Rating:  Summary: Not worth reading Review: The same characters - zero plot development - yet it's hundreds of pages and costs as much as a real novel. I've been ripped off by the last three books, and I'm to the point of being angry and ashamed that I bought this.
Rating:  Summary: Inability to believe the things I read... Review: As a fervent reader of the Jordan world, I find it hard to believe that so many people could complain so incessantly about each and every novel. If the book isn't any good, then don't read the next one stupid. Every person who complains should not be allowed to continue to post reviews. Yes, your right, Jordan covers too much of peoples clothing, and actions, and feeling, etc. Why do you think that is? Hmm, if I had a feeling that someone were going to make a movie about all these novels (Lord of the Rings anyone!), I would try my damnest to set the scene for every event so that the person making the movie wouldn't screw it up. I mean, c'mon how many fantasy books into movies have you seen and noticed that they forgot to put something in it? Several, I'm sure. Yes, you are right once again, Jordan does seem to take alot of time and use up alot of pages. That's because in the setting he's put you in, people don't have cars, cell phones, airplanes, precices guided missles, or the internet. It's a tride and true fantasy novel. With realistic scenarios and equipment. Not everything you do in life happens overnight. If it does, then you must be a god or something. Meetings don't take 2 seconds to finish, nor do wars take 5 minutes. So, if you are a new reader to the Jordan series and don't like the concept of historic and physical realism tide in with some fantasy concepts, then these books aren't for you. As you can see, some people who still complain can't seem to put them down. So, all in all, Jordan must not be doing to bad of a job.
Rating:  Summary: Was a fan. Review: I used to wait on pins and needles for Jordan's next book. Then he started taking more than a year for each one. This last one took longer and has almost no forward movement in it.I didn't buy this book immediately because of the price, ... I checked it out from the library and ended up skimming at least 85% of it. When #11 comes out, probably in 3 years, I will simply check Crossroads out again and give it a closer read. ...
Rating:  Summary: Bored to Tears Review: The last 4 books in the Wheel of Time series have been so boring I'm ashamed to admit I read them. CoT is probably the worst. It's impossible for this series to return to the lofty heights of the first few books, but now I am concerned that Mr. Jordan is afraid or unable to finish the series at all. He goes on and on. Nothing of any consequence happens. Avoid this series like the plague. I want to know what happens--if anything else ever does happen--so I'll probably finish it and give Mr. Jordan and his publisher more of my money. I wouldn't wish my fate on any other living person.
Rating:  Summary: Going Nowhere Fast Review: The 10th book in the Wheel of Time series...you would think that by book 10, something would happen. Well, like the previous reviews have stated, nothing happens. I take that back. Fists are made, dresses are smoothed, braids get tugged, etc. Actually, it's on par with book 9 ("Winter's Heart"). It seems to me that Jordan needed something for filler between books so, he wrote "Crossroads of Twilight." The entire book could've been summarized in 1-2 chapters in a different book. So, it could've been book 10 still, but it would really be book 11 with book 10 as the first couple of chapters. Oh well.
Rating:  Summary: impatient reader, ZERO STARS Review: Mr. Jordan, I hope you at least peruse these reviews because the WOT series has crashed like the stock market, book 10 has burst the bubble. I just finished it yesterday and it was so uninteresting. We really don't need to know the names of every character in the room in any particular meeting or whatever, those pages could be used for killing off some of those extraneous factions or getting more countries in line. It has become convoluted with all the side plot twists, there's so much going on that it will be difficult to tie up into everyone getting ready for tarmon gai'don, which should be a book in itself since it's supposed to be an epic battle. I'd hate for someone else to be finishing this series or for it to just be abandoned. I hope to see the next book out within a year, six months would be better. And, either get things going towards the end or start killing characters off without bringing them back so the plot can progress.
Rating:  Summary: I give up Review: I always thought of WOT as not an especially great series, but a good one at least. I have never really liked any of the characters, they are all mistrustful and arrogant which gets very annoying, and the descriptions are needlessly long and superfluous which gets very boring. What I have liked about the series is the world Jordan has created and the politics. I enjoy the machinations of the characters, if not the characters themselves. Jordan sets up interesting conflicts between characters even if they never seem to get resloved. In any case, with all the things I didn't like about WOT, I still found the first nine books of the series interesting enough to keep reading it. Even in previous books like Path of Daggers which many have panned because nothing happened to advance the plot, I didn't mind because still enough interesting stuff happened between the characters. That is not so with Crossroads Of Twilight. With this book I have given up on the series. It is totally unnecessary. When people say nothing happens in this book, they mean NOTHING HAPPENS. All you have are the endless boring descriptions and the thoughts of annoying characters. No plot advancement, no interesting conflicts, no resolutions, nothing. Maybe I'll pick up this series again once it's finished (if I haven't grown old and died by then) but for now, I am done with WOT.
Rating:  Summary: Review of reviews Review: I once loved Wheel of Time. But around book 6 or 7, it became clear that Jordan has stopped telling a story. I haven't bothered to read more than the (90 page!) prologue of this one and leaf through the rest... bookstores are good for browsing. From the many angry reviews here, I can see that book 10 does not restart the story any more than book 8 or 9 did. So - if you MUST read it, wait for a used paperback copy to show up. I'm going to skip the next ten WoT books.
Rating:  Summary: I want my money back Review: How can it be that the same author that wrote the first four excellent books of this series produced this drivel? Not a single thing happened. I kept on reading thinking that something significant was going to happen in the following chapter but it never did. I will read his next book because I have invested so much time in the first ten books, however I am certainly not holding my breath for its release. I can only hope that Mr Jordan takes note of what his fans are saying and makes the next book a lot more exciting.
Rating:  Summary: And...nothing happened Review: I just wnat everyone to know nothing worth reading happens in this book. There are two or three small details that you will figure out in the next book and you won't have to read 800 pages of filler to find it out.