Rating:  Summary: Ergh... Review: What the heck was Robert Jordan smoking?! Half the book is going over what exactly happened during a moment during the previous book. Only one new plotline is introduced. This could have been cut waaaaaaaaaay down and made into part of the previous book. Seriously, this is only recommended for utter WoT junkies. Wait for the paperback.
Rating:  Summary: the pits Review: If I could give this book a zero, I would have. It is incredible that Jordan could not conclude even one of several possible adventures, i.e. Matt and Tuon, Queen of Andor, battle for the White tower, etc. Instead, we are treated to insignificant snippets of the (now) zillion story threads. OK...I didn't expect the last battle. But I did expect something and got zip.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Happens Review: I like many others have been very patient in watching this series unfold. Unfortunately, my patience is at an end. Over 700 pages and nothing of importance happens. Rand doesn't even make an appearance until after 500 pages have been laboriously turned. Tolkien only needed three books to tell his amazing story while Jordan is on his 10th and counting with no end in sight. I hope Jordan actually reads some of these reviews and realizes how terribly disappointed his fans are. I will not buy another book. I will wait until Jordan has published the final books and take them out at the library. Jordan will not get another dime from me.
Rating:  Summary: Worst.....book....ever! Review: It makes me very sad to think about the WoT series now. It started out so incredible I remember telling people that I thought Jordan had the talent to surpass Tolkien. Oh how wrong I was. This series has consistently fallen into mediocrity, and with this latest attempt has actually become quite bad. I was pretty excited at the end of the previous book since I thought the series was finally going to be getting back on track. Again, oh how wrong I was. An advanced calculus text is way more stimulating than this book was. I normally take about a week to read a book of this size -- this particular book took me 3 months to trudge through. About the only good thing to say about it is that it's better than a glass of warm milk for putting you to sleep at night.CoT is a 100 page prologue to book 11 that was padded and stretched into a 680 page book. It's offensive to see how little respect Jordan has for his readers and his own series.
Rating:  Summary: A labor of love... Review: The only reason I still read this series is out of reverence for the greatness of the first three books in the series. It is quite simply a labor of love to read them. I don't enjoy doing it, but I feel like I owe it to the characters to check up on them. Well this 10th book has erased that feeling. The characters I loved are dead. RJ killed them. He smothered them in banal descriptions, trite quasi-emotions and hackneyed repetitive dialogue. I am no longer interested in what happens to them. Good books are about who feels the pain. Those are the characters that grab a reader. The character that is MOST effected by events...that most hurts is usually the most compelling. Which is why the best part of CoT was reading the reviews. That is where the hurt is. The people feeling the pain are the readers--not the characters.
Rating:  Summary: Enough already! Review: After a couple of books where nothing happened, there was an Event in Book 9. So I tried Book 10 in the hopes the story would start picking up again. My advice? Wait until the book appears in your local library. At least it'll be free, so you won't be wasting your money. You'll still be wasting your time though. This is a shame because I really enjoyed the first 5 of the Wheel of Time series. How things have fallen.
Rating:  Summary: Read it but don't expect too much Review: Eventhough I thought this could have been a post log to WH I still felt it was good. Not a waist of time because there are some key characters who are effected that you must know in order to continue with the story. The criticism is misguided. I hated waiting 2 years for just a setup book but it has not turned me away from the series. Definately no the best book in the series but still WAY worth reading. Only criticism I have is the way the women channelers are potrayed in this book. RJ makes them look like a bunch of morons which I don't believe they are. Oh well. On to book 11. Bring it on Jordan!!
Rating:  Summary: Why did the Publisher allow this release? Review: If only I had bought it as an audio book, then I'd have the cure for sleeplessness. Jordan has brought character development to a new length record. I'd hope he has the next volume (11) already in the "Can" to go out before xmas so the disappointed readers aren't lost forever. Wait for the next volume and you'll miss nothing!
Rating:  Summary: It's time to wrap up the show............................... Review: Jordan really had something...a vision, a storytelling ability unrivaled by most neo-fantasy authors, and a winning story line. Something has left the equation, not only in this book, but in the last four. Characters have been altered so much they don't even remotely resemble what we saw in the earlier volumes, the characters we all cared about and found so interesting (Matt is probably the biggest let down to-date). Before the entire series loses all that held it together, it is time to end it. I, like many others, will buy any new installments, not out of a dire curiousity and intense lust (such as with anticipated books from George RR Martin), but rather as a need to put to rest an epic size series that has cost us hundreds of dollars and hours of reading time. Enough setting, let's see some action! This book is must for fans of the Wheel of Time series, but isn't a lure to bring in new readers.
Rating:  Summary: Fool for paying for this book. Review: Now that I have read the book and have been utterly disappointed, I now wish I should have just waited and borrowed the book from the bloody library. I was a very die hard Jordan fan, but now I just feel that Jordan is squeezing as much money as he can from us with this series! All you die hard Jordan fans will disagree, but imagine waiting every two years since the beginning and end up reading this bloody balony of a book! Half of this book happened before the end of Winter's Heart! What's that about? He should have included that in that book instead! And about the great endings of the WOT books. What ending! There was no great ending! Cmon Jordan! Get your act together! Stop listening to your publishers to drag the book on to reap in the profits! pfffft! *thumbs down ten times over for this book*