Rating:  Summary: From bad to worse with no end in sight Review: The poet W.H. Auden, in his review of The Fellowship of The Ring on October 31, 1954, in The New York Times Book Review, stated, " No fiction I have read in the last five years has given me more joy than The Fellowship Of The Ring." That feeling was shared by many readers over the first four volumes of The Wheel Of Time series by Robert Jordan. As is evident by most readers comments, that feeling has turned to sadness and/or disgust by book 10, by which time it has become clearly evident that the desire to have a mediocre, but very profitable, enterprise, rather than a superior fantasy series, was the chosen course of the author. This choice has been met in reader's comments with great venom as each new volume proves the point. It is only a great love for the earlier books that brings forth such venom in being let down in the later series. To be fair to the writer, however, though forging interesting characters, his writing, particularly as to the difference in the sexes, has been pedestrian, at best, and often embarrassing, and his books will never be seriously reviewed, or be the subject of awards. They are, without doubt, serious moneymakers, as Crossroads opened as number one on the national bestseller list, and sells impressively to fans as they wait for new action. Jordan must be given credit for having taken an enjoyable series, which had a remarkably impressive start, and draining every last dollar from the book buying public with a seemingly interminable series, moving at a glacier pace, and which will undoubtedly continue as long as the market will allow. It was wise of him not to use his real name on these books. Simply do not support this level of writing, do not buy the book, and do not support this kind of poor effort. Follow the story to the end if it ever comes by going to the library. For well-written fantasy, read R.R. Martin.
Rating:  Summary: When is the story going to progress? Review: Like many, I get the feeling that Jordan is either stringing this out for all its worth or he has run dry. I cannot otherwise explain the unbelievably slow pace of the last four books. The content of this book could easily have been covered properly in two or three chapters - it did not require an entire book to cover the progress that was made (if any) in Crossroads. While I understand Jordan's political expertise, I do not want to be subjected to it except at my own choice. Can I suggest that Jordan concentrate a bit more on what his readers want rather than self-gratification. And could the publisher please take note of what the readers in ever-increasing numbers are saying !!
Rating:  Summary: I'm... well, I'm downright dissapointed!! Review: Don't get me wrong. I have become one of the many loyal readers enthralled with the Epic Adventure that places you right in the midst of the fantasy lives & events throughout the series. I've journeyed with thousands of others through every smile, every laugh & giggle, and even sometimes through a tear or two. But I almost couldn't wait until the end of the book, and I also skipped a few pages where the text just seemed to drag-on (no pun intended). To my astonishment there was not even a single battle that I was aware of, and I am VERY sad to say that CoT could EASILY have been left out altogether and not even missed!!! R.J. I hope the next book redeems you.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book but a little slow Review: Well, He has done it again. I have read the series twice now from book 1 to book 10. The books flow one into other very nicely. I think what most reviewers are missing here is that he needed to catch up the timelines between all the different groups(Mat, Elayne, Rand, Perrin,.... etc.) Yes this book was a little sluggish and I wish he would have tied up some loose ends that we all have been waiting for. BUT you all have to admint this man is a great writer. I only have one question...... WHAT THE CRAP IS WITH THE GHOSTS? Any Ideas.
Rating:  Summary: repetitive and dull Review: The quality of the first five books has kept me reading, but I cannot stomach it any more. Jordan is saying in 20 pages what he should be saying in one, and the story meanders on at an agonizingly slow pace. I can forgive a lot, but not being bored. A shame, the early books showed real promise.
Rating:  Summary: The story continues to drag on and on and on Review: RJ enters the Tor editors office. Editor: Sit down RJ, we need to discuss your latest Wheel of Time book, Crossroads of Twilight. RJ: Okay what would you like to discuss? Editor: Well, we didn't have time to read whole book. Please tell us what it is about. RJ: Nothing Editor: What do you mean nothing. What exciting things happen in the book? RJ: Not much of anything. Editor: Wait a second. You mean to tell me we have over 600 pages where nothing really happens. RJ: Well there is endless character development. I even included minor characters that really mean nothing to the story and don't enrich the experience at all. And I have lots of descriptions of clothes!! Editor: But why? RJ: Look, the first six books in the series were great. Since then, I figure it is time for me to coast along dragging it out as long as possible. Editor: But aren't you concerned about your readers..your loyal fans? RJ: Look, 5% of my readers will buy this book and enjoy it. After they are done, they'll resume their second favorite pastime, watching paint dry. The other 95% will buy it hoping that something finally will happen because surely I wouldn't continue on with nothing as I did with the last few books. (He chuckles). Hey, I am laughing all the way to the bank. Reel them in with the first few books and drag it on out with rest of the books. With each new book, less and less will happen and my public will still buy them. Light! They are so wool-headed! Editor: You are right and I will laugh all the way to the bank with you. Come on, let me buy you lunch.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: Really disappointing but not surprising. At the end of the book, the characters are all exactly where they were when the book started. Nothing really happened. No loose ends were tied up. Plenty of forgettable characters were introduced though (among a cast of thousands of others that are already too hard to keep up with). I expected this book to not carry the storyline a tremendous distance. I was disappointed it didn't carry it AT ALL. I'll never buy another Jordan book even if the next one was the grande finale. It's really a shame, the series started off extremely strong and it's clearly a world that would support multiple series either before, after or during the existing storyline. There's simply no excuse to keep dragging it on like this except to just milk the cash machine.
Rating:  Summary: Not up to Par Review: This is only a transition book that kicks the can down the road and does very little to help the story. You can skip it and not miss a beat - only worth the read if you are a TOTAL Jordan Junkie.
Rating:  Summary: Slogging through the crossroads Review: I enjoy Jordan's characters, and appreciate time spent with all the major characters, including Rand, Perrin, Mat, Egwene, Elayne, and Aviendha. However, characterization is only good up to a point; after that, action becomes imperative. Jordan seems to have missed this point. The first time he wrote a book where nothing happened, I said I wouldn't buy any more if it happened again. After reading Crossroads and seeing absolutely nothing resolved, I have finally given up on the series. I may read the rest after he finishes the series, assuming he ever actually does, but until then I'm not wasting my money.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This book delivers. Sure it only takes place over the course of a couple of days, but they're extremely significant days to the series. To anyone complaining about there not being enough Rand... they're forgetting that Mat and Perrin and ta'veren (who are linked with the Dragon Rebord) and just as important to the fate of Randland as Rand is. Perrin is dealing with one major thread (the Shaido nation) and Mat another (the Seanchan)... both of those have to be taken care of priot to Tarmon Gaidon. Bottom line: I couldn't put this book down. It was a page turner from start to finish. True fans of the series will see this book for what it is: one more excellent chapter in the WoT saga. People who like to ... and moan for no other reason than they have no lives outside of Internet message boards (I'm looking at anyone who rated this below 4-stars) should spend their money elsewhere.