write as this one - Jordan doesn't have the Guide and "New Spring" to do this time.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan is...still Jordan Review: It seems too many people have forgotten that it is the intricate plot-weaving that drew them to the Wheel of Time to begin with. Well, thank goodness Jordan hasn't. I strongly recommend that anyone who left The Path of Daggers with a bad taste in their mouth re-read it. I learned long ago that anticipation of the next book in a series builds unrealistic expectations. NOTHING can ever be as high as one's expectations. So read it, then take a deep breath, get rid of the ideas of what you expected to happen, and read it again. You'll enjoy it alot more, I promise. I do agree that another 100-200 pages used to resolve some things would have been a huge help here. I hope they were left off in order to ensure that Book 9 doesn't take 2 years or more. And I agree that too much detail went to some things and not enough to others. I'm also impatient to see certain things happen. I missed Mat as well but perhaps he isn't here because a months-long journey across the Aryth Ocean would have been more tedious than the weeks it took Elayne & Nyneave to get to the Farm and Caemlyn? Overall I would have to say it was a good job. Things advanced, a couple of resolutions occurred, and alot of cliff-hangers ensure that SOMETHING will happen in Book 9. After all, Elayne and Egwene DO all but accomplish their goals, and we find out where Logain is. Also, a Tower divided might not make for exciting reading...but it will make Egwene's job easier. And the plot twists involving Faile, Morgase, Perrin, Masema and Alliandre are absolutely unexpected! And what about that party of folks from the Borderlands? There are interesting things happening and I'm going to keep the faith in the belief that Jordan really does have reasons for what he does and doesn't write!
Rating:  Summary: Get on with it, RJ! Review: I feel disappointed that Robert Jordan hasn't been able to make this book up to those standards that he has advocated in the past. The Path of Daggers suggests that he has lost his focus on the storyline, because the emphasis is on human relation and talk. I don't mean that this is a bad thing in itself, but when nothing happens and the same things are repeated over and over again, it just loses momentum. The epic story that RJ is telling deserves a more balanced approach on action and human interest. The series is, surely, one of the best that I've ever read, but this chapter is the low point(hopefully). I hope that RJ will pull his story together in the next episodes, or else the series will end far short of the promise it gives.
Rating:  Summary: PoD is well written but is not a fantasy novel Review: Jordon continues his annoying habit of dwelling on character development while ignoring the story. PoD can not be considered a fantasy novel because a story never occurs. Events are described (thouroghly) but a consistent thread does not exist. Female characters continue to be unable to co-exist with one another and male characters continue to be overly concerned as to what the females are thinking. Multiple plot lines increase geometrically with out resolution or hint of resolution while pages upon pages of descriptive narrative pile up with out grabbing the readers interest. It would be much more fair to the buying public if this book was marketed as a prologue to book 9 rather than as a continuation of a stunning fanatasy series. Mr. Jordon, at least a couple of the plans being hatched by the multiple characters involved in the series must be progressing in some substantial way. Please bring them to our attention.