Rating:  Summary: Hitchiker changed my life Review: I first read Hitchiker when I was ten, and in the ten years (and hundreds of re-readings) since it has been a source of infinite pleasure and enlightenment. I now have all the books (2 copies each), the radio broadcasts, the original radio scripts, the videos of the TV series and Neil Gaiman's Guide to the Guide (as well as absolutely everything else that the exquisite Mr Adams has ever written). I am currently studying at Oxford University and I take offence at those misguided souls who think that HHGTTG is childish, has no lasting worth or will only be enjoyed by undiscriminating readers. Hitchiker is not only a supremely funny and inventive book - it's also extremely intelligent and full of subtle insights. It works on so many levels that it is accessible to everyone (if they keep an open mind).Vogon poetry, the Babel fish and the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster are surely all the evidence you need of Adams' sublime genius (and there are 4 more books of it).Oh, and Douglas Adams has been hinting that Hitchiker 6 might be on its way (pleeeeaaaase! pleeeeeaase!)Anyway, my heart belongs to Ford Prefect forever. And remember, Hitchiker isn't just a book, it's a way of life.
Rating:  Summary: Woberfully funny Review: I picked up the Hitchhikers' Galaxy to the Galaxy beacause of the recommendation of a friend. I really had absolutely no idea what to expect except for the seemingly, pointless question he asked me, "What is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything?". Needless to say, I didn't know what the heck he was talking about, and was even more perplexed when he told me the answer was 42. So, when my class was sent to the library to pick out a fiction novel to read for class, I found this book in my hands, and I'm glad I did. I find it quite difficult to describe this book, because I know I won't be able to do justice to it, but let's say I was constantly laughing the whole way through. The plot, or lack thereof, revovles mostly around an ape-descended lifeform living on the wretched blue-green planet in the Western arm of the universe, named Arthur. Arthur lives in England and lives a rather typical humanoid life, with the simple exception of his friend, Ford Prefect. Ford is a wonderfully interesting character who really is not a human, but an alien hitchhiking through the universe with the assistance of the trusty guide, yet finds himself exiled on Earth for 15 years and befriending Arthur. As it happens, a Vogon spaceship shows up and destoys Earth and all mankind to make way for an intergalactic highway, yet Ford and Arthur escape due to Ford hitching a ride on the Vogon ship. Thus, begins their adventure. Through a long, and quite improbable journey, Ford and Arthur meeting old aquaintences, the ruler of the universe, Zaphod Beeblebrox and another surviving human, Tillian. Together they go on a entirely zany and humorous adventure. It's really quite worth the read and the book we leave you desiring to read the next 3 books of the triology (yes, there are 4). My only complaint is that there is really no defining moment in the book that makes it truly memorable. I guess you could say its lacking any real climax. Also, the hundereds of juxtapostions, ilogical and improbably things, and oxymorons really leave you kind of feeling a little empty. For all the humor, the book is really lacking any substance or something to take away from it, even if you do now know the answer to the universe. Yet, I recommend it to all who are looking for a great laugh. Its a wonderfully written book and will keep you involved, so go check out!
Rating:  Summary: The first, and greatest of the "Hitchhiker" series Review: Douglas Adams's "Hitchhiker's Guide" is a science fiction classic. The story follows a befuddled Englishman named Arthur Dent, and his friends, the alien Ford Prefect, two-headed Zaphod, fellow Eathling Trillan, and poster-child-for-prozac robot Marvin. Basically, ASrthur has to deal with the awful fact that his planet was blown up to make way for an expressway. Lots of wackiness follows. Trust me, you'll laugh by the time you end this one.
Rating:  Summary: The Funniest Book I've Read in a Long Time Review: When Earth is about to be demolished to make way for an intergalatic highway, Ford Prefect, unlike the rest of Earth's clueless population, knows he has to get off the planet. Ford is not just any human you see, but an alien sent to Earth to research the planet for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a guide to more or less everything in the universe. Along with his poor bewildered earthling pal Authur Dent, Ford manages, but just barely, to get away from Earth right before it is destroyed. Now without a home planet, Authur, armed with nothing but Ford, a towel, and The Hitchhiker's Guide is off on a hilarious galactic adventure full of strange places and even stranger people including the three headed president of his girlfriend Trillian who Arthur once met at a cocktail party. This is one of the funniest books I have ever read. I began laughing on page one and never stopped until the end. And, best of all, there are four more hitchhiker books all just as hilarious and totally odd. This book is a must for all Monty Python or Blackadder fans, as well as fans of sci fi.
