Rating:  Summary: hilarious Review: a friend just ordered this book for me from amazon.com & it's really great! I can't put it down!!
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate in comical sci-fi. Review: I always have enjoyed various science fiction styles but rarely do I find one with comedy. This is by far the greatest science fiction I have experienced. I would suggest this book for anyone in search of a hilarious trip through the unprobable.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant and Hysterical! Review: This book, as are all of the books in the Hitchhiker's series, is genuinely funny from beginning to end. Douglas Adams writes brilliant satire...goofy humor, more sophisticated humor...everything is there. I would suggest this to anybody who has a sense of humor. "The ships hung in the sky much in the same way that bricks don't." --Hitchhiker's Guide, pg. 33
Rating:  Summary: Yet another review! Review: I actually played the text-based game before reading this book, which kind of gives it away. But since that was several years ago and I just finished the book for the first time, it was fun to finally understand what the hell they were talking about! This book led me to the oddest way of speaking while I was reading it. Its quirky style had me forming Dr. Seuss-like rhymes and saying quotes from the book. Anyone with half a sense of humor will love this book and anyone without one should read it so s/he may find one! Oh, and "the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys." Anyone know where I can find a Babel fish?
Rating:  Summary: ANOTHER REVIEW TO ADD TO THE PILE... Review: I must say that I related most to Marvin, the manically depressed robot, in this book. His personality was the most human, and interactions with his character were some of the most humorous passages in this book. This was my first venture into science fiction, and after reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I am hooked on Douglas Adams' writing, and can't wait to read all his other books. I loved the unexpected jokes, the whimsical names, and the way millions of years of anticipation and egos are deflated by single hilarious sentences. HOWEVER, I agree with several other reviewers that this book is way too short. It doesn't feel like it's over when it's over. And I was disappointed that the Hitchhiker's Guide itself was ignored for most of the book! Can't say I learned much about galactical hitchhiking at all...
Rating:  Summary: I've just read ALL the reviews, and thought I'd add my own Review: I've just finished reading all 267 reviews that Amazon has right now on The Hitchhiker's Guide. The reviews simply split into two camps. The 'I didn't get it' camp was home to a small, and unfortunately quite vocal, minority who simply thought the plot was confusing or the author was 'dumb' or some such schtick. Not to berate these readers, some were genuinely confused, but the sole reason they didn't like it is that they didn't *get it*. The people who understood the context of the novel, grasped its underlying satirical genius, loved it. So much so that their 5-star ratings totally eliminate the negative effect of the few low ratings. Folks, if you like to laugh and you're more intelligent than a mattress, give it a read. It's short, and it's worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Humourous and intelligent, to make your mind giggle. Review: Douglas Adams takes sci-fi to the next level; humor. He makes you think while rolling your upsidedown in laughter. This book is just the first of a series of brilliant masterpieces. Arthur Dent, homo-sapian from the blue planet Earth goes on unexpected journey with friend and alien, Ford Prefect, on a hilarious quest to figure out the Ultimate Answer to Life. Don't miss this book. You won't be able to put it down.
Rating:  Summary: the increasingly inaccurately named hitchikers guide trilogy Review: ok.. the earth has been demolished by the vogans (less than understanding aliens with absolutely no poetic skills) a couple of thousand years after a guy got nailed to a cross cause he mentioned how it might be a good idea to be nice to people for a change.. this book is crazy. zaphod beeblebrox, a three armed, two headed, ex hippie, and president of the galaxy has taken to basically wondering around the universe with his noggin out of wack with arthor dent, mostly harmless human; and ford perfect, the last beatelguisian since his planet blew up. this book is teetering on the brink of insanity. you catch youself at moments reading in public places laughing histerically and people staring.. but they dont understand... just carry on your psychotic mission and dont panic!
Rating:  Summary: This is a warning to people who like sensible,bland books. Review: This the best book ever written.I acutally think this is as many stars possible,this rating just makes people look,especcialy stuffy people who think all humor should consist of ''Why did the elphant cross the road?The chicken was on vacation.''Deep.So what if all these stuffy women with the sense of humor of a charging hippopotmaus say i'ts childish. this is the funniest scinence ficton.This kind of humor is my favorite.Gods final message to creation:''Sorry for the mess.'' That cow:''Would you like some rump?Please eat me!"Living mattress!Manicly deppressed robots!Out an out zanyness...the way I like it.Oh drat,this useless planet,full of weird....mature people...Can't speack....the evil....MATURE PEOPLE FORGET THIS BOOK! There.No more nasty reviews for this STUPENDOUS BOOK! Sara,11 years old. Goodbye,and thanks for all the fish. BUY THIS!READ THIS!DO SOMETHING!READ THE SEQUELS! and let's not forget...DON'T PANIC! And take a towel.With blue stars.
Rating:  Summary: YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK! Review: Tons of humor with a perfect story. This book expands your mind and fantasy in ways you never thought of beeng posible. The story keeps you interested to the end.