Rating:  Summary: Very Disapointing Review: Mr. Jordan, if you read the reviews, please note the disapointments of you readers and change. I was a great fan of you and your series, but the books are geting thinner and slower. This way you will loose your fans for sure, Please change
Rating:  Summary: Is anything EVER going to Happen???? Review: Fortunately, I borrowed this book and didn't plop down the cash for it myself. This is an interminable journey that is going nowhere. Jordan obviously is depending upon this income source and is terrified of the end of the story.Absolutely nothing happens in this book. No resolutions of any situations, no battles, no character development - nothing. Furthermore, I'm becoming disturbed by Jordan's fascination with cleavage, spanking, and belt knives. I think he needs therapy. Even if you've already invested your time in the first nine books - don't bother with this one. If you're waiting to find out what happens I think you can safely skip this volume and not miss anything.
Rating:  Summary: Not worth the effort Review: I have never written a review before and I suspect this is redundant based on the sheer volume of negative reviews but I have to vent my spleen regardless. Like the vast majority, I'm sure, this series has been one the most engaging and entertaining fantasy epics I have ever read. The world is captivating, the characters engaging, etc., etc. Unfortunately, the good author is either afraid to finish or is greedy for our money. I hate to think the latter is true based on the sheer volume of books sold to date. This leaves me with a fear that has grown since book seven that he truly has no plan to finish this series. All you have to read is the prologue and epilogue (and perhaps the 4-5 pages prior to the epilogue). The rest is just tedious filler. It pains me to have invested so much time into this story to just get plowed over with this filler. Most tales have a line, "and after months of journeying, they arrived." This book tells you every tedious step only leaving out calls of nature. The worst part is that all of us have committed to reading the previous nine books and are compelled to invest in 700 pages of tree-killing wasted paper. I personally feel let down by the author and in unlikely event he reads any of these reviews, I hope he realizes how much he has taken advantage of his fans. PS: Go to the library if you feel you must read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Solid, but marred by a lack of plot development Review: I read the this 10th installment within days of its November 2002 release, and have now just recently gone through the mass of bad reviews written by so many readers. I have to agree to some point. I have enjoyed the WoT since first picking up the first book some 4 years ago. Where as I would have rated the first nine 4 to 5 stars, I find myself a little disappointed after the 10th. Still well written and still compelled, I for one am prepared to read two or three more novels, as long as the plot develops and moves on. For the first time in the series, it really doesn't. Jordan has some work to do in number 11 to rekindle that majic. Otherwise, this reader, like so many others will be rating the next even lower.
Rating:  Summary: Filler, pure 100% filler Review: If you're looking for a book with magic, action and adventure then keep looking. If you're interested in a book where women spend a lot of time either smoothing or twitching their skirts, being either red faced or stone faced then this is the book for you. Jordan peaked at book 3 and frankly anything after book 5 is not worth reading. If you're a Jordan fan then save your money and get it out of the library. If you're not a Jordan fan then don't bother reading this book because nothing happens. You can go from book 9 to book 11 without missing a thing. The only reason this book was 680 pages long instead of 60 was so Bob could bank another cheque instead of actually writing a true fantasy novel. This is not good fantasy don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Read Guy Gavriel Kay's "Fionavar Tapestry" trilogy instead.
Rating:  Summary: Only slogged through the first 125 page Review: So many new character. So little action. The first book captured me, as did many others. I gave this volume away to a friend who made it through 25 more pages than I did before throwing it across the room in a fit of exasperation Don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: A very uneven series Review: Some of the novels in WoT series have been excellent. Others seem not only to lack pace, but to lack any plot development. Sadly CoT falls into the latter category. This came as a geat disappointment following on the heals of installment #9, which seemed to regain some of the momementum lost in the previous novels. One wonders if Jordan must pause to figure out where things are all going, and while he does so, churns out lemons like CoT?
Rating:  Summary: The Wheel of Time Dithers Review: Although the previous three books meandered to a degree, putting off action and reasonable directions for the characters and the story line,they at least continued to flesh out the characters and subplots in a reasonably efficient manner. While I finished Crossroads of Twilight,it was difficult to do so as the first two-thirds seemed to interminably describe and redescribe the same characters. It took 500 pages to reveal that the column of fire to the west was Rand's cleansing of the taint from male wielders of the power and destruction of Shadar Logoth, that had taken place in the previous book. The end of the wait for this volume was disappointing. Mr. Jordan needs to return to the crispness and quality of the first four books of this series and to finish the story.
Rating:  Summary: Who are these characters? Review: After swimming through all of these reviews, I had to make my own comment. I started this series when it first came out, and have re-read it twice to refresh my memory for the new releases. All I can say is that book 11 is the only one I did not yet buy, instead borrowing it from the library, and am glad I did. Why is RJ compelled to re-introduce characters we weren't interested in the first time? I find myself going to the glossary trying to remember them, only to find an obscure geographical name that no one cares about. I guess I need to tug on my braid, smooth my dress, and skim past these sections. Who cares about every noble in Andor? Not me. I want to read about the characters that kept me interested these long years. Please, Mr. Jordan, finish the story!
Rating:  Summary: The Wheel of Time Moves Slowly Review: I have been following "The Wheel of Time" series over the years. I have really enjoyed the series until the last few books, and this book the "Crossroads of Twilight" has been my biggest disappointment yet. After reading the 672 pages, I conclude that I am growing very weary of pages upon pages of two line descriptions of differing Aes Sedai glaring at each other. I have also lost interest in the many paragraphs of detail going into the lack of weevil infested food Egwene is consuming, and with the lengthy descriptions of the embroidery on the characters clothing. The positive points of the story for me were the chapters involving Mat and Tuon's growing relationship and the chapter where Alviarin is marked. I will continue reading the series because I feel so invested in the characters and do very much want to read the outcome of this story. My wish is for "The Wheel of Time" to turn a little faster, and to keep with the pacing set in the first few books of this series.