Rating:  Summary: A true glimpse of genius Review: Many people treat the Silmarillion as some sort of followup to Lord of the Rings. I did when I first gave it a stab. It isn't. It is Tolkien's masterpiece, and his life's passion. It serves not only as the foundation to Middle Earth, but it truly is Middle Earth. The Lord of the Rings is merely a happy byproduct. It isn't easy reading, but it is evocative and far more powerful then any other Tolkien work. It is no polished novel, but an edited collection. It's only a reflection of what Tolkien might have been able to do if he published it himself, but nevetheless it is high tragedy, and a rare gem. If you like this the History of Middle Earth series also has similar gems scattered about the endless analysis.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliance with a twist Review: The Silmarillion is one of the most incredible works I have read. It is not your typical novel. With different amounts of focus on certain characters and events and an artistic edge, this book reads like an epic poem akin to Beowulf or the Odyssey. But it is more than that. All manner of stories are thrown in, from the romantic to the heroic to the tragic, creating a truly unique and wonderful read that is a must for not only the fantasy fan, but for anyone who likes to read.
Rating:  Summary: The Beginning of Middle Earth Review: The Silmarillion is Tolkien's genesis and revelation, the very foundation of his imaginative works. As a fan of his literature, I consider it to be his best work; rising above Lord of the Rings. Here, he uses his abilities as a bard, a philologist, a professor of language, and his uncanny look into the soul of his characters. This collection of tales heralds the story of the Elder Days, the basis that breathes life into Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. This web of plots and intrigue is certainly well thought out mythology, often giving the reader the feeling of stressed tedium. Nonetheless, the drive of the characters and their inner struggles fuel the fires of interest. The central story is centered around the Elves and their Golden Age-and with every Golden Age there is a fall. Faenor was one of the first to see the light of the Two Trees of Valinor-the gleaming trees of Illuvatar's light that bathed Middle Earth in eternal, holy light. The three Silmarils were jewels created by Feanor, the most skilled of the elves, and in them the light of the Trees were contained. But they were stolen by Morgoth, First Dark Lord and rebel of Illuvatar's way. Thus ignites The War of the First Age, one that will place good against evil and unfortunately put Elf against Human. Other works within the Silmarillion besides the main story: "Ainulindale", the myth of Creation; "Valaquenta." the theology of the Valar; "Allakabeth," the lay of mankind's downfall of their great civilization; and "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age," the prequel to The Lord of the Rings. Again, I consider this to be John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's finest work. The trump of his literary genius so to speak. It proudly sits on my book shelf, adding not only an excellent story, but a profound reference to any lover of Tolkien's literature.
Rating:  Summary: There is no Middle Ground... Review: Talking to others who have read (or attempted to) The Silmarillion, I discovered that you either love it, or you hate it; there is no middle ground (not to be confused with Middle Earth). I loved it. It is a fascinating take on a Creation Myth that is more than myth when you consider that some of the characters are still present in the Lord of the Rings. What lured me into risking reading this book was a desire to learn some of the back-story to the Lord of the Rings. By reading The Silmarillion, you'll discover why Frodo's cry to Elbereth is so powerful and why there is a familial bond between Aragorn and Elrond, among other fascinating insights into the fully developed world of Middle Earth. It does not read like The Lord of the Rings, but it is not as disjointed as some would have you believe. Yes, it is stilted and formal at points, but so is The Return of the King, in contrast to The Fellowship of the Ring. I recommend giving this book a try - even before reading the trilogy if possible.
