Rating:  Summary: BORING Review: I read maybe the first 100 pages and then I skipped to the last like 20 pages. And you know what? NOTHING HAPPENED in between. The plot has not moved at all since the 8th book. I really don't understand how an 800 paged book can have absolutly nothing happening. When is this series going to end? I am going to stupidly read the next book because I want to find out what happens but if the 11th book is like the 10th I can read a synoposis or a few pages and find out exactly what happened. I can not even put my frustration into words. If you take my advice don't waste your time and read the book. Just skip to the 11th book and you won't be lost at all.
Rating:  Summary: For Shame Review: In my opinion, anyone who gives this book a positive review is in the pay of the author or Tor, a close friend of Jordan, or doesn't know good fantasy/sci-fi when he or she reads it. This book is absolutely the worse sequel that I have ever read. Jordan is just making the story more complex and prolonged without adding anything of value. I would start to question whether the same man who started this series is still involved. If he is, then, he just doesn't care about us any more. All involved in this series should be ashamed of themselves. At least Wurtz said she was sorry when one of her hardbound books was made into two paperbacks. Jordan hasn't said anything about why he is doing this to those who have been loyal to him for years. Well, I am getting off this merry-go-round right now. I am not buying another book in this series, and I invite anyone who cares about the integrity of the genre to do the same.
Rating:  Summary: Stick a thousand needles in my eyes! Review: Blah blah blah BORING! No plot or action and I had to force myself to finish it. Jordan is such an excellent writer but I'm not sure what happened with this last book. I'm not sure I will even try to read the next book--if there is one.
Rating:  Summary: A huge disappointment Review: Nothing happens. There are hundreds of pages of filler. I have enjoyed the first 9 books very much, even though most of them switched stories too often.
Rating:  Summary: Please don't buy this book Review: OK, I admit that I truely enjoyed the first 4 books of this series. Then books 5-7 slowed down, but were still good books that advanced the overall plot. However the last 3 books have been terrible. Each one is over 500 pages and yet the entire plot advancement is on 20 pages scattered through out the book. I am also holding TOR responsible for stealing several hours of my time that I will never get back. Evidently TOR does not use editors at all on Robert Jordan's books. I can not imagine how any editor thought that a book with more pages devoted to describing the temperature of spiced wine, than pages devoted to actual plot development was a good idea. How can you defend writing entire pages describing in painfully exact detail the jewelry, clothing(right down to the quality of material), hair color, hair style, even the foot wear of some Aiel Wiseone who speaks 2 sentences in the entire book. So now I am left with a question regarding R. Jordan. Is this book so slow and overly discriptive because ,,,, A. R.J. is trying to milk it for every penny he can so he needs to drag it out as long as people are still buying the books. B. R.J. is so impressed with his ability to spend 2 pages describing the color a dog's hair that he feels the need to share that with everyone (I call this Stephen King Syndrome) C. R.J. has lost the plot line and is now trying to cover that up by adding hundreds of pages of nothing.Please, do yourself a favor and do not buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Twilight- Waste of Time Review: I have to agree that this book is a big waste of time. It should become the classical example of the word "filler". This unfortunatly makes me think that the author is just in it for the money. I liked the story line so far but always found the constant descriptions of how much lace and embroidery was on the "bodice" of dozens of dresses a bit much. Crossroads of Twilight is a whole book of this sort of thing but with no real story line development. What a fool I was to buy this in hardcover. Wait until this hardcover is on the bargain books table. It shouldn't be long now.
Rating:  Summary: The Franchise of Mambo Jumbo goes on.. Review: This series is geting worse and worse. Indeed, this is the first book in a very long time that I didn't even finish, inspite having invested countless hours reasing the first nine (or was it 10?) books of the WOT. Somehow, Robert Jordan manages to fill almost 700 pages with ... nothing. I have lost track of the characters about two-three books ago anyway, but now I found myself having trouble following the story altogether. I mean, there must be over 4,000-5,000 "wizards" in these novels, plus a dozen kings (plus their queens) and at least 200 supporting characters. They have been travelling around their little continent for almost two years, jumping from place to place through portals, gateways and alternate universes, shuffling their groups comtiniously. At the same time, all the villains that were killed in earlier books have been reincarnated under different personas (sometime under different sexes altogether!) while a few new ones, using an even "evil-er" type of evil have also appeared. Robert Jordan keeps inventing the most ridiculous plot "twists" to shuffle all this even further and produce yet another meaningless 700 pages every year. Everyone is plotting against everyone else, no one trust anyone else, entire armies are dislocated and ending up guarding or attacking the wrong kingdoms, at least two queens that I recall have been dethroned and are being help captive by unwitting savages, just a bout every person alive can "channel" and at least four of five distinct factions have formed among them. What a joke! PLEASE, do not waste your money on this.... Ther are a lot of good books out there.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan is milking it!!! Review: The last three books of this series have seemed like 1 hour episodes from a tv series!! Like 3 things happened in 700 pages!!It was an easy read and really annoying waste of time. You can skip over this book and you will miss practically nothing. I dont know if I'm going to even bother reading any more of Jordan's books until he finishes the series. Because it seems to me that he'll die off before he gets the chance!!! -irritated reader
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: The biggest disappointment in WOT series. If you have not read it, then don't.If you still want to read it then go to a book store, read the last flap and that's just what the whole book is about.Nothing happens here, the characters just go on musing, thinking and Jorden goes on descibing the weather.It was the first book of the series in which I skipped pages after pages then got bored even doing that and just read the last chapter to know if anything happens. It doesn't.The book is like an illogical movie you are watching and wondering how did this happen, how did that happen? The earlier well built characters start behaving "uncharacterstically", including Rand..... I have learned one thing by this book. I will not buy the 11th book without reading the reviews.
Rating:  Summary: Where's Rand??? Review: Where's Rand??? Almost 700 pages and Rand is only on 17 of them. Jordan has abandoned the story and did not resolve a single issue. Unless, it's that Aes Sedai need to be frequently birched. This book is a MAJOR disappointment and is so filled with grammatical and typographical errors that it's distracting. Mr. Jordan, please go back to true storytelling and editors, do your job. Otherwise, this is a cash cow that may be sent out to pasture.