Rating:  Summary: Definitely one of the best in the series (so far, anyway) Review: There are certainly both positive and negative things about this book and the Wheel of Time series as a whole. There are only a certain number of ways we can read about how wonderful and terrible saidin can feel. Ice and fire, sweetness and vileness, etc. ad nauseum. But the reader gets the impression that Jordan wants us to understand exactly how it feels for male channelers, and the constant repetition of sweetness and vileness makes the end of Winter's Heart all the more poignant, even moving. I have to take issue with previous reviewers' problems with the book. Elayne, Nynaeve, Egwene, Rand, Mat etc. all act juvenile BECAUSE THEY ARE JUVENILE. Even Nynaeve, the eldest of this young group, is understood to be no older than 25. Being 24 myself, I can testify that these individuals are acting exactly as many of my peers would act given the same situations. I can't imagine what kind of stress it would produce to have the kinds of life-altering experiences these people have had. I understand it is fiction, but I think Jordan has done an excellent job portraying realistic characters and their reactions. I also don't understand one reviewer's statement about "Jordan's juvenile obsession with female nudity and sexuality." Honestly, the male characters are naked or in their "smallclothes" just as often as the girls are naked or in their "shifts". I would have to say Jordan is again being realistic. People change clothes. It happens. I think Jordan has anything BUT an obsession with nudity. He doesn't go into medical detail about body parts like some writers. Heck, one of our main characters didn't even have sex until the FOURTH book in the series. Sex is not meant to be a driving point in the story. Speaking of the story, I would have to join others in saying that the series has gone on longer than it maybe should have. But I'm sure Jordan is well aware of this fact himself, and doesn't need US to tell him that. That whole "many-headed monster" idea is probably truer than we think. As a budding writer myself, I can't imagine how difficult it would be to keep track of as many characters and storylines as Jordan is juggling. I would have to say he's doing admirably. Bravo, sir! I believe the story is meant to have a web, or Pattern. As I read the story AGAIN, I am struck by how clear it is that events are drawing to a conclusion, however bleak, far-off, and long-awaited it might be. I'm willing to wait and I respect Jordan as a writer trying to write the best story he can. I believe it was Stephen King (and please forgive me if I'm wrong) who once said, "Sometimes a story is just a story." I think we, as readers, would do well to remember that. I've been a fan of fantasy for as long as I've been able to read. In a literary sense, of course certain authors (Tolkien being a good example) are going to be better than others. Tolkien is probably looking down from whatever cloud he may be sitting on, and wishing we would all just let the authors in the genre he really created simply TELL THEIR OWN STORY. I think we need to stop comparing EVERYONE in the fantasy genre to Tolkien, LeGuin and others. Personally, I don't care for LeGuin. But that's my opinion. If you like Jordan's books, good for you. If you don't, well then good for you too. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Before I close this review, I would like to remind the readers who keep comparing Tolkien and Jordan of one thing. Please remember the VOLUMES of material concerning Middle-Earth that Tolkien never had a chance to have published before his death. I believe the "History of Middle-Earth" is pretty close to 12 volumes, if not more. Jordan doesn't have to worry about a professorship at Oxford, so he therefore has the time to do what Tolkien never did . . . truly complete his epic. I say again, Bravo Sir!!
Rating:  Summary: Mostly very good Review: Yes, the book is very long. When I began the series, I'd only read a couple of thousand page books. Now, I'm starting to think that I'll have read a dozen by the time the series is finished. That's besides the point. When I read Robert Jordan, the pages fly by. Suddenly I'm 100 pages from when I last looked at the page. This book had some of the usual annoying babble and frustrations such as Nynaeve and Elayne consistently falling into traps and revealing too much information. I did enjoy reading about Rand's relationship to Aviendha, and Moiraine's change in character. Mat is becoming more and more interesting as he begins to have a life of his own outside of following Rand. Sadly, the book doesn't talk any of Perrin, and way too much of Elayne and Nynaeve. I think the ending could have been a bit better but I still liked it. It gets 4 stars because I didn't put the book down with a big "wow" at the end. Jordan keeps the story moving with various plot twists, and I don't think there is a single chapter where something significant doesn't happen. It's a very, very good book, and from what I hear, the next one is better. I just have one question... how many women can have "ice cold stares" or something equivalent to that?
