Rating:  Summary: Milkin it Review: From an author with an original style of writing comes a book that fails to produce anything new. Boring.... I've bought the last two books hard cover because I though he'd be out of his slump, but no more drivel, next time I'll wait and maybe just get it at the library. I don't mind that the series continues on but it realy needs to focus on the main characters not get sidetracked and drop some background characters that no one gives a sheet about!
Rating:  Summary: People are children and they are silly Review: In an age when detail is overlooked I welcome a "glacially" paced novel. At this rate, though, I could read a novel 'til I die, but I would die happy. The rest of you nay sayers are just showing that childish behavior Jordan illustrates so well. Go chew yourselves.
Rating:  Summary: A great book!! (if you need help getting to sleep) Review: The first book in this series is the one that introduced me to the fantasy genre. I liked it so much I did something that I've only rarely done - read the first seven books of the series back-to-back. Then, something happened - nothing! Books 8, 9 and now 10 have moved way too slowly to keep me interested. There are so many characters that have seemingly minimal importance to the plot that I don't remember who they are when the new books come out. Worse yet, I no longer care to page back through the earlier books to find out who they are. If I wanted to read about the horrors of drinking tea or not being able to drink wine because of pregnancy I'd read a Redbook magazine or something...
Rating:  Summary: I'll wait for the last book in the series..... Review: I've read the series up to Winters Heart, and even bought Winters Heart (a year ago) but have not read it. I just could not bring myself to read another one of Jordan's book with _no_ character development and the same ole cardboard sterotypes. Too bad because I did enjoy the first few books of the series. This looks like one of those series where, if you read the first book, and the last book, you get the entire story. I browsed the book at the bookstore and decided not to buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Do not give up Review: While I realize that the last couple of novels in this series have all been set up, after reading this one the only thing I can say to the fans of Jordan is DO NOT GIVE UP. I honestly believe if the fast pace of the first four or five books was kept up, this would be the last book in this series. I personally do not want it to end. I love the quality of Jordan's writing, I find it very easy to lose myself in a world that is very clearly described in great detail. I feel that the reason that the first books went so fast is the time was devoted to rapid growth of the characters over a short period of time. Now the concept is to build up to the last battle. I feel that there are still some surprises left, but the characters are developed and it will be difficult to see them grow any more, they will only be able to take control of their destinies. All in all I think it was a great book and once again to all of the people who enjoyed the books so far, DO NOT GIVE UP.
Rating:  Summary: Wasted Paper Review: I have been an avid fan of the series for years (feels like decades). I bought this book anticipating the best. I am disappointed. This book doesn't even really pick up where the last one left off. More to the point, it describes the event from another characters aspect and location around the time Rand cleanses the source of the taint. It does proceed forward a little, but not by much. This whole book could have been summarized at the beginning of each chapter related to the character involved. This was a huge waste of paper and time. I will continue to buy the books and read them, because I am too far in to not know how it ends, but give the public some credit. People will stop buying the books if you don't keep them interested. This book was not interesting at all, and rather boring.
Rating:  Summary: cognitive dissonance Review: Unfortunately, cognitive dissonance forces me to rationalize reading the remaining forthcoming WOT books: I've read 10, so I guess I have to read the rest. However, it will not force me to pay high hardcover prices - I will wait for paperback or the library to read the next installment. As indicated in many of the other reviews here, the first 6-7 books maintained an attention-grabbing pace, although it had become difficult by book 5 or 6 to keep track of the substantial number of characters and plot lines. I reread the previous books once to catch back up, but with 10 books, I don't think I can spare the time (or have the interest for books 7-10) to do so again. The quality of the writing is still OK, but there are so many characters, plot lines, and colors of silk to make dresses that it is difficult to recall what has happend to/in each. If I wanted to know extreme details of medieval dress, I would probably find books on that subject, not read the WOT. Hopefully, the pace will pick up in the next book and some of these plot lines will be resolved. I am quickly (or slowly, if you go by the pace of the books) losing interest in what began as an excellent series. Almost 700 pages of medieval fashion design and essentially no plot resolution, character development, or interesting events...I don't think so.
Rating:  Summary: Will this ever end???? Review: I have lost all respect for Robert Jordan with this beast of a book. It is as ponderous and slow moving as an entire Army of Trollocs. What happened to the characters in the 1st 3 Books? There are so many sub-plots and new characters that I no longer care, nor know what happened to Rand. Jordan has done nothing other than to drag out a series that could have ended in 4-5 books of this length. How much more money do you need to make before enough is enough Mr. Jordan? I will buy no more. I fell for the trap after book 5 but will not do so again. DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK! SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR GEORGE R.R. MARTIN'S OR TERRY GOODKIND'S NEW BOOKS.
Rating:  Summary: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha , ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Review: I thought the first book of the series was really stupid. Jordan can't write. So, I was very surprised when people started comparing him to Tolkien. How can you compare a very stupid series (WoT) to the best fantasy series ever (LotR)? So, I would like to say to fans of Jordan who loved The Wheel of Time : YOU ARE SO STUPID. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....
Rating:  Summary: Jordan's literary laxative Review: You'd have to try really hard at this point to write a bad WOT book. Think about it ! How many threads has Jordan started that his readers would love to see resolved. The tower conflicts (white & black), the Seachen conflict (why can't this be covered in one book ?), the Aile, the forsaken, will the song be found again ? and on and on. What do we get instead ? Jordan writes about tea and how to wash silk and extremely boring political intrigue that has nothing to do with the major plots he established in the previous 9 books. I just don't get it. If you write down all of the things he could have written about, its almost as if Jordan purposely picked the most boring possible. Why would he do this ? I think that Jordan is like a miser. Not a money miser but a WOT puzzle miser. I can see him sitting at home: "I'm not going to let them know who killed Asmoden, he he he. I'll tell them RAFO to that, he he he. RAFO, RAFO RAFO. I'm not going to explain why Mat has to give up half the light of the world, he he he. I'll tell the RAFO to that, he he he. RAFO, RAFO RAFO. Perin and the broken crown ? he he he. RAFO, RAFO, RAFO ..... I'll write about weevils, he he he and then I'll have a tea party he he he. RAFO, RAFO, RAFO. I write for myself, he he he. I know the last chapter, he he he. They want to know my precious , my precious answers, he he he . Wait, that was LOR, he he he. Well, I've ripped Tolken off before .... RAFO, RAFO, RAFO". Note - I know I probably misspelled many of the names above, but I'm not going to open this literary laxative to find the correct spelling .....