Rating:  Summary: What they said... Review: Yes, this is just a dreadful book. I didn't read any reviews before I slogged through COT, then I laughed at the universal loathing. What can I say that hasn't been said?I can say that Robert Jordan can bring his fans back with one blazing, fantastic book that ties the threads together and completes the once-epic Wheel of Time series. I'm hanging on and hoping.
Rating:  Summary: Much ado about nothing Review: I noticed that the rating for customers is 1 and a half stars, that speaks volumes, which it seems to be Jordan's aim now. I have never been this dissapointed in a book before. Mat and Perrin are the only people who move in the whole book and it is only down the road a little bit, everyone else is in the same spot at the end. On the plus side it is well written but fluff only takes you so far. At the end of the book I was reminded of the scene in the Monty Python's the Holy Grail, when the large group of people yell, "Get on with it!".
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the greatest fantasy ever ruined! Review: The shame of it is that, this is potentially the greatest fantasy series ever written, only to be ruined by the author's greed. This is a story that one MUST give up on. The torture of reading the last few books is far too much for me to handle. I was one of the biggest fans and have had to give up. What a shame. The story should have ended a book or two ago. Perhaps one day as an old man I'll read the last book in the series just to see how it ends. I will however give no more money to Jordan. What a travesty Jordan has committed here. From best to worst. Guiness Book of World Records should have a place for Mr. Jordan
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely horrible Review: People keep writing that this book is just a setup for the next in the series, and we shouldn't be so hard on it. Any serious author doesn't use an entire book as a mere prologue to the next book. That's a horrible way to write a series, and the main reason this series has gone down the drain. What could have been a great fantasy series has turned into pointless drivel. I could sum up this book completely in a page summary. It's come to that point where there is -zero- plot advancement, the redundancy has become unbearable, and Jordan's writing has gotten worse and worse. This series is dead. For a real fantasy series go pick up George R.R. Martin's 'Song of Ice and Fire' saga. Now that's a truely great fantasy story by an author who knows how to progress a series.
Rating:  Summary: please shoot me Review: i have read all of the books in this series, and this one was beyond sub-par. granted, the author is trying to work towards the end of the series, and this book was key in moving plotlines along, but it still was a tease, and a bad one, considering the book was released 2 months after the originally projected release date. i would recommend that if you really want to read it, wait until it comes out in paperback, or borrow it from a friend.
Rating:  Summary: Another maddening Robert Jordan Novel Review: Robert jordan, for the last several books in his Wheel of Time series, seems to be writing little more then filler. Very good filler, but filler just the same. Like so many others, I went out and bought it, and will probably go out and buy the next one. As said by several other brave souls who have reviewed this book, the plot doesn't seem to move as far forward as its size might imply. One major reason I picked up the book was to discover what had happened Nyneave and Rand after they cleansed Saidin. You find out only that they are both alive, very little else. In addition the other subplots, including the one involving Perrin's attempts to save his wife Faile from the clutches of the Shaido, and Mat trying to escape Seanchan controled lands, have yet to find any sort of resolution. Egwene leading the armies against the forces of Tar Valon, ended the novel in a rather unexpected, but no less maddening twist. However, there were some very good parts of the book as well. I quite enjoyed Elayne's continuing fight to claim the throne of Andor. I look forward to the next installment to see how that plotline terns out. Hopefully soon there will be some resolution to some of the plotlines.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads to Nowhere Review: Although I have thoroughly enjoyed this series since a friend turned me on to it, I am very much disappointed with this book. The plot was not developed further in any way. The characters were not further developed. Most frustrating of all was the complete absence of any action in the book! This, of course, is excluding the predicament Egwene finds herself in in the last few pages of the book. It seems that all of the characters and Jordan are taking a vacation from resolving any of the issues from the series. If you've not already bought this book, skip it and see what is said about the next installment a couple of years from now.
Rating:  Summary: Enough is Enough!!! Review: I can't believe that even a few people would write a 4 or 5 star review for this book. If you take the time read the positive reviews carefully, they're giving this book the "benefit of the doubt" simply because the first several volumes were good. And most of the 4 or 5 star reviews acknowledge that Crossroads of Twilight is insufferably boring, repetitive, sluggish and incredibly annoying! Please, let's be HONEST here. This is hands-down the worst fantasy book you'll ever shell out [$$] for. As a reader of all the previous Wheel of Time volumes, I can say for sure that this one is pure drivel, and it is quite disgusting the way loyal Wheel of Time readers are being treated by this author. I can't imagine what Mr. Jordan (or whatever his true name is) is doing for two years to turn out this quality of product. This current state of affairs is due to the author's greediness ("hmmm...I have a great idea, let's lengthen this series for cash and some more New York Times # 1 rankings"), or ego/pride ("forget my critics and the petty impatience of my readers, I'm going to do this my way or no way, even if it takes another 40 years!"). Personally, I feel like I have been conned. I would hope that the current situation will change with the next volume but I won't hold my breath. Count me among those WoT fans who will not buy the next hardcover. Furthermore, I will be sure to read the Amazon.com review first before purchasing the next volume, even from the bargain bin in paperback!
Rating:  Summary: Save your money and your time Review: I'll keep this brief, as opposed to the ponderous tome in review. You could completely skip this book and not miss anything. I give the book 2 stars only out of respect for the first 7 books that I felt were worth the time and money. Unfortunately I now, along with the rest of you, must wait who knows how long for the 11th book to be produced. Until then, I eagerly await George R R Martin's fourth book in the "Song of Fire and Ice" series.
Rating:  Summary: No action. No progress. Very disappointing Review: I have eagerly anticipated the release of this book and the opportunity to touch base with the characters and story line that I have been hooked on for years in the hopes that Mr. Jordan would take us back to the heart of the main story and get away from the trends of his recent volumes. However, I read the entire book only to find that NOTHING HAPPENS! This latest edition seems to revolve around the characters reacting to one another with none of the action or provocative events so richly portrayed in the earlier books. The story has lost all focus with new characters and situations begin introduced with no resolutions being offered to the ones that we have been so patiently following. There was a time I would have put Robert Jordan just below Tolkien, with Goodkind and the rest just copy cats of their style, but the last two efforts in the Wheel of Time are making me long for a new Sword of Truth release!