Rating:  Summary: The Fires of Heaven Review: Rand Al'Thor is the Dragon Reborn, He Who Comes with Dawn and possibly the Coramoor of the Sea Folk. He is destined to fight the Dark One in the Last Battle and then Break the World again. In this book The Fires of Heaven, you are with Rand a lot of the time and you see some of his characteristic development. You also read about Aes Sedai who wield the One Power, Darkfriends who serve the Dark One and Forsaken who in the Age of Legends were thirteen of the most powerful Aes Sedai who serve the Dark One and also have some Darkfriends under their command. This book is a good fantasy novel about a young man with enormous responsibility on his shoulders and he must decide what to do with this power and responsibility that he possesses. He leads battles that get men killed, fights with his friends, orders people around and tries not to get captured in the nets of meddlesome Aes Sedai. This book is not just about Rand it also is about Mat Cauthon who is trying hard to forget what he is and has become, Egwene who is learning to become a Dreamer, Nynaeve and Elayne who are trying to find the hidden Blue Aes Sedai and many other characters who deal with their own problems. This book is very detailed and descriptive and a very good adventure and fantasy story. I thought it was a very good book even if was a little drawn out in some parts. I think it strayed a little too much from the center of story and included none of Perrin which I was very disappointed about, but overall it was a well written and fun adventure/fantasy story. The characters were very realistic and believable and retain a lot of the characteristics people today, for instance Jordan writes about women never letting a man do what he wants and always convincing him to do what she wants, and how men can never stop women when they set their mind on something. I think it was very funny to read about all the social struggles the characters in the book go through, it was very realistic and entertaining. The theme of this book was courage, Moiraine Sedai showed innumerable amounts of courage when she faced Lanfear knowing that she was going to die, but she did it because she had to, to save the world, if she hadn't the Last Battle wouldn't have happened because Rand would have died. Nynaeve also showed courage when she went into Tel'aran'rhoid even after Moghedien almost killed her in it, if she hadn't conjured up the courage to do this then Rand Al'Thor probably would have been killed by Rahvin. Rand Al'Thor also showed courage by bearing his burdens and did what he had to do eventually and went and faced Rahvin. I thoroughly enjoyed the entirety of this book even though at times it could be very slow, overall the book was very good if not quite as good as it's predecessors. I would recommend this series and book to anybody who likes a good fantasy novel and has a bit of time to read.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing story. Review: I am rereading the series for the umpteenth time, in anticipation of reading "The Path of Daggers." I just finished TFOH. It seems each book in the series is better than its predecessor. Unlike Knight Michaels, who writes nearby, I found a lot of character growth in the book. And, I don't see what he means by his comment about "...murdering characters...." In TFOH, we see a lot of Rand. He emerges as a complex person. He seems somehow to fully understand that almost everybody wants to kill him or to use him for their own purposes, whether or not it helps the cause. He's the only one who has a holistic view about the nature of the conflict. He hardens himself like iron, using and commanding whole nations against his own nature. And yet, three pretty girls can put him through agonies of uncertainty and self-doubting. Prior to this book, we knew little about Elayne. Sure, she's a spoiled brat. She's also delightfully spunky and adventurous, and she too is learning how to deal with smart, energetic people like Thom Merrilin in a way that will help her become a ruler. Nynaeve has a ton of conflicts gnawing at her - her relationship with Lan, her feelings about Aes Sedai and Moiraine, being challenged by Egwene, etc. The stable, quiet world in which she lived for 25 years has been replaced by a maelstrom of currents, and she's having a hard time coping. But, she's tough as nails and fierce as a tigress, and she's a heavyweight with the One Power. The scenes with her and Moghedien in the Royal Palace are absolutely riveting. Mat continues his march to becoming my own favorite character. He would take the easy way out in every situation, but The Wheel won't let him. He is a reluctant hero at best. We see his powers growing in stages, and at each stage he surprises with his capability. Rand sees it too, and tests it and exploits it as he can. The scenes in the battle with the Shaido are gripping. As far as the general relations between men and women - hey, that's pretty much on target. That's why that other book about Mars and Venus was an all-time best seller. Let me introduce you to my half-dozen sisters-in-law sometime. They make Aes Sedai look like Brownies. They even sniff at stupid men just as do Jordan's women; and we men employ that same look that Thom and Juilin use when being put upon by Nynaeve or any others. Anyway, by the time this book is ended, all sorts of momentous and exciting things have happened. It's a delightful and essential building block in this epic series. Finally, keep in mind two things. First, only about two years have passed since Rand and gang, who except for Nynaeve were all teenagers, were routed out of the Two Rivers at the start of the series. The character changes they show seem reasonable to me. Second, those who suppose that Jordan is dragging this out to extort more money out of us: think a minute. Think about placing yourself behind a typewriter 8 to 12 hours a day, day in and day out, for YEARS on end. Think about devoting your life to pleasing all sorts of unappreciative people - for however long it takes to finish the stories. I'll be happy to pay $25 or whatever pittance he asks each year or two for as long as it takes to resolve this great story.
