Rating:  Summary: /.lkjhgfdsa Review: Crossroads of Twilight is not the bes tbook int the series in the least. I thought that it was ok, but not all that great. Rober Jordan should finish this series up, it's being dragged out too much. It took too long for me to finish this book. i oculdn't really get into it very much. I'm goin to finish the series, but if the rest of the bookds are like this it is going to be very slow in comeing. Not very much action, alot of talking about where or what everybody is planing to do. I really do hope that the next book in the series is better than this one.
Rating:  Summary: Is there a more boring book out there? Review: To anyone who hasn't read this book, and is a Jordan fan : save your time and money, just wait for the next book. nothing happens in this book. Read it only if you have sleeping problems. Five pages before bedtime, and you are out cold for the night. This book should have been minimized to a couple of chapters in the series, not turned into a full novel. Mr. Jordan has failed spectacularly with this book. Maybe the next one will be better ( nah...).
Rating:  Summary: Waste of Time Review: The Wheel of Time has become the Waste of Time. I have been a complete fan of Jordan's books - waiting breathlessly for them to be released. I intentionally saved this book to read as my reward for completing my graduate degree (and finally having the time to read). Boy was I disappointed. Jordan has taken this story line and made it so convoluted it is practically impossible to follow the plot. The foreward momentum seems to have stopped, and with all of the time bewteen books - you very nearly have to re-read the series just to figure out what is happening. While I will not abandon this series entirely - I will not purchase another book until the series is complete. Then I will wait to see how it ends before deciding to purchase. At least you can read this free from the library - because unless things change - it is unlikely Jordan will get another dollar of my hard-earned money.
Rating:  Summary: Good Plot for a Mature Reader. Review: Thick with plot and hope for the next book. It does not have the hack and slash that the average reader looks for in a book but it does a great job of playing the literary anti-climax of Winters Heart. This book takes the series to the next level which no action scene could. It doesn't answer any questions but sets up the next two or three books. If you are into hack and slash then you will not like this book. If you want to stop and find out who is where in the series then you will enjoy this book. Not even if it takes another 14 years for the series to be complete I will get each book on the first day!
Rating:  Summary: Robbed! Robbed I tell ya! Review: I was out of work on disability this summer with a back injury that kept me in bed for weeks. After reading everything in the house, I was thrilled that book 10 was here and that it was so many pages since I had so much time on my hands. $40 and days later I ended the book feeling totally violated. Robert Jordan has truly reached a new low. If I had turned a piece of crap like this to a creative writing professor I would still be reeling from the hit to my GPA. This is truly the worse piece of fantasy fiction I have had the displeasure of slogging through. I mean, did he even READ this book? Clearly the editor didn't. RJ has become another bitter hack milking his cash cow for all its worth. After reading the review about his behavior at the book signing, its clear he's another Stephen King. What used to be his passion has become a chore. He resents the job and now the fans as well. Well, Mr. Jordan, here is one fan you won't have to worry about anymore.
Rating:  Summary: Ummmm.... Review: Forget about the reviews helping me. Lets talk about helping Mr. Jordan. My advice? MAKE... SOMETHING... HAPPEN!!!! PLEEEASE!! For the love of God, if I have to wade through another novel where absolutely nothing exciting happens, I'm just going to start writing my own Wheel of Time novels. I think I'll start by reducing the number of proper names in the book from, like, A BILLION, to a more manageable number like, say, six. And I'll give them easy names like Bob or Mary. Oh, and I'll also remember to make the names vastly different instead of having three characters named Bob, Baub, And Borb. I swear, I spent the whole novel just trying to remember who the hell everyone was because the last one I read was during the Carter administration. Seriously, the first six books, were awesome, but I'm starting to wonder if even Robert knows where this series is going. After "Crossroads" I'm guessing no where.
Rating:  Summary: Lord Almighty Review: Remember after Dumai's Wells: "Bend Knee before the Lord Dragon"? how the man escaped from the box ... I had a chest full of fire on my way to the three on three tournament after finishing that book. Word is bond.. Or how about when the girls first started running through the dream world and spying that witch Moghedien where ever they went. Then good ol Birgitte showed up with the hunchback. Those were the days. When callandor was snatched by a band of Aiel and Matt saved a bunch of pissy Aes Sedai. And Rhuidean. The horn and the battle in the sky. Man I thought Ishmael was the dark one for the longest time. he was cool. But I can't stand the women anymore. I haven't met too many women who glare and smooth random fabric, but if I did, I'd beat them to the ground and get arrested -- howling all the way that Jordan made me do it.
Rating:  Summary: Worst book in the series. Review: I was 15 when I first started reading the "Wheel of Time Series" and I fell in love with the books and the characters. But little did I know that nearly 12 years later, I would still be reading the series and now hating it. Jordan is an amazing author who's attention to detail made me fall in love with the first few books, but now it's getting ridiculous. Nothing happened in this book! It was worthless and pure boredom. There was no point in having this book in the series. It still leaves me with questions and I'm still left confused and wondering what is going on. It doesn't help that Jordan waits over 2 years to publish each book now either. By the time the next book comes out, I've forgotten so many of the characters and it doesn't help that he introduces so many more new characters in each book either. I find myself thinking who is he/she and what does she have to do with anything? I thought I would love this book because Mat has always been my favorite and I have waited for him to meet the Dauther of the Nine Moons for a long time now, but even that story line didn't keep my interest. I forced myself to read it only because I paid money for the book. Whereas when I read "Eye of the World" 12 years ago, I finished it in 2 days. I think I'm definitely done with Jordan for now. When he finishes the last book in 10 years or so, I may pick it up from the library to read the last chapter because I have a feeling he won't answer any of my questions in any of the other books til then. He writing is now long and drawn out and the description that I once loved now seems useless. I wonder if he gets paid by word? I know I for one feel that this book was a waste of money and don't plan on buying any of the rest of his books.
Rating:  Summary: Children Running Amok in the Review Section Review: As the other 1500+ reviewers have indicated, this book is only for those die-hard fans who think that anything RJ writes is fantastic. This is only for those who think that they owe some loyalty to a writer who hasn't moved his plot lines along for several YEARS, or for those who think that anyone who disagrees with them "must not appreciate good fiction," "must not understand Jordan," have "short attention spans," or (my favorite) must not "have a brain." Obviously these reviews were by children with low standards (or adults who pride themselves on their Klingon). If you look at the majority of adult reviews, they clearly indicate that this book is, in fact, awful. It's much worse than the two before it, though it's pretty close. Again, if you are the kind of die-hard fan who defends drivel just because they can't stand to see their hero criticized, then read away. If you have higher standards--plot, believable characters, characters who don't all act in the same (stupid) way, original ideas (don't get me started)--then jump ship and read something else.
Rating:  Summary: get a brain Review: This book is actually only worth four Stars but a gave it five because every other person who rated it did it wrong. I have read every book in this series 7 times, and I spend all my time reading. This is my favorite series out of all of them (I have a whole library full of fantasy). This may have no ending but it still has a rich plot and strong characters. There is still one huge plot change in the book.(: I would definitely recomend this to any person who can read. (: