Rating:  Summary: Not up to my expectations Review: Jordan did not continue the plots that he had set up in the earlier books, and instead laid new ones out. He, as most have said, could have written it in about 1/10 or less of the pages he used. It seems as if he is just trying to make people buying the books to find out what happens instead of doing it to continue the story. It lacked very much but if you have been following the series then you should but it just so you learn the little bit that he reveals.
Rating:  Summary: 600 pages of drivel Review: My review of this book can be summed up in one sentence - If you skip this book, you will miss nothing. I cannot think of a better way to describe how poor this book is. Despite this being the eighth book in a once-great series, the plot is barely advanced and there is very little character or world development. After a two-year wait, readers are "treated" to 600 pages of filler. Virtually every person we meet and every setting is described in excruciating detail, so that all the names and places just seem to blend together into one huge, pointless mess. What little character development there is serves only to make the once-interesting characters into boring cliches, or worse, insulting stereotypes. Despite the fact that the world is threatened with destruction, the characters, especially the women, spend almost all of their time thinking about either sex or how they look. Are these characters that we are supposed to care about? Both the author and the publisher should be embarrassed at putting out such a shoddy piece of work. I imagine that if this book had been submitted by another author, it would never have been published. If the next book isn't drastically better, I doubt I'll be the only one giving up on the series.
Rating:  Summary: Wrath of Raggers Review: Two words perfectly describe this book: women talking. This action adventure includes more gabbing than a soap opera. Mr. Jordan will have to get his hands around the lack of action and a whitewash of the good v. evil plotline.
Rating:  Summary: more story, less spanking Review: I wish Robert Jordan would work out his obsession with women spanking each other in some other venue. I am tired of reading repetitious fetishistic descriptions of female "discipline." I'm also disappointed that the characters that once were so interesting have become so boring, petty, and flat, and that the pace of the series has become so excruciatingly slow.
Rating:  Summary: This series is going downhill fast Review: I have read all Robert Jordan's books in this series, and while the first two or three books were truly excellent, each of the more recent ones has been worse than the one before. One of the things I initially loved about these books was that the characters (including the female characters!) were actually strong and interesting, which, sadly, is often not the case in sci-fi written by men. But in every subsequent book, the female characters have become more and more generic, annoying, and bimbolike. Even the language and descriptive techniques Mr. Jordan employs to portray his characters, their actions, and their states of mind have become more and more repetitive, sophomoric, and boring. Enough with the braid-tugging already! Can't you describe Nynaeve's personality and moods in any other way?? Enough with the annoying cat-fights between characters who are supposedly life-long friends! It has really been disappointing watching these characters, who used to be so interesting and well-developed, become increasingly standard, unoriginal, flat, and 2-dimensional. If I wanted to watch the boring machinations of catty bimbos I would tune into daytime television. And as for the pacing and the plot, how about a little more meat and a little less Hamburger Helper? The padding is starting to overbalance the actual content. With the action creeping almost to a standstill as it has been over the past few books, I am starting to expect all the characters to throw their hands up in frustration, write off the "great war" as a non-starter, and turn around to go home.
Rating:  Summary: The nail that broke the coffin's back. Review: Boring boring stuff. I the other reviews really capture what i found to be the problem with this book: 1) nothing is resolved 2) extreme and tedious detail 3) not all that interesting. I've been keeping up with this story for over 10 years and now I don't think i'll be picking up any of the future releases. I thought the Aie Sedai were supposed to be extremely intelligent and sofisticated. Then they probably shouldn't be arguing on who's going to be cleaning the dishes for the duration of a trip. Reading pages and pages worth of this type of bore is proving just too painful.
Rating:  Summary: Regarding Robert "Spank Me" Jordan Review: I'm so embarrassed that the series I've been telling everyone to read has failed to live up to its potential. Even the characters who supposedly serve the Light no longer communicate without brutalizing each other. Eventually they won't speak at all, they'll just spank out Morse code on each other's backsides. Is it asking too much that our heroes smile once in a while? All the joy has gone out of the series. Rand is acting more like the Forsaken than the Dragon Reborn, and his friends are focused on intimidating their companions. Where are the friendly Ogier, with their beautiful steddings? And where's Mat? No doubt spanking some Seanchan princess and getting involved in Seanchan politics about which we will read 700 pages worth in the next book.
Rating:  Summary: Boring dissapointment. Good book to help you get to sleep. Review: I've read them all, and this latest of the series is the worst by far. Ninety percent of the book seemed like an Act I, Scene 1. The rest was merely the rest of the first Act. I was waiting for something to happen. When it did happen, I had to reread it to figure out what was going on. It may be because I kept falling asleep. This latest installment lacked all the imagination and creativity of the earlier books. It was 600 pages of nothing. Its too bad I can't get my money back. However, I definitely won't buy his next book in hardback. I'll wait for it in the library.
Rating:  Summary: Not entirely disapointed. Review: I've been a devout RJ fan since the initial publication of WoT. The first book sucked me into the world of RJ and wouldn't let go. Slowly, as the WoT storyline progresses, the hold has been weakening. I am extremely dissapointed with RJ's new book. It reads like an extended prolouge. What's with all the stalling? Was it really necessary to have battle after battle after battle (no matter the significance) with the Seanchan? RJ is an amazing fantasy writer, but...this last book has provided me reason to question that statement.
Rating:  Summary: enjoyed the book Review: This book is just as good as any of the others. Though it may seem like a space filler for some it still moves along at the same pace as the previous books and i think that's very important. Not all stories act like a land slide and get faster and faster as you near the end. In fact i think that type of pacing for a story is redundant. I'm glad RJ stayed in the same pace. Although it may have seemed that nothing important happened in this book...think again. Many important events occured in this one. I'd point them out but i don't think that's fair to people who haven't read it yet. From the way this book ended, look to see the story to finish in 10 books...this book sets up the begginning of the end if you will. The next book will be exciting. BUT it is 2 yrs away :)..oh well. I know better now...Never start a series till the last book has been published.