Rating:  Summary: A poor tapestry of a story Review: Mr Jordan ought to be ashamed of himself. This book (only in the sense that it contains words on paper)does absolutely nothing to move the story. At this rate Rand doesn't have to worry about fighting the Dark Lord in the final battle, he will be dead of boredom. Don't buy this book! Go to the library borrow the book and read evry 50th page, you won't miss a thing. I would suggest to Mr. Jordan that if this his what he has left, do us all a favor and wrap up the story in an article in Reader's Digest. We can read the end while sitting in the bathroom. Fiiting description for what he has written.
Rating:  Summary: Lacking but neccesary Review: Although I have to admit that I was disappointed with this book because of it's lack of any real adventure, I can see why Jordan wrote it the way it is. This book is linking the lives of the characters that have been scattered so that readers can follow more clearly. Although I wanted and was expecting some sort of important event to occur, in truth that would just be giving us a plot line instead of telling the story with skill.This book leaves a lot of loose ends that need to be tied and therefore the next book will surely make up for what this one lacks. Also Jordan's writing ability is also amazing and deserves credit in itself.
Rating:  Summary: Too Long Review: This series is geeting ridiculous. Nothing occured in this book or in the one before it for that matter. Jordan needs to wrap things up in his next book.
Rating:  Summary: the molasses series Review: It is hard to critique anything that Jordan has done, because even when the pace of his books is crawling he still writes interesting stories, sound plot points and believable characters. That said, I feel that I also must echo what the majority of his fandom believes; things are slipping from bad to worse. After reading the last four books, one gets the sense that one of two things is happening: either he is losing control of the stories and finds himself unable to wrap things up, or he is milking his readership. I am an optimist so I will choose the premier. Is this book, Jordan has done everything possible to take the reader out of the story. Most of the action scenes are related in a quasi flashback daguerrotype. But the most frustrating thing is that the story seems to have stalled out. Jordan has insisted with regards to his stories and characters "that he is an old testament god, with his finger firmly on his characters." Well, Jehovah, could you please get going! Readers disappointed with the slow pace of other books in the series would be better advised to wait until this comes out in paperback. Worth reading only for a few minimal scenes. This was rock bottom; things can only get better!
Rating:  Summary: Slow, Slow, Slow! Review: Like everyone else, I was hoping the story was actually gonna go somewhere with this book. After two years and countless other books in-between, I found it very difficult to remember (or even care about) the endless non-main characters. Flip, flip, flip...no Rand. Flip, flip, flip...still no Rand. Flip, flip - oh wait, here's Egwene...flip - gone! Yes, yes men are woolheads and women are to be feared - I got that six books ago. Now how about some plot?
Rating:  Summary: Who's editing these books? Review: I agree with most of the reviewers who feel that while I love the story and the characters, the last few installments have lost momentum. However, my major beef is with the editors of this book (and for that matter, book 9 as well). Who is editing these books? Granted, these are mammoth tomes, and it would be impossible to catch every minor grammatical error. But when I seem to find at least one error every few pages, it makes me question the thoroughness of the process. Hey, if the publisher needs some freelance editing help, let me know....
Rating:  Summary: Inexcusable Review: The title of my review sums it up. There is simply no excuse for this, period. The only thing approaching a viable excuse is that book 10 has been "setup" for something else, which every review over 1 star seems to harp upon. Book 9 was setup. And book 8. And book 7. That's several thousand pages of setup. Which is, as I said, inexcusable. Books used for setup should not be permitted, end of story. (Assuming this is even "setup" to begin with, which is quite a stretch.) Prologues are for setup. Chapters are for setup. Novels are not used for setup, let alone two or three of them in a row. Some people claim book 9 somehow moved the plot, but that's only in comparison to the rest of this tedious nightmare. Wheel of Time was my obsession and love for almost ten years. I read every book four times. Now it's time to burn them all.
Rating:  Summary: halfway through and no Al'thor Review: Usually i can read for hours on end....but with this book i just get bored. I don't care whats happening with Elayne or Perrin. Yet I read about Perrin worrying about his wife and Elayne taking a bath for pages and pages. All I want to read about is Mat and Rand. I find myself looking through the pages ahead to see how long there is until i get to the good stuff. The book needs more excitement.
Rating:  Summary: Just Because Review: To be honest, I have little to say that some of the other reviews I read haven't already said, but because I feel completely bamboozled out of my hard-earned dollars, I wish to vent. This book is such a complete and total waste of time that I can only feel sorry for those of us who have stuck with this increasingly moribund series. How foolish to think that things were going to be different just because something finally happened at the end of the last one. This is by far the worse of the series, and if for any reason some innocent soul is thinking about starting to read this series, for God's sake save that person hours of unnecessary torment. The worse is I'm committed to reading the rest of this having invested this much time, but like others I vow to give no more money to Jordan, and I shall continue to think to myself, "Ah, this is how NOT to move a plot along." If you want intricate fanstasy plots that move quickly, I suggest everyone read Guy Gavriel Kay immediately.
Rating:  Summary: Have You No Shame? Review: I've been a loyal reader through the (seldomly) thick and (mostly) thin. This book is almost the last straw. I'm going to wait for paperback for the next one. This book takes place practically in negative time compared to the previous installment. Jordan needs to take a page from some other authors....and finish his damn series, already!!