Rating:  Summary: A BORE, unless you are a true Tolkein fanatic Review: After completing and loving the Hobbit and The Lord of the RIngs I decided to read another Tolkein book so i decided to read Silmariliion, expecting the same king of writting that apeared in the Lord of the rings. I was very dissapointed when with this book. It was not at all written like the LOTR. There was hardly any dialogue between characters and it was basically just a long and boring narratrion of what once happened. Also, there were way two many names in this book. Even with the index of names i found it hard to remember who was who especially since a lot of the names are simmilar in spelling. I also did not like that tolkein just rambles on an on with names like those of places and the son and grand son and greatgrandson of people or elvs that have no signififcance to the story. In fact, i skipped an entire chapter on the names and characteristics of the land because i couldent bear the thought of reading this. I thought this book was a bore and i kept waiting for something excitting to happen. When something exciting does haappen it is not that excitting due to the banal narration and hardly any dialogue. I dont suggest that you read this book unless you are a true fanatic of Tolkein and you really care to learn about every nuance of his world.
Rating:  Summary: A Fictional History Lesson Review: - I truly love Tolkien's stories, but this is not one of them. This is textbook style history of a fictional land. This book has lots of information about many things, but it has absolutley no entertainment value. If you are not a true Tolkien fanatic who loves irrelevant facts you will get no pleasure from reading The Silmarillion. There is no plot, just the droning progression of years, and no main characters(though there are well over fifty minor characters you'll have to remember).
Rating:  Summary: Epic story telling Review: This is mythology at its best. I have read the rest: The Ilyad, The Odyssee, Le Morte D'Arhtur, and this one is the new halmark. It tells various stories that develop Middle Earth and its history. There is adventure, tragedy and romance. A complete book that leaves you wanting to learn more about the World of Middle Earth. Tolkein weaves a twisted tale of good, evil and everything in between. the stories are remarkably human considering the charactes are not. Very enjoyable as it is mind bending as a truely original piece of literature.
Rating:  Summary: Do yourself a favor and labor through Tolkien's opus Review: I will admit that I have had many false starts with the Silmarillion. The causal reader will be put off by all the pages leading up to the part of the awakening of the Elves in Middle Earth, and their journey to the West. That is when things take off.Be warned. The Silmarillion is written like the Bible. It is a distant and sometimes cold narrative of great events in an ancient world. Yet, there is a gripping beauty to it. And anyone that does not shed a tear when reading the tale of Beren and Luthien should have their pulse checked. In many respects, the Silmarillion is a far superior piece of literature than even the Lord of the Rings. Do youself a favor--pick it up, and see what I mean.
Rating:  Summary: Tough, but worth it! Review: "At that time Beren and Luthien yet dwelt in Tol Galen, the Green Isle, in the river Adurant, southernmost of the streams that falling from Ered Lindon flowed down to join with Gelion; and their son Dior Eluchil had a wife Nimloth, kinswoman of Celeborn, prince of Doriath, who was wedded to the Lady Galadriel." Congratulations! You have just completed a typical sentence from The Silmarillion (p. 290). This hefty book sums up most of the history of Middle-Earth, from before its creation until somewhat after the War of the Rings (skipping the part told in The Lord of the Rings). Now, you can imagine that with so much material to cover, it can't afford all the vivid descriptions, poetry, and dialogue featured in Tolkien's other works. The result is pure, distilled Middle-Earth history. If you imagine The Hobbit as the soft drink of Tolkien, and The Lord of the Rings as maybe the wine, this is the hard liquor. It isn't an easy read. You'll come across the names of so many people and places that it's impossible to remember them all. Even the map isn't too helpful, since the Valar fight several wars in which the entire planet is totally rearranged. However, if you take this in stride, skip over unfamiliar names, and use your imagination where description is lacking, it is well worth it. You'll find the sweet story of Beren and Luthien, two lovers forbidden to marry until Beren completes an impossible quest, epic battles, such as Fingolfin the elf-king fighting the Dark Lord Morgoth, and countless others. My favorite is the poignent, tragic story of Turin Turambar. In short, don't put it down in the first 100 pages. You would regret it!
Rating:  Summary: A hard read, but worth it! Review: It might take you a LONG time to read this book, because it is like driving a car through mud. The details are exquisite, and if you miss one, it messes the story up. So, when you read this, make sure you have LOTS & LOTS of time! The time spent is for a lot of info tho, so give it a try!