Rating:  Summary: Mice are the masters, and 42 is the answer!!! Review: hillarious..!! havoc..!! cosmologically different !!so, if you are an earthman, its time to hitchhike. get your towel, and start looking for some spacecrafts! you may be the next arthur dent!! I have not read such a humorous humor for long.. as long as i can think. and now, as i m thinking for long, let me tell you, this is not any ordinary humor, its humor at its best across twelve and thirty million billion thousand lightyears. well, a masterpiece of fusion of sci fi and humor, a rather difficult platform even to stand, and here, Douglas Adams not only stands, he stands tall. it witty, its comic, its satiric, its totaly humorous, its hellua FANTASTIC. specially, when Adams goes to describe anything in more than one sentence! you wonder how come he is coming back with something new to make you laugh like that!! in the end, its just great!!!
Rating:  Summary: Take your time with this one--it's worth it. Review: I've read Gone with the Wind more times than I can count. I read Charlotte's Web in 1st grade. I simply devour books. but this isn't about me. This is about a book that you can't skim--you need to take it a little slower than most--to have all the details sink in. having become fed up with the *fluff* in the 'teen' genre, I look elsewhere to find things to read. I have the game, "Starship Titanic," which I love. My mother and I happened to be in a bookstore recently and I was becoming very ed up with the selections we were going to buy. Then, on my way out, this book caught my eye. 'Douglas Adams,' I thought. 'I know him. He made the great, mind boggling game I have at home. maybe I'll give his book a shot.' Now, it takes alot for me to be impressed by a book, being that I get through them so fast. It frustrated me when I realized that this book wasn't going to be a fast-read, like the usual stuff I read. True, it took me longer than usual, but when you take it slow, you catch these *gems* that make you laugh. I suppose that my being cynical has much to do with my liking towards this book, but I think that if you're impressed with the way that he describes earth, in the begining of the book, than the rest will be a sure ride from there. If not, you can always sell it at a garage sale...but then again, who knows when you'll need a good mind teaser...
Rating:  Summary: Trees Died to Print This Garbage? Review: Adams is surely one of the most overrated writers of modern SF, along with Terry Pratchett, Anne McCaffrey, et al. This supposedly humorous book is too precious, too diffuse and just plain too dull. He constantly zigs when he should zag: when he should be hard-edged, he gets soggy and sometimes vapid; when he tries to be edgy, it falls flat. I read this on the urgent recommendation of a friend, and (as if you couldn't tell) I was tremendiously disappointed with it.
Rating:  Summary: Funny Science Fiction... yes, that's what I said Review: This book is satrical farce at it's absolute best. The hilarous situation and comedic dialogue (sharpened by Adams' ever-present wit) are massively entertaining and serve to make the book a quick, enjoyable romp. You can read this in a day because you won't want to put it down. As light-hearted and funny as it is however, it also has some serious undertones. Some of Adams' comments on the human condition have a dead-on accuracy that shine through the thinly-veiled comedic pretentions. This book is a must-read for all of these reasons. And besides, where else can you find the meaning to Life, The Universe, and Everything?
Rating:  Summary: Classic, Must Read Review: Douglas Adams is a master. Anyone who hasn't read his Hitchhiker's series needs to prioritize better. Hitchiker's Guide is light enough to never stop being fun, but looks seriously at humans and why we are the way we are. He seems to be able to capture the human condition through farce without becoming shallow or pandering. This book is a necessary element of any serious Sci-Fi reader's library.
Rating:  Summary: How Can You Put A Limit On Genius? Review: I must admit I am one of the many Hitchiker Nuts out there. I have read the book, re read and then re re read it over and over. In fact I have read it so many times that I am currently in the process of getting my 3rd copy of it! As for the book itself..it is bizzare, strange and altogether confusing. My advice when reading it for the first time is to remember what Adams says at the start of it where he talks about where he came up with the idea of for it...being drunk in a field. Just kind of look at the book through that approach and maybe it will make sense. If not read it again, keep reading it til you get it and then move onto the next one and so on. And of course...dont forget to ask WHAT THE ULTIMATE QUESTION IN FACT IS!
Rating:  Summary: Ford, You're Turning Into a Penguin. Stop It Review: If you're looking for a book with a deep and meaningful plot, lengthy setting or description, or in fact much logic to it at all, keep going. This is not the cult classic that you're looking for. If you're instead in search of incredible humor, a dash of surrealism, characters you'll never forget, and lines that it seems half the country can quote by heart, then you're in the right place. Congratulations. Pull up a chair and down these three pints of bitter quickly, before the world can end. HGTTG does have meaning; it does have messages--but no, the plot isn't really the point. This is a story that starts off strange and stays that way. It's hilariously funny, and its satirical elements are sharply intelligent. It may very well make points that will stay with you. But the reason, I think, that many people read it and like it is that it is simply hysterical in much the same way that Monty Python is hysterical. Adams can't lose as long as he keeps pulling out one zany and unexpected surprise after another... and he does just that throughout. This isn't a book that takes days to read, so I'd recommend that anyone who's in the mood for something off-the-wall and humorous give it a try. Who knows? Maybe you'll join the ranks of those who know just what's so unpleasant about being drunk, what the secret to flying is, and the Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Rating:  Summary: AWSOME Review: this book is one of the best i have ever read. sure the plot is unreal. sure it isn't the best written book. but the way Adams catches your imagination with his own is amazing. i can't put the other books of this series down. plus, the style of writing is quite amazing. the story is well developed for what it is. though they do some crazy things for no reason whatsoever, except that they can make a good joke about it. this book is overall AWSOME! it couldn't be made better. i cannot express how much i like this book with typed words. i'm not good at expressing mysdelf on a computer. i hope you buy this book and have as much fun with it as i have!
Rating:  Summary: dated satire? Review: A couple of the earlier reviews have called this book's satire dated. While it is true that some of the points are a bit dated, many are still quite fresh. Zaphod Beeblebrox as president of the galaxy...reminds me of a former president of the U.S. from Arkansas.
Rating:  Summary: it was... okay i guess Review: Allright, ivr heard alot of great things about this book, but i just didnt think it was all that great. ture, it was funny (sort of) but there were absoulty NO hooks and NO real story plot or anything. and the ending is really bad. it just... ends... NOTHING happens. ususally it takes me about 1 day and a half to finish a book this size, it took me 3 weeks! there wasnt anything interesting about it at all!