Rating:  Summary: Where I ran out of steam Review: I bought the first book "The Eye of the World " with a bookstore gift voucher, knowing nothing about the series except that it had a prominent place in the fantasy section and looked like a popular series. Turned out to be a good decision, as "The Eye of the World" and the next two Wheel of Time books I purchased with the rest of the voucher were all top-notch fantasy, set in a world equal the best of them. However things started to go wrong around book four (using my own money now), after Rand got to Rhuidean the whole dynamic was off, I could tell something wasn't right. I got through the book anyways, despite the magic having gone and reading the Wheel of Time becoming more of a chore than a pleasure. By book five when a good deal of the book concerned the adventures of non-essential characters running away from another even more non-essential character, "The Fires of Heaven" went for longer and longer periods without being read. By the time I checked on here and found out that old Perrin Aybara wasn't even in it, and rest of the series had less and less to do with the core characters, I had completely lost momentum. "The Fires of Heaven" has been taking up bookshelf space ever since. I think the first 3 books belong in any fantasy readers collection, and it's probably best to read the first 4 and stop there.
Rating:  Summary: Read it once, will read it again Review: Last time I read this book, it was a while ago, but at the moment, I am nearly half way re-reading, I've nearly finish 4, and about to reenter five. With what i remember, it was fantastic as it all is. More introductio to the Aiel culture, so on...the thing is i can not remember many details, but don't worry, will read it and update!!!
Rating:  Summary: 2nd Time's a Charm Review: 6 years after first hefting this might tome I have finished it. This series ruined my enjoyment oif fantasy for half a decade but it has since been rekindle in the wake of the LOTR revival. Most fantasy novels are fun and magical, but this series is like listening to the life story of a loquacious boor. It plods along for a LOOONG Time and eventually wears out its welcome. Despite all the drawbacks I enjoyed reattacking this book and finally finishing it. I'm looking forward to starting the next one soon. I was a Wheel of Time burnout for several years but I'm glad to be back into the material. If you have lost faith, take a break and come back to the series at a later date. Its still going to be several years until this thing is done. In the meantime I recommend the Death Gate Cycle by Hickman and Weis, for people wanting something different.
Rating:  Summary: WOT Fan Review: I gave it two stars because, other than the big battle about 3/4 of the way through, it was too slow! Perrin wasn't even in the book at all, and he is my favorite charater. This book is definitly not up to par with its predecesors.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Review: I thought this book was pretty good. The pacing is pretty good and everything is described in detail. Sometimes it gets annoying since there are a lot of pages keeping you away from the action, but it does lend that extra bit of richness to Jordan's world. There are some surprising developments and a couple plot twists you won't see coming unless you read between every line...and even then you will probably miss it. All in all, the book is an enjoyable read for the most part. The only thing keeping me from giving this 5 stars is that @*#&$ Nynaeve. I wish Jordan would use Balefire on her and remove her sorry thread from the entire series PERMANANTLY. She has got to be one of the biggest @*#&$^% of all time in the genre. Egwene and Elayne I can stand, and Moraine has always been the best female character in the series, and perhaps one of the best ever created in the genre.
Rating:  Summary: Long, dull, and repetitive Review: The series started out fine with The Eye of the World. The next installment continued the plot well. After that, however, the Wheel of Time spun slowly and stayed in one place. Now, it wasn't the length of the book that put me off - I love longer books. But when the storyline just drawls on, the bulk of the book makes you groan. The descriptions are vague, and everything seems to repeating itself. Nothing gets anywhere! The women are mad at the men for trivial things, the men are mad at the women for even stupider things, and all of the books seem to end in the exact same place as the previous installment. I nodded off before Jordan could draw breath for his next rant. Best to just cut the books off quickly.