Rating:  Summary: So Long Douglas, and thanks for all the laughs. Review: With the passing of Douglas Adams on Friday 5/11/2001, I picked up this book after quite a number of years and gave it a good ol' read....and you know what... this novel will forever be poignant, witty and downright entertaining. I laughed all over again. I mean, I really laughed. I'm going to miss Douglas. Douglas wasn't just at the forefront of comedy-sci-fi....he basically created the genre. My only regret, along with quite a number of fans, is that we shall never again relish in the adventures of Arthur Dent and the gang. No more Vogon poetry. No more Pan Galactic Gargleblasters. No more Babel fish. No more tongue-twisting names. Therein lies the real shame. New readers to Douglas Adams, take heart! Each of the novels that make up this series are all fantastic tales! If you own a copy of Hitchhiker's, you hold in your hands a classic! Cherish it always and read it as it was intended.... as a truly light-hearted romp through the cosmos. Take a look at some of the reviews listed here. Over four hundred people can't be wrong. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is without a doubt one of the greatest books of all time by a quirky and innovative author. (We'll just have to forgive him for wearing a digital watch.) Thank-you Douglas for the fun and adventures. You were one of a kind. May we one day meet at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. The first round's one me. I'll bring the towel. A classic. A gem. You must own this novel.
Rating:  Summary: An Amazing Series Which Makes You Thirst For More Review: This book is the most hillarious Thing I've ever read. I can't even begin to explain how funny it is. It felt like I read it in like a second because its so funny and I had a good time reading it. Once the book ended I actually became kind of upset that it was all over. I had to find another book by the author and so I'm reading them all. I've finished the sequel, The Resteraunt at the End of the Universe and it was as funny as the first. In the process of writing the book Douglas Adams makes a lot of jokes about many things. I especially enjoyed the jokes about human behavior. You know how humans always state the obvious: "You're tall." or "It's cold." I've enjoyed the first two books and I'm sure that once I finish the others I will love them just as much. Hats off to Douglas Adams, the greatest comedic novelist ever (so say I).
Rating:  Summary: More Rubbish for Fools Review: The book begins with the hero sitting down in front of his house in order to stop it being demolished to make room for a highway. He's lucky he wasn't Rachel Corrie, an American who was killed by an Israeli driving a bulldozer. Her death didn't receive one per cent of the publicity accorded this book, which descends into a cycle of abstruse stupidity. If you want a laugh that will make you wiser, read Mark Twain or Joseph Heller. If you want a good story, read Chehov or Tolstoy. They won't make a fool of you.
Rating:  Summary: The first, and greatest of the "Hitchhiker" series Review: Douglas Adams's "Hitchhiker's Guide" is a science fiction classic. The story follows a befuddled Englishman named Arthur Dent, and his friends, the alien Ford Prefect, two-headed Zaphod, fellow Eathling Trillan, and poster-child-for-prozac robot Marvin. Basically, ASrthur has to deal with the awful fact that his planet was blown up to make way for an expressway. Lots of wackiness follows. Trust me, you'll laugh by the time you end this one.
Rating:  Summary: Hillariously Random Book For All Review: I haven't read a book this funny in awhile. First, an alien from Betelgeuse disguised as a human saves his humanoid friend, Arthur Dent, from being killed along with all other Earthlings. The Vorgons, an unpopular alien group, have decided to make an intergalactic highway, and unfortunately earth is in dead center of its future plans. After being thrown into outerspace by the ruthless Volgons (who had just recited some of their poetry to the fellow hithhikers - *gasp*), they are rescued by the President of the Galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox, and his girlfriend Trillian. This book was great, thought I thought that the author went on tangents a little too much. Otherwise the story was hilarious, though the book didn't answer all the questions. Also why is the meaning of life "42"?
Rating:  Summary: The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy Review: The Book Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is a very intersting and innovating novvel that makes you laugh and think at the same time at the sametime. ITs basically about a simple man, Arthur Dent, who is warned by his alien friend, Ford Perfect, that the world is about to be destroyed. Only for the use of interstellar highway. The rest of the tale is about Arthur traveling around with Ford and discovering new people and new things in the vastness of the universe. The Novel was very intersting becuase the characters were very witty, though very funny at the same time. The book is very enjoyable to read and makes you laugh. This is a book for anyone! Male, female, whether u are intersted in science fiction, comedy, or approach it at a logical angle, this book has it all in one! If you like thinking, laughing and interesting novel about the univerese and its humours happenings with funny characters this is most definitally your book.