Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Twilight Review: This series which began with such hope and great writing has now come to a complete standstill. It appears that Mr. Jordan is now just throughing words on a page to describe everything in inane detail just for the money. I give up on it.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of boredom and frustration Review: What a bone-grinding halt to such an exciting (all beit falling off) series. Reading this book was like watching a soap opera. Plenty of detail and filler, but when you're done with it, you realize there was absolutely zero plot movement in the entire book. Can't believe Jordan can write 680 pages of material and describe nothing of consequence. I had read more than half the book until I got an update on the main character. Then guess what happened with him... That's right. Nothing. This series is quickly going from the best I've encountered to the most disappointing. Next time TOR and Jordan will have to earn my money with a few good customer reviews before I buy. Please quit selling me filler.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan is taking us all for a ride. Review: This is absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the worst book in the series. Nothing happens to propel the story forward or keep our interest. Nothing. It's the same old garbage. Endless discussions. Endlessly boring. One would have to suspect that Jordan is taking us all for a ride. Stringing us along to make money off of his loyal fans.It's pathetic. Truly pathetic. This is the last time I buy one of his books. I'm done with this series.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible waste of time and money Review: This book was the biggest disappointment I have ever read. After waiting eagerly for this book for so long I am disgusted by how big of a let down this book was. Why? Nothing Happens. Continuing the grand trend shown in the last several books in this series noting happens in this book, no major conflicts, no momentus events, nothing but talk abouty things we already know from previous books. There as so many different characters now, each getting one or 2 chapters devoted to them, that it will take several more books just to get one of them to walk to the grocery store. If you are really into story develpoment and dont mind nothing happening, by all means buy this book. But, if like me you enjoy to read an actual story, not just the setup for another book (which will probably be another setup for the next......), and want something to happen in a book skip this piece of trash!
Rating:  Summary: Like Molasses, Yet Not So Quick Review: Do we really need 300 pages of the boring fight for the Throne of Andor. I'm only 2/3's of the way though the book yet almost nothing has happened. Enough build-up! Build-up is, in fact, a bad choice of words; the passages have become a quagmire of side stories. The Last Battle has become a side note as Jordan milks this saga for every possible tedious detail. The first three books were good, then, like a lizard being chilled, the pace becomes achingly slow as events are replaced with every errant thought about the quality of the wool some dame is wearing. I force myself to read on because I'm in this deep, but please Senior Jordan; give some sign that there is a conclusion somewhere in the future. I'm sort of at the same point that I get when I fill up too quickly at an all-you-can-eat joint; my eight bucks are wasted if I don't keep stuffing myself. But at some point, when the belt has run short of notches, and any further eating will result in plugging up my esophagus, I must give up. Sometimes it seems that Jordan's purpose for writing is to create a catalogue of near unpronounceable names for dames who, after smoothing their skirts, tugging the corners of their shawl or braid, will probably never be mentioned again. Of course there are the Old Faithful-like scenes where one of the main characters is forced to be nude. --Chris Neuhahn
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Frustration Review: I've never written a review before but i knew half way through this book, which covers about two weeks WOT time, that I was going to. I think the first 6-7 books of this series are just terrific. But the continuing addition of new characters in each of the last three books,along with Mr. Jordan's elaborate descriptions of each characters clothing, meals etc. has almost brought the turning of the Wheel of Time to a stand still. It was a bit difficult to tell how much time elapsed in this book, but it couldn't have covered more than 3-4 weeks in 680 pages. I found myself skipping entire pages with nothing more than a glance because it was all flowing descritions not germain to the plot. I realize this is a world which Mr. Jordan has created, and he can do with it what he wishes, but I sincerely hope he listens to the people who purchase his books and picks up the pace in future WOT novels. I haven't decided if I will purchase Book 11 or not. I have reread the previous 9 several times, but there isn't much need to reread book 10 as there is so little advancement to the plot, which imho is a shame.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Twilight Review: Robert Jordan's last book has helped me in two areas. The first was to improve my speed reading; I only had to read every 10th page to understand the plot. Second was the security that I would be saving money in the future, this is the last time I will be duped into buying another one of his books. It's hard to understand how an author could start out so interesting and end up so boring. I wonder if money has anything to do with it?
Rating:  Summary: I knew the picture from the jacket was telling me something. Review: The first time I ever saw the author picture from the jacket of one of Jordan's books, I thought to myself: "Wow, what a self-important D&D dork".. (That being said let me say that for many many years I was a happy D&D dork.. just a phrase, not a perjorative).. He reminded me of the smug look George Lucas usually has.. The longer this series goes on the more convinced I am that I was correct. This book is utter garbage. It pains me to say that having tried hard to get people to read these series.. The first 3-4 books are some of the best I have ever read, in any genre. But this.. As you can tell, I'm at a loss.. The only way I can read this is at the gym on the bike (gives me a way to not ogle the women.. they resent that :P).. Jordan is obviously in love with hearing himself talk. I'm not sure who convinced him that we need to hear every little detail of the same contrived, shallow mannerisms of his characters over and over again.. Yes, we get it.. none of the men think they understand women.. Yes, we get it.. the women ALL think men are stupid and need to be looked after by them in their one-dimensional MargeSimpson hmph-ing clucking manner. I am going to have a hard time buying the next book.. I just want the series to hurry the f- up and be over.
Rating:  Summary: 600+ page teaser never delivers! Ugh! Review: The wasted pages of this book represent something only Tom Clancey could appreciate. Long-term readers of the series, like me, will be disappointed to learn that less than ten pages of this book advance any of the many significant story lines. Mr. Jordan, you owe it to your readers of many years to bring this story to a close, and not in a single book or the twentieth novel out of a series that was rumored to stop at twelve. Be warned! This book is boring. I enjoyed reading the character archives to refresh my memory more than I did this bland diatribe. One more book like this and I will give up the battle to see the series to an end.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Twilight Review: A waste of time!! Wasn't this series originally supposed to end with the 10th book? There is no good reason to drag this out. Jordan has lost the respect and appeal he gained with the earlier books in the series. Guess I'll reread Glen Cook's Black Co. series again(best ending ever!) and hope George R.R. Martin finishes A Feast for Crows soon. Boy, did he ever raise the bar with the Fire & Ice series!! Better to do it his way and take more time and deliver something that satisfies than the tripe Jordan has turned out the past couple of books.